MVŠO 113001 Business Economics and Management
Název anglicky: Business Economics and Management
bakalářský prezenční jednooborový, vyučovací jazyk: angličtina angličtina
Zahrnut v programu: MVŠO 1130 Economics and Management

Informace o studiu

  • Součásti SZZ a jejich obsah
    1. Economics and Law
    1.1. Microeconomics
    1.2. Macroeconomics
    1.3. Law

    2. Business Economics
    2.1. Entrepreneurship and Business Economics
    2.2. Corporate finance
    2.3. Accounting

    3. Management and Marketing
    3.1. Management and Strategic Management
    3.2. Logistics management
    3.3. Facility Management
    3.4. Human Resources Management
    3.5. Marketing

    4. Thesis Defence
  • Návrh témat kvalifikačních prací a témata obhájených prací
    1. Analysis of the economic activities of the selected organisation
    2. Analysis and innovation of marketing communication in an organisation
    3. CRM (Customer Relationship Management) as a competitive advantage of an organisation
    4. Effective management of receivables in a business firm
    5. Financial analysis of the selected company
    6. Marketing plan (of the selected organisation) in the Internet environment
    7. Proposal for a communication campaign of the selected company by means of digital marketing tools
    8. Economic performance measurement – classic versus alternative indicators
    9. Online tools for analysing and visualising economic data
    10. Business plan and start-up of a particular project
    11. Sale and merger of companies as a result of multi-criteria decision-making in change management
    12. Management of supply relationship in the selected company
    13. Corporate logistics in the selected company
    14. Information flow management in an organisation
    15. Human resources management – the process of employees’ recruitment and their adaptation to business practice
    16. Stock management in a manufacturing organisation
    17. Corporate social responsibility of small and medium-sized enterprises of the Olomouc region
    18. Determining the concept of strategic management of a company by means of the Balanced Scorecard system
    19. Strategic analysis as a starting point for strategic planning
    20. Application of management tools in a family firm
    21. Impact of the introduction of the communication code on the employees’ motivation
    22. Using alternative fuels and their future within the road transport from the economic and managerial perspective

Doporučený průchod studijním plánem

Povinné předměty

Kód Název Garant Ukončení Rozsah Kreditů Semestr Profilace
MVŠO:XABENBusiness English J. Lidaříkovázk 0/4/04 4-
MVŠO:XABTBachelor Thesis M. Čechová Závadskáz 0/1/0 konzultace s vedoucími práce.8 6-
MVŠO:XADICDifferential and Integral Calculus M. Pavlačkovázk 3/2/06 2Z
MVŠO:XAFA1Financial Accounting 1 M. Menšíkzk 2/2/05 3P
MVŠO:XAFA2Financial Accounting 2 E. Sikorovázk 2/2/05 4P
MVŠO:XAFMFacility Management E. Chytilovazk 1/1/03 4P
MVŠO:XALALinear Algebra M. Pavlačkovázk 2/2/05 1Z
MVŠO:XAIECInformatics for Economists -zk 2/2/05 1P
MVŠO:XAMAMarketing T. Jelínekzk 2/2/05 1P
MVŠO:XAMAAManagerial Accounting B. Králzk 2/2/05 6P
MVŠO:XAMACMacroeconomics M. Drastichovázk 2/1/04 2Z
MVŠO:XAMAEMathematical Applications in Economics M. Pavlačkovázk 0/03 6-
MVŠO:XAMICMicroeconomics J. Zimmermannovázk 2/2/05 1Z
MVŠO:XAEDElectronic Documentation J. Lavrinčíkz 0/3/04 1-
MVŠO:XAISIntroduction to Study P. Ludvíkováz 0/2/02 1-
MVŠO:XAEMPEconomics and Management in Practice M. Čechová Závadskáz 2/0/02 2-
MVŠO:XAENTEnterpreneurship J. Peterkovázk 0/3/04 2P
MVŠO:XAEULEU Law J. Vylegalazk 2/0/03 2P
MVŠO:XAMN1Management 1 A. Pawliczekz 2/2/05 2P
MVŠO:XABE1Business Economics 1 P. Novákzk 2/3/06 3P
MVŠO:XAMN2Management 2 A. Pawliczekzk 2/2/05 3P
MVŠO:XAPCSProfessional Communication Skills -z 0/2/03 2P
MVŠO:XAPLPrivate Law J. Vylegalazk 2/0/03 1P
MVŠO:XAPT1Practical Training 1 -z 0/0/0 4 týdny/semestr.5 2-
MVŠO:XACLCorporation Law M. Černýzk 2/0/03 3P
MVŠO:XAHRHuman Resources Management -zk 2/1/04 3P
MVŠO:XAPT3Practical Training 3 Z. Repaskáz 0/0/0 4 týdny/semestr.5 6-
MVŠO:XASDStatistical Data Processing J. Wossalazk 0/3/04 3P
MVŠO:XASRSocial Responsibility D. Navrátilováz 0/2/03 3P
MVŠO:XABE2Business Economics 2 P. Novákzk 2/3/06 4P
MVŠO:XAPT2Practical Training 2 Z. Repaskáz 0/0/0 4 týdny/semestr.5 4-
MVŠO:XASTMStrategic Business Management A. Pawliczekz 0/2/03 4P
MVŠO:XAESPEnglish for Special Purposes J. Lidaříkovázk 0/2/03 5-
MVŠO:XAFPSFundamentals of Psychology and Sociology P. Černochz 0/2/03 5-
MVŠO:XAFINFinance Š. Kolumberzk 2/1/04 5P
MVŠO:XALMLogistics Management E. Chytilovazk 2/1/04 5P
MVŠO:XASBTSeminar on Bachelor’s Thesis Processing P. Ludvíkováz 0/2/03 5-
MVŠO:XATSTax System in the Czech Republic E. Sikorovázk 2/2/05 5P
160 kreditů

Povinně volitelné předměty typu A

Student volí min. 1 předmět

Kód Název Garant Ukončení Rozsah Kreditů Semestr Profilace
MVŠO:XAEMEnergy Management A. Pawliczekzk 2/1/04 5P
MVŠO:XAIMInternational Management O. Ameirzk 2/1/04 5P
8 kreditů

Povinně volitelné předměty typu B

Student musí získat min. 8 kreditů.

Kód Název Garant Ukončení Rozsah Kreditů Semestr Profilace
MVŠO:XAAEPApplied Economic Policy -z 0/3/04 --
MVŠO:XAMRMarketing Research M. Sasínkováz 0/3/04 --
MVŠO:XAPFIPublic Finance -zk 2/1/04 --
MVŠO:XAPGDCreating and Presenting Graphical Data V. Pásztozk 1/2/04 --
MVŠO:XAPSMProject and Subsidy Management A. Pawliczekz 0/1/02 --
MVŠO:XASECSources of Economic Data V. Pásztoz 0/1/02 --
MVŠO:XASTSystems Theory J. Lavrinčíkzk 2/1/04 --
MVŠO:XAWTEWeb Technologies for Economists J. Lavrinčíkzk 1/2/04 --
28 kreditů