MVŠO 112701 Economics and Management of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
Název anglicky: Economics and Management of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
navazující prezenční jednooborový, vyučovací jazyk: angličtina angličtina
Zahrnut v programu: MVŠO 1127 Economics and Management

Informace o studiu

  • Součásti SZZ a jejich obsah
    1. Management
    1.1 Strategic Management
    1.2 Modern Tools of Effective Management
    1.3 Digital Marketing
    1.4 Logistics Management2

    2. Economics
    2.1 Microeconomics 2
    2.2 Macroeconomics 2
    2.3 Audit and Controlling
    2.4 Financial Analyses and Reporting

    3. Economics and Management of SMEs
    3.1 Small and Medium-sized Business
    3.2 Management Accounting
    3.3 Marketing Communication
    3.4 Production Management

    4. Diploma Thesis Defence
  • Návrh témat kvalifikačních prací a témata obhájených prací
    1. Suggesting the Strategy of the Selected SME
    2. Creation and Implementation of the Strategy of a Family Company
    3. Strategic Analysis of the Selected IT Project
    4. Business Plan on the Selected Topic
    5. Implementation of the Industry 4.0 Principles in the Selected Organization
    6. Megatrends and Global Strategic Starting Points: an Impact on Entrepreneurship
    7. Analysis of the Enterprise Performance (e.g. using the Balanced Scorecard)
    8. Using Entrepreneurial Zones in the Region (Analysis/Design)
    9. Progressive Management Methods, Tools and Systems and their Application in the Enterprise
    10. Production Management in the Selected Organization
    11. Lean Management in the Selected Enterprise
    12. Supplier-customer Relations Management in the Selected Enterprise
    13. Enterprise Logistics in the Selected Enterprise
    14. Supply Network Management and 3PL/4PL Service Providers
    15. Innovation of Logistics Processes
    16. Design of the Communication Campaign of the Selected Enterprise using the Tools of Digital Marketing
    17. Analysis of Marketing Communication and Suggesting the Strategy of the Selected Enterprise
    18. Marketing Plan of the Selected Enterprise in the Internet Environment
    19. Suggesting the Strategy of Public Relations of the Selected Enterprise
    20. Introduction of a Safety Management System in the Selected SME
    21. Suggesting the Intellectual Property Protection System of the Selected SME

Doporučený průchod studijním plánem

Povinné předměty

Kód Název Garant Ukončení Rozsah Kreditů Semestr Profilace
MVŠO:XACF2Corporate Finance 2 Z. Repaskáz 2/2/05 1P
MVŠO:XADMDigital Marketing M. Sasínkovázk 1/2/04 4P
MVŠO:XADTDiploma Thesis A. Pawliczekz 0/1/08 4-
MVŠO:XAEBE-business J. Lavrinčíkz 1/2/04 4-
MVŠO:XAECEthics and Corporate Social Responsibility of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises -z 1/1/03 1-
MVŠO:XACSMCommunication Skills for Managers D. Navrátilováz 0/2/03 2P
MVŠO:XAFARFinancial Analyses and Reporting L. Prachařováz 1/2/04 2P
MVŠO:XAICTICT Security and Data Protection L. Pavlíkzk 2/0/03 4P
MVŠO:XALM2Logistics Management 2 E. Chytilovazk 1/1/03 4P
MVŠO:XAM2Macroeconomics 2 J. Zimmermannovázk 2/2/05 3Z
MVŠO:XAMI2Microeconomics 2 J. Zimmermannováz 2/2/05 2Z
MVŠO:XAMCMarketing Communication -z 2/1/04 2P
MVŠO:XAACAudit and Controlling P. Novákz 1/2/04 3P
MVŠO:XAMDCMethodology for Data Collection and Interpretation K. Ivanováz 2/2/05 3P
MVŠO:XAMTEModern Tools of Effective Management A. Pawliczekz 2/2/05 3Z
MVŠO:XAPP1Professional Practice 1 Z. Repaskáz 0/0/120 Seminář 120 HOD/SEM.5 2-
MVŠO:XAPP2Professional Practice 2 Z. Repaskáz 0/0/120 Seminář 120 HOD/SEM.5 4-
MVŠO:XAS2Statistics 2 M. Pavlačkováz 2/2/05 1P
MVŠO:XASMStrategic Management A. Pawliczekz 1/2/04 1Z
MVŠO:XAMA2Management Accounting 2 B. Králz 2/2/05 1P
MVŠO:XASMBSmall and Medium-Sized Business A. Pawliczekz 1/2/04 1P
MVŠO:XAPMProduction Management E. Chytilovazk 2/1/04 3P
MVŠO:XATAETaxes and Accounting of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises M. Menšíkz 2/1/04 3P
MVŠO:XAVCHValue Chain and Innovation Management O. Ameirz 0/2/03 2P
104 kreditů

Povinně volitelné předměty

Student volí min. 3 předměty z povinně-volitelných předmětů.

Kód Název Garant Ukončení Rozsah Kreditů Semestr Profilace
MVŠO:XAHETHistory of Economic Thought M. Čechová Závadskáz 2/1/04 2-
MVŠO:XAPPSPricing and Pricing Strategy J. Duháček Šebestováz 2/1/04 2-
MVŠO:XAEPEconomic Policy and Regional Development O. Vojáčekz 2/1/04 2-
MVŠO:XAIAInternational Accounting M. Menšíkz 2/1/04 2-
MVŠO:XAFM2Facility management 2 E. Chytilovaz 0/2/03 2-
MVŠO:XABMBrand Management -zk 2/1/04 4-
MVŠO:XAIPRIntellectual Property Rights B. Vítovázk 2/0/03 4-
MVŠO:XAIPLInternational Private Law and Dispute Resolution B. Vítovázk 1/1/03 4-
29 kreditů