Představení programu CŽV

Description: It is a unique full-time programme, specifically designed for young Jewish women. It is organised in cooperation with Maharal Institute, o.p.s. in Prague.

Content: The programme offers diverse classes for Jewish students focused on economics, management, marketing, Jewish history and philosophy, Jewish law and ethics, psychology, and leadership training.

Length: 10 months Sept – June

No of students: Up to 30

Guide: 24/7 assistance provided during the stay in the Czech Republic

Location: Prague, Olomouc

Form: Predominantly full-time on-site, online or hybrid if necessary

Certification: Participant receives an MVSO certificate including an overview of attended courses.

Plány CŽV

Základní údaje

celoživotní vzdělávání

Moravská vysoká škola Olomouc
Program zajišťuje
Garant programu CŽV