• 1.What is the purpose of creating/using an interactive syllabus?
    The interactive syllabus represents a page containing course-related information as well as links to various tasks, exercises, and materials designed for students, which are organized either chronologically or thematically. A teacher usually prepares the exercises in advance and subsequently makes them accessible to students.

    Interactive Syllabus in normal view:

    1 The name of the interactive syllabus.

    2 The interactive syllabus navigation.

    3 List of activities within the chapter.

    4 Menu of the operations with interactive syllabus.

    5 When the teacher recommends studying.

    The teacher can fill and edit the syllabus in edit mode (the "Edit" option in the operation menu for the selected syllabus). To display the interactive syllabus in edit mode:

    1 When the editing mode is switched on, the editing bar appears.

    2 Edit the name of the syllabus and the picture.

    3 Chapter settings.

    4 Menu of the operations with interactive syllabus.

  • 2.Is it my duty to create interactive syllabi?
    No, it is not. It is absolutely up to you whether you will create an interactive syllabus or not. Provided you plan to post on the Information System only a few exercises (tests), you may use other e-learning-supporting tools such as Homework Vault, Discussion Groups, etc. However, if the exercises (tests) are to be numerous and you want these to be assigned to individual weeks, interactive syllabus is the tool you should use.
  • 3.Getting Started
    To create a new interactive syllabus, please use the following path:
    The Information System Teacher [course] Interactive syllabi Create a new interactive syllabus

    It is then possible to set who the syllabus is intended for, its title and how many main chapters you wish to divide the syllabus. At the same time, it is possible to set up a schedule for unpacking individual chapters and publishing them by clicking on “Fill in schedule”. After saving the syllabus, you can enter it and edit it.

    1 When creating new one syllabus, there is “Fill in schedule” option.

  • 4.I created an interactive syllabus a long time ago. Is there any way of updating it?
    To copy a syllabus (or any other course-related materials) to another term, please use the application the path to which is as follows:

    The Information System Teacher [course] Sharing, detaching or copying the study materials tree

    Apart from copying the materials, the application can also be utilized to set access rights for all the data contained in the ROPOT and syllabus applications under the new term. Provided you decide to edit the newly created syllabus (e.g. its dates, names of its chapters, etc.), you might want to use the Batch mode reference. The option allows you to move batches of data across the chapters, edit their names, and specify when they should become accessible to your students.

    If you need to copy the content of one interactive curriculum to another, you can use the "Copy Chapters" tool:

    The Information System Teacher [selected course] Interactive syllabi cogwheel on interactive syllabus Copy chapters
  • 5.Editing Syllabus
    To edit a syllabus, please use the following path:

    The Information System Teacher [course] Interactive syllabi edit

    Provided you want to add new elements to a sub-syllabus, you should first open it (by clicking on the title or the whole strip with the title of the chapter, or on the arrow “Go”).

    1 When you hover over a chapter, the option icons appear: go to the chapter, edit the chapter settings, move the chapter, or delete it.

    To add a new element, click on the icon in the edit bar. Pastes where the cursor is currently in the text:

    1 Editing toolbar with elements that can be inserted in the chapter.

    Multimedia, PDF files, images can only be dragged from the computer to the area of the chapter outline. The system recognizes the file. Displays images and prepares some audio and video formats for playing. Individual elements can be deleted using the trash can icon next to the inserted element.

    1 You can drag multiple files from your device to the chapter.

    Details about inserting individual elements:

    • Creating a new chapter: The application makes it possible to create a new chapter in an interactive syllabus (or in any of its chapters until the fifth level). You also set publishing options when pasting.
    • Inserting text: You can enter text into an interactive syllabus into the space that is visible. Basic text color, italics or bolding, bullet insertion can be set using the edit bar.
    • Reference to a discussion group: The interactive syllabus also allows you to insert in it a reference to a discussion group (or even a thread) of your choice. Thus you can either enter a thread number or select the required thread from a list like the one below:

      1 The number of the thread.

    • Study materials: you can insert files from your computer (by dragging or searching) or files stored in the Information System (you can find them through File Manager).

      1 An item that can be inserted into the interactive syllabus.

      2 Link to higher levels of the File Manager.

      3 Ability to select a different file manager agenda.

      4 Address within IS MVŠO.

      After clicking on the selected file, folder or ROPOT, click “Select” to confirm.

    • Inserting video and audio files: files in the basic MP3 and MP4 (H.264) formats can only be dragged or downloaded from the device into the chapter, the system recognizes and plays them automatically. Other format files are uploaded and available for download.
    • Inserting PDF documents for presentations for direct viewing: PDF files can be inserted into the interactive syllabus by means of the "Study Materials" icon in the edit bar or by dragging them from the teacher's device. To display the PDF file directly in the interactive syllabus, select "Edit" for the selected file and set "Display" to "Embedded". It will be possible to browse through the PDF file inserted in this way, but not to download it.

      1 For PDF files, you can set the embedded view directly in the interactive syllabus. Students can view the file, not download it.

    • Zdůrazněný text: To make the texts inserted into the interactive syllabus more transparent, the text can be supplemented with boxes with an icon, which will provide students with selected important information, tips or notifications.
    • Inserting images: images can only be moved to a chapter or uploaded from your device, the system recognizes them, saves them in the interactive syllabus, and displays them.
    Moving elements to another place or deleting the element is done by the icon at the top right of the element.

    1 Moving elements.

    2 Deleting elements.

  • 6.Making Your Interactive Syllabus Available to Students
    If you want your interactive syllabus to be used by the students of the course under which it has been created, there is no need to change its default access rights. However, should the need arise, you can change these by clicking on the Access rights reference (in the menu of the syllabus), which will take you the section used for this particular purpose. When changing the rights the way that allows more people to access the syllabus (chapter) than permitted by its default settings, please make sure you also do so for all its parent folders.

    1 Menu of operations with interactive syllabus.

    2 Rights settings.

    Provided your syllabus has been made accessible to your students (the students of the course under which it has been created can access it immediately after its creation), they can find it in their Student section using the application the path to which is as follows:

    The Information System Student [course]

    The reference at the end of the path is only active during the term under which the syllabus has been established.

    Provided you want to make your syllabus accessible to some other IS users as well (not just those enrolled in the course under which the syllabus has been created), you should change the access rights of the .qwarp file used for launching the syllabus as well as those of the folder this file is located in (for more information on how to do this, see above). The syllabus can subsequently be launched by clicking on the file in the File Manager.

  • 7.I have made my interactive syllabus accessible to my students, but they keep complaining of not being able to expand it (get it displayed). What might be the problem?
    • Please make sure you have set its access rights correctly.
      • You can do so by clicking on the Access rights reference situated at the top of your syllabus. Make sure the rights are set the way that allows your students to access the syllabus. If they are not, change the settings.
      • Similarly, you should also check the rights of the Study materials folder housing the file containing a reference to your syllabus. If the students are not allowed to access this folder, they cannot access the file, and thus the syllabus, either.

    • Are you really sure you have made all your chapters public? When editing the syllabus, check that there is no lock icon for each chapter, if so, click on “chapter settings” (pencil icon after moving to the chapter line) and set to “publish now”.

      1 Locked chapter in the interactive syllabus.

      If you need to publish multiple chapters at once, use the "Batch mode" link in the operations menu.

  • 8.What structure is the syllabus expected to have?
    This is completely up to you. An interactive syllabus may have, for instance, one of the following forms:
    • a syllabus containing as many chapters as there are weeks in the term (one chapter for each week)
    • a syllabus containing as many chapters as there are topics you want to deal with during the term
    • multiple syllabi (one for each seminar group)
    • a syllabus containing multiple chapters – some for lectures, some for seminars
    • a syllabus containing general course-related information and its chapters with seminar group-specific information

    Provided some seminar groups have been created under your course, the application used for creating a new syllabus allows you to select between a lecture (course) syllabus and a seminar group one.

  • 9.Introductory text and opening image

    Provided you wish to notify your students of organization of your course, you might use the introductory text. Shown at the beginning of the interactive syllaus and contains some introductory and other important information pertinent to your course such as teachers' e-mail addresses, their office hours, completion pre-requisites, etc. You can fill in the introductory text in:

    The Information System Teacher [select a course] Interactive syllabi Edit Edit (pencil icon at the top right of the banner with the interactive syllabus name)

    1 After reaching the right corner of the banner with the interactive syllabus name, you will be able to edit the basic information about the sylabus: the name, the opening image, the person displayed and the introductory text.

    2 View the introductory text.

    The system allows teachers to insert their own opening image or select from a set of basic ready-made themes. The same opening image can be set for chapters.

    The ideal parameters of your own image are:

    • minimum size 1200x450 px, but for best results 1600x620 px, larger is not recommended;
    • the ideal format is JPG;
    • the ideal file size is 200 KB, then it will load quickly, the maximum file size is 1 MB.
  • 10.Displaying Your Syllabus
    It is advisable to always get the application to display sub-syllabi during the weeks (periods) they relate to. To specify when a certain sub-syllabus should be made public, please click on 'Specify when to make public'. You might also want to use the option of Batch mode to do so for several chapters at a time.

    1 Setting the recommended interval for chapter study.

    Editing the interactive syllabus is called WYSIWYG (acronym for the English sentence "What you see is what you get"). If you use prepared elements and do not embed advanced scripts in HTML code, for example, you will see the syllabus content as students will see it.

    If you want to test how the outline looks in real view without editing elements during editing, use the “Normal View” option in the outline operations menu.

    Use the “View All” option (in the normal view) to view the outline of the interactive syllabus, including the locked chapters (eg to check the outline of the interactive syllabus after editing). However, such an outline can only be seen by a person with sufficient rights, not by the student.

    To print the interactive syllabus, select “View All” (in normal view) and then print the outline using the “Print” option in your browser.

  • 11.Where can I find pictures and other files that I dragged into the interactive syllabus?
    The syllabus settings and all its contents are stored in the course materials. In the root folder of the Study Materials agenda under the name index.qwarp or seminar01.qwarp there is a file that is used to start the outline. When you hover over the icon for this file, you will see the option to open the folder associated with that file. This folder lists all the files that you have uploaded or dragged from your device to the interactive syllabus.

    1 When you navigate to the interactive syllabus icon in the file manager, a subfolder of files created specifically for that interactive syllabus appears. It stores files that are dragged or loaded into the syllabus.

  • 12.Creating (Another) Interactive Syllabus Anywhere in IS
    Clicking on the reference “Create a new interactive syllabus”, you can create one syllabus for a course (or lecture) and one for each of its seminar groups. Provided you need yet another syllabus, you can create it using the following path:

    The Information System E-learning Course-unrelated Interactive syllabi Create a new interactive syllabus

    You will be asked to provide a name for the file containing the syllabus, the folder in which the file should be stored, and information on how the syllabus should be structured. This option therefore allows you to create another syllabus in, for instance, the Document Server or Depository sections.

  • 13.What is the validation of the interactive syllabus?

    Validation verifies the functionality of all elements in the interactive syllabus. Problems found are marked in red. Situations that may be problematic are highlighted in yellow. The validation is located in the list of operations with the interactive syllabus.

    1 If problems are found in the interactive curriculum, an indication is displayed next to the "Validation" operation.

Provided you have failed to find the information you were searching for, you can contact us at mvsois(zavináč/atsign)fi(tečka/dot)muni(tečka/dot)cz.