- 1.Are there any duties stemming from the use of Information System?This page provides an overview of the most important operations you can perform using the System and the terms you can come across when working with it as well as their definitions. It also describes the duties stemming from its use the most important of which are retrieving (and reading) e-mail and reading the 'red' messages, i.e. those of high importance, posted on the Noticeboard. The system automatically informs you about a number of important study obligations via the "IS reminds" service (more in the help). Whenever you find anything unclear concerning the information below, please contact your Office for Studies. To do so, you can use the following path:is.mvso.cz Office for Studies
- 2.Registration for and Enrollment in CoursesRegister your courses during the registration period. Hassle-free courses will be enrolled automatically in the period registration. For easily registered courses, you can choose schedule seminar groups (if the course is divided into them).
- 3.Duties Imposed on Students by Their TeachersThe duties imposed on students by their teachers are course-specific. On the whole, however, these usually entail reserving slots on examination dates and submitting assignments via the Study Materials section. Please contact your teachers for further information.
- 4.Duties Related to My Studies (General)There are a number of applications available in the Student agenda, see also in more detail below.The Information system Student
- Study Materials (e-learning)
- This application allows students to upload materials into the System and teachers to collect assignments via Homework Vaults.
The Information system Student Teaching
- Examination Dates and Reservations
- The teacher lists test dates with all the necessary information. The dates for registering for exams and checking out for exams are determined by the teacher, and you can contact him if you have any questions. It is possible to have e-mail notifications sent to you via the
Events agenda when new trial dates are announced.
The Information system Student End of term
- Grades and Credits Obtained During All My Studies and My Grade Average
- You can use this application for checking the grades entered into the System by your teachers. Provided a teacher enters a wrong grade into your evaluation form, inform him/her of the fact as soon as possible.
The Information system Student End of studies
- Course Opinion Poll
- This application allows you to provide some feedback regarding the courses you have attended and thus improve their quality. Please take a minute to fill in the questionnaires.
The Information system Student End of term
- When am I excused?
- Every time you submit a letter of excuse to your Office for Studies, check this section to ensure you have been excused.
The Information system Student Teaching
- Final State Examination and Thesis/Dissertation Archive
- Before completing your studies, please upload your thesis/ dissertation into the Archive.
The Information system Student End of studies
- Course-Field Association (use for credit-checking purposes)
- Use this application to associate the courses you have enrolled in with your fields of study.
The Information system Student During studies
- 5.Other Important Sections and Duties Associated with Them
- check my personal data
- Use this section to change your personal data whenever the need arises. The path is as follows:.
The Information system Personal Section Check and change your personal data
- dormitory accommodation application and its status:
- If you want to be accommodated in a dormitory, use this section. The path to it is as follows:
The Information system Scholarships Accommodation grant application operations
- Lists of Students
- This section is used for selecting a topic of your thesis.
The Information system Studies Lists of Students
- Final State Examination and Thesis/Dissertation Archive
- Use this application to upload your thesis/dissertation into the Archive.
The Information system Student End of studies Final State Examination and Thesis/Dissertation Archive
- 6.Most Frequently Used Applications
- Timetable
- Use this section to browse your timetable, or that of a teacher, course, room, etc.
- Person search
- The application allows you to find an IS MVŠO user's personal page.
- Course Catalogue
- You can use this section to search for a course and information on it.
- Documents
- Official documents of different degrees of accessibility are posted in this section.
- 7.Rules of Use and Changing PasswordsTo change your password, please use the following path:The Information system System Change passwordIt is every IS user's duty to use his/her password the way that prevents it from being misused. The users will be held fully liable for any damage caused by someone else using their user name and password. Those utilizing the System for whatever purpose should do so in compliance with the rules described in the section the path to which is as follows: Help.
- 8.What is the identification string following every student's name good for?The student's identification string provides details concerning his/her studies and their status. Every student enrolls in one or more fields of study within his/her degree programme. The fields may also be further specified by specializations. For details concerning accredited degree programmes and accredited fields, please use the following path:The Information system Studies Programmes, fields and specializationsDegree Programmes, Fields and Specializations
For example: name faculty program field of study (plan) stage Bc. Jana Nováková,
LF M-SZ ZDRV (PEOP) [year 4] M: Master's programme
B: Bachelor's programme
D: Doctoral programmeIn each of the fields of study, the student is at some stage (year, semester, block, cycle). Bc. Jan Novák,
FI M-SS VT [sem 7, year 4] PřF:MA [year 3] The study may be interfaculty, where one field of study belongs to a different faculty. If the study has a form other than full-time, it is written at the end: combined (combined), distance (distance), lifelong (lifelong). If the study has already been completed, then it is written (compl.), successfully completed (grad.), if interrupted, then (interr.). E.g.
Jan Novák, PrF B-PSP VNEM combined [sem 5, block B]
Ing. Jana Nováková, ESF M-HPS NH (completed)
- 9.How can I find out which other courses I should complete?There is an application allowing students to monitor the progress of their studies by means of the so-called monitoring templates. To go to the application, please use the following path:The Information system Student During studies Check my studiesIf you click on 'Show my list of required and selective courses', you will be provided with a list of the courses listed in the templates of required and selective courses assigned to your programme of studies.
- Monitoring Templates of Required and Selective Courses
- The monitoring templates of required and selective courses display lists of the courses designated as required or selective. They may contain quantitative pre-requisites (information about how many selective courses have to be completed or how many credits have to be obtained) or, at the preparatory stage of the record, they may merely provide lists of programme-relevant courses.
- Supplementary Monitoring Templates
- The supplementary monitoring templates specify additional checking rules.
- Study-Specific Templates
- The study-specific templates are those that are assigned to groups of students by the Office for Studies and which the Office for Studies consider relevant for the groups. It is these that are used for checking your studies. Provided you detect any wrong or inaccurate information in your template, please contact your Office for Studies.
- 10.Where can I find the information related to the letters of excuse I have submitted to my Office for Studies?To check your letters of excuse, please use the following path:The Information system Student Teaching When am I excused?The application keeps track of the letters of excuse validated and entered in the System by the Office for Studies. Every student's letter of excuse is validated only once. Therefore, if you study at several faculties, submitting the letter to only one Office for Studies suffices. The Excused from and Excused until fields can be filled with date, hour, and minute. For the excuse to be recognized as valid, Excused must be entered. Provided a letter of excuse is submitted to the Office for Studies too late, the student's absence might not be excused.
- 11.How shall I proceed when submitting the application for being accommodated at a dormitory?The financial support for accommodation is payable to the bank account specified in the Information System. Please ensure that the number of the account stored in it is correct using the application the path to which is as follows:The Information system Scholarship Application for financial support for accommodation (accommodation support)Provided the bank account number specified is wrong, you can change it using the application the path to which is:The Information system Scholarship Enter number of the account to which you want scholarship payments to be sent Change the account number
- 12.An overview of terms related to the study
- automatic enrollment
- The module performing the automatic enrollment is started one day before the start of enrollment period (or that of enrollment changes) and terminated one day after its end. Every night, it checks the students' registration records as well as their applications for changing the type of course completion. Provided the student's registration has been successful, it is confirmed and the student is enrolled in the course. The automatic application is terminated one day after the end of the period registration / registration changes.
- study mode
- the way the student studies (attends classes)
- full-time
- The student attends lectures, seminars, etc.
- distance
- The student maintains a limited contact with his/her teacher. This mode is chiefly based on self-study.
- combined
- This mode entails both the full-time mode and the distance one. Besides doing a lot of self-study, the student in this mode, for instance, consults his/her teacher once a month.
- lifelong
- This mode is typical of lifelong learning programmes.
- term
- Student applications are run under individual terms named after the seasons during which they are under way (e.g. Autumn 2024). Each of these has its Term Calendar delineating the registration period, enrollment period, period of enrollment changes, teaching period, seminar-group-enrollment period, examination period, and extended examination period. The Term Calendar also lists the date on which timetable is to be released.
- repeated course
- If the student does not complete the course (if he / she does not obtain a successful grade), he / she must obtain it re-enroll in the next semester, when the course is listed. Repeatedly unsuccessful completion of the course is a reason to terminate the study. Unsuccessfully repeated subjects are controlled by the study department.
- pre-requisites
- a term referring to the conditions that have to be met for a student to be able to enroll in a course.
- enrollment problems
- The Course Catalogue specifies the so-called course enrollment pre-requisites. Provided the student meets these, his/her registration is successful and his/her registration record is marked white whereas if he/she does not (meet these), his/her registration is marked red. However, the unsuccessful registration may also result from some other factors than just a failure to meet the enrollment pre-requisites. The most frequent causes of registration problems are as follows:
- The course is full and there are no longer any vacancies in it.
- The course enrollment pre-requisites have not been met.
- The course is only offered to students of certain fields.
- registration wave
- a period during which students of a certain category are allowed to begin to register for courses
- state of study
- A recorded event that may occur in the studio, eg enrollment in the study, interruption of studies, etc. If the study has an active state on a certain date, we say it is active on that date. Many operations in the IS can be performed only by a person who now has an active study. Related terms are inactive study (the student has interrupted his studies, from the point of view of the Czech Republic he is not a student), completed studies and successfully completed studies. The state of study of the field is also registered. It is possible, for example, one of the two studied interrupt the disciplines and continue in the second.
- field (of study)
- The field is usually subsumed under one or more degree programmes. The student usually enrolls in one or more fields (single-subject x double-subject studies) within one degree programme. Provided he/she enrolls in a combination of fields that belong to the same degree programme (double-subject studies) and are offered by different faculties, his/her studies are referred to as interfaculty. The information recorded with such a programme is its code, name, and abbreviated name.
- degree programme
- an area of studies. Faculties offer degree programmes, which are divided into fields (of study). Applicants always select a degree programme and one or more of its fields. The degree programmes offered by Masaryk University are as follows:
- Bachelor's degree programme
- a three- to four-year programme; pre-requisite for being allowed to enroll: completed secondary school studies; Bc. (Bachelor's) degree conferred at its completion
- Master's degree programme
- a five- to six-year programme; pre-requisite for being allowed to enroll: completed secondary school studies; Mgr. (Master's) or Ing. degree conferred at its completion
- Master's degree programme (following the Bachelor's one)
- a two- to three-year programme; pre-requisite for being allowed to enroll: completed Bachelor's degree programme; Mgr. (Master's) or Ing. degree conferred at its completion
- doctoral degree programme
- a three-year programme; pre-requisite for being allowed to enroll: completed Master's degree programme; Ph.D. (doctoral) degree conferred at its completion
- advanced ('rigorózní') programme
- an advanced ('rigorózní') procedure programme
- lifelong learning programme
- a programme in which no degree is conferred at its completion; students may switch into the Bachelor's degree programme after some time
Informační systém Studium Programy, obory, směry - status of studies
- information about the current status or ongoing event related to studies such as enrollment, interruption of studies, etc. Students who interrupt or terminate their studies lose access to a wide range of applications the Information System offers. Related terms: interrupted studies, terminated studies, completed studies
- personal identification number (učo)
- a unique string assigned to every IS user, which is used to identify him/her; Even if a student interrupts and then resumes his/her studies, he/she can still use the same identification number. It is also the student's status of studies in the field that is recorded since he/she may interrupt his/her studies in one while staying enrolled in the other.
- completion of course
- The course is offered with one or more types of completion (eg exam, colloquium). Depending on the completion of the course, the student will be awarded the appropriate grade.
The recommended completion is the one that students implicitly register.
Other possible – it may be possible to enroll in the course with varying difficulty (completion).
What course endings exist and their ratings can be found at
The Information system Courses Types of completion and evaluation
- enrollment period
- a period delineated by the Term Calendar during which successful registration is confirmed and students are enrolled in the courses they have previously registered for
- period of registration changes
- a period delineated by the Term Calendar during which successful registration is confirmed and students are enrolled in the courses they have previously registered for; Unlike the enrollment period, this one is usually under way during the first two weeks of a term. During the period of enrollment changes, the IS applications used for registration and enrollment work the same way as they do during the enrollment period.
- permission/exception application
- If a student fails to meet the course enrollment pre-requisites, he/she cannot succeed in registering for the course. In such a situation, he/she can apply for being granted the permission to enroll in the course with its teacher.
Provided you have failed to find the information you were searching for, you can contact us at fi