How to choose a right chart (graph/diagram) Vít PÁSZTO How to choose a chart • What is chart // graph // diagram??? How to choose a chart • What is chart // graph // diagram // plot??? • A graph is a diagram of a mathematical function, but can also be used (loosely) about a diagram of statistical data. • A chart is a graphic representation of data (e.g. a line chart is one form). • A plot is the result of plotting statistics as a diagram in different ways (some are similar to some chart types). How to choose a chart • Soooo: – a line chart could be called a graph or a plot, while a pie chart is neither a graph nor a plot. – a scatterplot is a chart but not (strictly) a graph, but the purpose of a scatterplot is to determine if there is some relation that can be expressed as a function that then naturally can be drawn as a graph • Examples (other) – Chart --- graph vs. plot (points and continuous axes) – graph – when a line is drawn (of a function/formula or of continuous data). – chart – when other shapes and symbols (e.g. bars) are used to represent data. – plot – when points are marked on a coordinate system How to choose a chart • Decision „tree“ • They (charts) helps to understand information in data quickly and more effectively • Not each chart type can be used on each type of data --> it is data-driven • Geometric and symbolic depiction of data (= diagram) • In most cases --> visualisation of numerical values Decision „tree“ • Author - Andrew Abela (School of Business and Economics, CUA) • Specialist on marketing and communnicaiton • Personal webpages: Decision „tree“ Decision „tree“ Decision „tree“ Decision „tree“ Decision „tree“ Decision „tree“ Decision „tree“ Decision „tree“ Decision „tree“ Decision „tree“ Decision „tree“ Decision „tree“ Decision „tree“ Decision „tree“ How to choose a right chart (graph/diagram) Vít PÁSZTO