Clivé Oxenden Christina Latham-Koeníg New ENGLISH FILE Intermediate Students Book OXFORD Clivé Oxenden Christina Latham-Koenig New ENGLISH FILE Intermediate Student's Book Paul Seligson and Clive Oxenden are the original co-authors of English File I (pub. 1996) and English File 2 (pub. L997). OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Contents Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation 4 Q Food: fuel Or pleasure? present simple and continuous, food and restaurants /u/and/u:/, understanding action and non-action verbs phonetics S □ II you really want to win, past tenses: simple, continuous, sport cheat perfect fo'J and fstf 12 Q We are family future forms: going to, family, personality prefixes and suffixes present continuous, will/ shall each other or reflexive pronouns? 16 Practical English Introductions 17 Writing Describing a person ia Revise & Check What do you remember? What can you do? □ Ka-diingl present perfect and past simple money, phrasal verbs saying numbers □ Changing your life present perfect continuous strong adjectives: exhausted, amazed, etc sentence stress, strong adjectives G Race to the sun comparatives and superlatives transport and travel how long* take stress in compound nouns 32 Practical English In the office 33 WRITING Telling a story 34 Revise & Check What do you remember? What can you do? 40 44 56 60 Q Modern manners must, have to, should (obligation) mobile phones sentence stress Judging by appearances mast, may. might, can't (deduction) describing people look or look tike? ■eigh, -aigh, and -igh □ If at first you don't succeed,... can, could, be able to (ability and possibility) -edj -ing adjectives so sentence stress Practical English Renting a flat Writing An informal letter Revise & Check What do you remember? What can you do? □ Back to school, aged 35 first conditional and future time clauses + when, until, etc education tfJatl'yyJl □ In an ideal world... second conditional houses sentence stress □ Still friends? usually and used to friendship get htm fail S4 Practical English A visit from a pop star 65 Writing Describing a house or flat 66 Revise & Check What do you remember? What can you do? Grammar 68 □ Slow down, you move quantifiers too fast 11 !. . Same planet, different articles: a / an, the, no article worlds 76 Q Job swap ao Practical English Meetings 81 WRITING Formal letters and a CV 82 Revise & Check What do you remember? What can you do? Vocabulary Pronunciation noun formation -augh and -cugh verbs and adjectives prepositions sentence stress, the Ml'or/'6V ? connectors gerunds and infinitives work word stress 84 Q Love in the supermarket reported speech: statements, shopping questions, and commands consonant sounds: /g/, /dy, Ik), 88 □ Seethe film... get on passive: Ae + past participle a plane cinema 92 | I need a hero relative clauses: defining and non-defining what people do 96 Practical English Breaking news 97 Writing A film review 98 Revise & Check What do you remember? What can you do? sentence stress word stress 100 □ Can we make our own third conditional luck? making adjectives and adverbs what or which1. sentence stress 104 □ Murder mysteries question tags, indirect questions compound nouns intonation in question tags ins Q Switch it off phrasal verbs television, phrasal verbs revision of sounds, linking 112 Practical English Everything in the open IB Writing An article for a magazine 114 Revise & Check What do you remember? What can you do? 116 Communication 122 Listening no Grammar Bank 144 Vocabulary Bank 157 Sound Bank Look out for CBI This shows you where to find extra material for more practice and revision. mple and continuous; action and non-action verbs V food and restaurants 9 /uf and IwJ, understanding phonetics Food: fuel or pleasure? ] READING & SPEAKING a What kind of food or dishes do you associate with these countries? The United States China France Italy Japan Mexico Read the interviews with Alice and Jacqueline. Match the questions with their answers. We talk to women around the world about their relationship with food. 1 Is food a pleasure for you? 2 What do you normally eat in a typical day? 3 Do you ever cook? 4 Do you ever eat 'unhealthy' food? How do you feel about it? Are you trying to cut down on anything at the moment? Are people's diets in your country getting better or worse? Alice Freeman is a lawyer from San Francisco. A □ I think people are trying to improve their diets, but they are doing it the wrong way by following diets like the Atkins diet. Personally, I don't think it's very healthy to cut out entire groups of foods like carbohydrates. B □ Not very often. I don't have the time or talent to cook full meals. I usually heat up a frozen meal or order a takeaway. C □ Sometimes I get fast food for lunch. I have to admit that I love French fries. I feel terrible about it afterwards, but I don't do it very often. D □ I usually have a bowl of cereal or toast for breakfast. For lunch I eat at a restaurant near my office. I prefer Japanese or Indian food. I usually eat rice with fish and vegetables, soup or sushi. I don't eat meat, but I eat a lot of fish. In the evening, I just have something light at home. E □ I am trying to cut down on the amount of fat I eat. I'm also trying to eat more wholemeal bread. F □ Not really. I enjoy certain kinds of food, but most meals are just fuel to keep me going through the day. Jacqueline Fahre is an IT consultant from Lyons. A □ Yes, I cook every evening for my family. I often make soup or traditional French dishes like 'boeuf bourguignon', which is a kind of beef and red wine stew, and then we have cheese and salad. It may seem a lot but we don't eat big portions. What's important for me is quality, not quantity. B □ Yes, I'm trying to eat less chocolate. C □ I think people's diets are getting worse and worse. It's quite strange because we have a lot of information now about how bad fast food is for you. I'm afraid it's a problem in a lot of European countries. D P Not at home. I think most of the food I cook is healthy, but occasionally when I eat out i have something unhealthy, but it doesn't worry me. E □ Yes, definitely. For me good meals with the family make me happy! F □ I'm quite traditional and I have three main meals a day. For breakfast, I like hot chocolate, and bread and butter with honey or jam. For lunch, I often eat in a restaurant with my colleagues. I usually have vegetables and meat or fish but I love pasta and rice too. In the afternoon, I have fruit with biscuits or a piece of chocolate. In the evening, I have a proper meal with my family. Adapted from the British press, c Read the interviews again and answer the questions below. Write A (Alice),) (Jacqueline), or B (both of them). Who...? 1 often eats in restaurants _ 2 eats quite a lot of sweet things 3 eats ready-prepared food _ 4 cooks big meals at home _ 5 enjoys eating __ 6 feels bad when she eats unhealthily _ 7 is trying to eat less of something 8 prefers having good food to having a lot of food __ 9 is negative about eating habits in her country - d Match the highlighted words or phrases with the definitions. 1 4 5 8 9 10 to have a meal in a restaurant, not at home a sweet food made by bees, which people often eat on bread the quantity you eat of a kind of food during a meal to make cold food hot food you buy from a restaurant to eat at home food from animals or plants used for cooking, e.g. oil, butter, etc. food prepared in a particular way, e.g. sushi, lasagne, etc, made from brown flour a liquid food, often made of vegetables, e.g. tomatoes, onions meat cooked for a long time in liquid, usually with vegetables e Which of the two women do you think has the healthier diet? Why? f Now interview each other with the questions from lb. How similar are your eating habits? Is food a pleasure for you? ^5 Yes, definitely, i love eating. 2 GRAMMAR present simple and continuous, action and non-action verbs Rumiko Yasuda is a magazine editor from Tokyo. a listen to Rumiko answering questions 2-6 from the interviews. Do you think food for her is fuel or pleasure? Why? b Listen again and answer the questions. 1 What does she usually have in the morning? 2 Where does she usually have lunch and dinner? 3 Why doesn't she often cook? 4 Does she eat or drink anything unhealthy? 5 Is she cutting down on anything at the moment? Why (not)? 6 What's happening to the Japanese diet at the moment? 7 Does she think this is a completely bad thing? c Look at some of the things Rumiko said. Circle the correct form. Then compare with a partner and say why the other form is wrong. 1 i don't usually have t Tm not having breakfast at work. 2 I used to go to fast food restaurants, but now / prefer I lam preferring eating something healthier. 3 lam drinking 11 drink a lot of coffee every day. 4 I think Japanese people get I are getting fatter, 5 J like i I'm liking the fact that there are more different kinds of food and restaurants now. d O p.130 Grammar Bank 1A Read the rules and do the exercises. e Make questions to ask your partner with the present simple or continuous. Ask for more information. What / usually have for breakfast? How many cups of coffee / drink a day? Where / usually have lunch? Mow often / eat out a week? / prefer eating at home or eating out? / need to buy any food today? / you hungry? / want something to eat? I take any vitamins or food supplements at the moment? / try to eat healthily at the moment? 3 VOCABULARY food and restaurants a Do the quiz in pairs. Food Quiz Can you think of ...? ONE red fruit, ONE fruit, ONE green fruit TWO things that a strict vegetarian doesn't eat THREE kinds of food which are made from milk [I FOUR things people have for breakfast FIVE things people eat between meals SIX vegetables you can put in a salad SEVEN things which are usually on a table in a restaurant b O p.144 Vocabulary Bank Food and restaurants. c Ask and answer the questions below with a partner. Food and eating 1 How often do you eat...? a takeaway food b ready-cooked meals c low-fat food d home-made food 2 What's your favourite.,.? a fruit b vegetable d home-made dish c snack 3 What food do you like eating...? a .when the weather's very cold b when you're feeling a bit down c for Sunday lunch 4 Is there any kind of food you can't eat? Restaurants 5 What's your favourite,..? a kind of restaurant (French, Italian, etc.) b restaurant dish c takeaway food 6 How important are these things to you in a restaurant? Number 1-4 (t — the most important) the food the service □ the atmosphere ~1 the price □ 7 How do you prefer these things to be cooked? (grilled, boiled, etc.) chicken fish eggs potatoes 8 If you eat steak, how do you like it cooked? (rare, medium, well done) 4 PRONUNCIATION /u/and/u:/, understanding phonetics uf a Look at the sound pictures. How do you pronounce them? b Put the words in the correct column. butcher cook food juice mousse soup fruit good spoon sugar c '-2 Listen and check. d O P-157 Sound Bank. Look at the typical spellings for /o/ and lu-J. e Look at the information box. How do phonetic symbols in a dictionary help you pronounce words correctly? A Pronouncing difficult words Some words are difficult to pronounce because 1 they have a 'silent* syllable or letter, e.g. vegetables /'ved3t3blz/ 2 some letters are pronounced in an unusual way e.g. steak /steik/ 3 you aren't sure where the stress is, e.g. dessert /diz'3:t/ 13 Look at some more food words which are difficult to pronounce. Use the phonetics to practise saying them correctly. Then listen and check. 1 knife biscuit salmon 2 sausages lettuce sugar 3 yoghurt menu diet /naif/ /'biskit/ /'sEemsn/ /'SDSKÍ31Z/ /'letis/ /'Joga/ /'JDgat/ /'menju:/ Listen and repeat the sentences. 1 The first course on the menu is lettuce soup. 2 What vegetables would you like with your steak? 3 Do you want yoghurt or chocolate mousse for dessert? 4 I take two spoonfuls of sugar in my coffee. 5 Sausages and biscuits aren't very good for you. 6 Would you like a fruit juice? 5 LISTENING a Have you ever tried English food? What did you think of it? b 15 Kevin Poulter, an English chef, has just opened a restaurant in Santiago, the capital of Chile. Listen to an interview with him and number the photos 1-5 in the order he mentions them. c Listen again and answer the questions, 1 Why did he decide to open a restaurant in Chile? 2 Why did he call it Frederick's? 3 Why were Chilean people surprised when he opened his restaurant? 4 What English dishes does he serve in his restaurant? Are they popular? 5 Where does he recommend tourists eat in England? Why? 6 How many women work in his kitchen? Why does he think there are so few women in restaurant kitchens? 7 What English food does he miss most? d Do you think an English restaurant would be a success if it opened in your town? Why (not)? What food from your country would you miss most if you went to live abroad? 6 SPEAKING a Work in groups of three A, B, and C. First read sentences 1-6 and decide (individually) whether you agree or disagree. Think about examples you can use to support your point of view. 1 Women worry more about their diet than men. 2 Young people today eat less healthily than ten years ago. 3 Men cook as a hobby, women cook because they have to. 4 Vegetarians are healthier than people who eat a lot of meat. 5 You can often eat better in cheap restaurants than in expensive ones. 6 Every country thinks that their cooking is the best b Now A say what you think about sentence 1. B and C listen and then agree or disagree with A. Then B say what you think about sentence 2, etc. Try to use the expressions in Useful language. Useful language For example. agree I don't agreeT^^ I think ifs true If you really want to win, cheat 1 GRAMMAR past tenses: simple, continuous, perfect a In which sports are there most cases of cheating? How do people cheat in these sports? b Read the article and find out how the people cheated. Famous (cheating) moments in sport in %. i CO 1) -S I Argentina were playing England in f\ the quarter-finals of the 1986 World Cup in Mexico. In the 52nd minute the Argentinian captain, Diego Maradona, scored a goal The English players protested but the referee gave the goal. However, TV cameras showed that Maradona had scored the goal with his hand! Maradona said the next day, 'It was partly the hand of Maradona, and partly the hand of God.' ~g Later in the game Maradona scored §. another goal and Argentina won 2-1. ^ They went on to win the World Cup. With a little help from my friends I Dishouiscbenko! Q ATHLETICS Fred Lorz, from New York, won the marathon at the St Louis Olympic Games in 1904. He finished the race in three hours 13 minutes. After the race Fred was waiting to get his medal and the spectators were cheering him loudly. Alice Roosevelt, the daughter of the US President, was in the crowd, and some journalists took a photo of Fred with her. But then suddenly somebody started shouting 'cheat' and soon everybody was shouting the same thing. It was true. Fred had travelled 18 of the 42 kilometres in a friend's car! Fred didn't win the gold medal and he was banned from athletics. Q FENCING Boris Onischenko, an army officer from the Soviet Union, was competing against Jim Fox from Britain in the 1976 Montreal Olympics. Boris was winning and the electronic scoreboard was showing 'hit' after 'hit' for him. Jim Fox protested to the referee Fox said that Boris was scoring points without hitting him. Olympic officials examined Boris's sword and they made a shocking discovery Boris had changed the electronic part of his sword. He could turn on the 'hit' light on the scoreboard even when he hadn't hit Fox. Boris went home, in disgrace, the next day. The British newspapers called him 'Dishonischenko'. Look at the highlighted verbs in text 1. What three tenses are they? Underline an example of each tense in the other two texts. Which of the three tenses in c do we use for...? 1 completed actions in the past 2 an action in progress at a particular moment in the past 3 an action that happened beforexhe past time we are talking about e O p.130 Grammar Bank 1B. Read the rules and do the exercises. f Cover the texts. In pairs, retell the three stories using the correct tenses. Text 1 England (play) Argentina. Maradona (score) a goal. The English players (protest) but the referee (give) the goal. The TV cameras (show) that Maradona (score) the goal with his hand. Text 2 Fred Lorz (win) the marathon in 1904. He (wait) to get his medal. The spectators (cheer). Everybody (start) shouting cheat'. Fred (travel) 18 km by car! Text 3 Boris Onischenko (compete) against Jim Fox. Boris (win) but Jim Fox (protest). The Olympic officials (examine) Boris's sword. They (discover) that he (change) the electronic part of his sword. - Aa TT I * r» r> 2 SPEAKING a You are going to tell an anecdote. Choose one of the topics below and plan what you are going to say, Ask your teacher for any words you need. Tell your partner about.,. a time you cheated (In an exam or in a sport / game) What were you doing? Where? When? Why did you cheat? What happened? a really exciting sports event you saw Where and when was it? Who was playing? What happened? Why was it so exciting? a time you had an accident or got a sports injury What were you doing? How did the accident happen? What part of your body did you hurt? What happened next? How long did it take you to recover? a time you saw or met a celebrity Where were you? What was the celebrity doing? What was he / she wearing? Did you speak to him / her? What happened in the end? b In pairs, tell each other your stories. Ask for more details. Juan Antonio Marin refereed 200 league and 50 international matches 3 LISTENING a Can you think of two disadvantages of being a professional football referee? b '-6 You're going to hear an interview with an ex-Champions League referee from Spain. Listen and choose a, b, or c. 1 What was the most exciting match he ever refereed? a His first professional match, b He can't choose just one. c Real Madrid against Barcelona. 2 Why does he mention Mauro Silva? a Because he was the best player he ever saw. b Because he was a great person. c Because he was a very good footballer and a good person 3 The worst experience he ever had as a referee was.. a when a player hit him during a match, b when a woman with a child tried to attack him. c when a 16-year-old boy attacked him, 4 Why does he think there is more cheating in football today? a Because football is big business, b Because the referees are worse, c Because footballers are better at cheating. 5 How does he say footballers cheat? a They fall over when nobody has touched them b They accept money to lose matches, c They touch the ball with their hands. 6 What's the most difficult thing for him about being a referee? a Players who cheat, b Making decisions, c The rules are too complicated. 7 Does he think fair play still exists? a Yes. b No. c He doesn't say. c Listen again for more information. Do you agree with him that there is more cheating in football than before? 4 VOCABULARY sport a In pairs, do the quiz. Sports Quiz 1 How long does a football match last? 2 How many referees are there in a basketball match? 3 How many players are there in a volleyball team? 4 How often are the World Athletics Championships held? 5 How long is a marathon? 6 How many holes are there on a golf course? 7 How long is one lap of an athletics track? b © p.145 Vocabulary Bank Sport. C In pairs, think of a sports team in your town / country and answer the questions. ft Whaf s the name of the team? O What sport do they play? ft Where do they play? (in a stadium, sports ha!!, etc.) ft Who is...? a the coach b the captain c the best player in the team 5i How many spectators watch their matches? ft What happened in their last match? 5 PRONUNCIATION hi/ and /a:/ a Write the words in the correct column. Be careful with or (there are two possible pronunciations). ball serve caught world draw fought hurt score sport shirt warm up worse court b Listen ;ind check. c O p.J57 Sound Bank. Look at the typical spellings for these sounds. d Practise saying these sentences. Listen and check. 1 I got hurt when I caught the ball. 2 Her serve's worse than the other girl's. 3 It was a draw - the score was four all. 4 It's the worst sport in the world. 5 We warmed up on the court. 6 They wore red shirts and white shorts. 6 SPEAKING In pairs, interview your partner about sport using the questionnaire. Ask for more information. YES What sport(s) do you play? T Have you ever won a cup or a trophy? T Have you ever been injured doing sport? ▼ Do you prefer doing sport or being a spectator? T Do you prefer watching individual or team sports? T Do you go to watch a local sports team? T Are there good sports facilities in your town? is there any sport you'd like to learn to play well? T How many hours do you spend a week watching sport on TV? NO What sports do / did you have to do at school? Do / did you enjoy it? Do you do any sport in your free time? Do you think you're fit? Would you like to get fitter? Do your family and friends like sport? Is there any sport you don't mind watching on TV? What sport do you hate watching most on TV? Have you ever been to a big sporting occasion? Do you think physical education should be optional at school? Muhammďd AIL former US boxer Franz Bechenbauer, fbmner Cerman footballer lohn McEnroe, former US tennis player- 7 READING When you hear the final whistle llil One of the hardest things for any sportsperson to do is to know when to retire. Do you retire when you are at your physical 'peak' or do you wait until your body (or your coach) tells you that it's time to go? But even harder is finding the answer to the question 'What am I going to do with the rest of my life?" 'There's a high risk ot depression and people often find adjusting to a new way of life difficult', says Ian Cockenll, a sports psychologist, 'For sportspeople, there's an extra trauma -the loss of status, the loss of recognition, and the loss of the glamour. That's the hardest part.' As Eddie Acaro, the US jockey says, 'When a jockey retires, he becomes just another little man.' WO Perhaps they just can't stand life without the 'high' of playing professional sport, Michael Jordan, the greatest basketball player of all time, retired three times. He retired once from the Chicago Bulls, made a successful comeback with the Bulls, then retired again. His second comeback with an inferior team ended in failure and he retired for ever at the age of 38. Jordan said, 'There will never be anything I do that will fulfil me as much as competing did.' __Muhammad AN needed the money, but his comeback fight, at the age of 39, against Trevor Berbick, was one of the saddest spectacles in modern sport. After losing to Berbick, Ali retired permanently. Three years later he developed Parkinson's disease. As Jimmy Greaves, QJ__ an ex-England international footballer said, 'I think that a lot of players would prefer to be shot once their career is over.' Many of them spend their retirement in a continual battle against depression, alcohol, or drugs Franz Beckenbauer is a classic example of a footballer who won everything with his club, Bayern Munich. After retiring he became a successful coach with Bayern and finally president of the club. John McEnroe, the infamous bad boy' of tennis, is now a highly respected and highly paid TV commentator. But sadly, for most sportspeople these cases are the exceptions. a Look at the photos. In pairs, answer the questions. Have you ever seen any of these people playing sport? At what age do you think people reach their 'peak' in these sports? Do you know what these people do now? b Read the article once. Do most sportspeople find it easy or difficult to retire? c Complete the article with sentences A-F below. Q For some people the pain of saying goodbye never leaves them. Q Others can't resist the chance of one last 'pay day' Q Some sportspeople go on playing too lonj^. Q But for the lucky few, retirement can mean a successful new career. Q Retirement for people in general is traumatic Q One of the hardest things for any sportsperson tode-iste-know d Can you remember these words? If not, check with the text. Underline the stressed syllable. 1 adjective: depressed noun: depression 2 adjective: glamorous noun:_ 3 verb: lose noun:_ 4 verb: recognize noun:_ 5 verb: fail noun:__ 6 verb: rerire noun:_ e Think of a sportsperson from your country who has retired. What is he / she doing now? Do you think he / she retired at the right time? ing to, present continuous, will/shall V family, personality P prefixes and suffixes We are family 1 VOCABULARY & SPEAKING family a Look at the two pictures. Which one do you think shows the typical family of the future? Read the first paragraph of the article and find out. Families have a great-great future Twenty years ago, the typical extended family was wide', it usually consisted of two or three generations, with many children in each 'nuclear family'. People had lots of aunts and uncles but often didn't know their grandparents. However, according to a new study by the British research group Mintel, the family is changing shape. The family groups of the future will be 'long and thin', with three or four small generations. Here are some of their predictions: 1 Most children will know their great-grandparents {and even great-great-grandparents) because people are living longer. 2 Very few children will have brothers or sisters, and it will be common to be an only child . As a result, future generations will not have many cousins either. 3 Many children will grow up isolated from other children and young adults. This will make them more selfish and introverted. 4 More couples will divorce and re-marry, some more than once. They may have children with their new partners, so many children will have a stepmother or stepfather and half-brothers or sisters. 5 There will be many 'boomerang children'. These are children who leave home to get married, but then divorce and return to live with their parents. 6 There will be more single-parent families. Because houses are now so expensive, different generations may decide to live together, so parents, grandparents, and adult children may co-own their houses, and many couples will have to live with their in-laws ■ b Now read the whole article. Match the highlighted words with the definitions. 1 _your grandparents' parents 2 _a child who doesn't have any brothers or sisters 3___ families where the mother or father is bringing up the children on his / her own 4 _your uncle's or aunt's children 5__.__the family of your husband / wife 6 _all your relatives including aunts, grandparents, etc, 7___your grandparents' grandparents 8 _ _boys who have (for example) the same father as you but a different mother 9 _the new wife of your father 10 _people who are having a relationship c Read the seven predictions again. In pairs or small groups, answer the questions for each prediction. 1 Is this already happening in your country? Useful language 2 Do you think it will happen in the future? 3 Do you think it will be a good thing or a bad thing? 2 GRAMMAR future forms a Listen to three dialogues between different family members. Who is talking to who (e.g. brother to sister)? What are they talking about? b Listen again and match two sentences with each dialogue (1-3). Write 1, 2, or 3 in each box. A Shall I make you a cup of tea? □ C Are you going to go to university? □ E I'll be really careful. U B You'll crash it again. □ D I'm staying at Mum's tonight. □ F It's going to be cold tonight. I~1 c With a partner, decide which sentence(s) A-F refer(s) to... a plan or intention d an arrangement a prediction DD a promise an offer □ d © p.130 Grammar Bank 1C. Read the rules and do the exercises. e Move around the class, ask other students questions, and complete the table. Find someone who... name more details is seeing a relative this weekend. isn't having dinner with their family tonight. is getting married soon. is going out with their brother or sister on Saturday night. is going to have a new nephew or niece soon. is going to leave home in the near future. is going to have a big family reunion soon. isn't going to go on holiday with their family this year. 3 READING a In a family with two children, do you think it's better to be the older or the younger brother or sister? Why? b You're going to read an article about two sisters, Wendy (the younger sister) and Carnie (the older sister). Before you read, predict the answers to the questions below. Write W (Wendy) or C (Carnie). Who do you think...? 1 had a more eccentric hairstyle 2 admired her sister 3 didn't want to be with her sister 4 followed her sister everywhere 5 tried to compete with her sister 6 wasn't a good student 7 tofd her parents when her sister did something wrong 8 used to hurt her sister physically 9 was jealous of tier sister 10 always defended the other sister c Now read the article and check your answers. d Look at the highlighted words and phrases. In pairs, choose the right meaning, a or b. 1 a boring b fashionable 2 a children b adults 3 a age difference b the time they weren't together 4 a become friends again b stop speaking 5 a kiss b hurt with your fingers 6 a say bad things about b say good things about 7 a we got on very well b we got on very badly 8 a ask for help b say that somebody is responsible for something bad e Do you think their relationship is typical of brothers and sisters? We are family..* Two sisters tell the truth about themselves - and each other... Wendy Wilson and her older sister Carnie are the daughters of the Beach Boys founder, Brian Wilson. They formed the band Wilson Philips (with the daughter of Michelle Philips of The Mamas and Papas) and their first album was a worldwide hit. Today they are both married and live in Los Angeles. Here they talk about their relationship. Wendy> the younger sister says: I always thought Carnie was really 'cool .Especially when she was a teenager and had bright red spiky hair. But, like most older sisters, she wasn't at all interested in her younger sister. I desperately wanted to be with her and her friends, and sometimes I used to follow them, but she hated that. When we were7 kids we both had a lot of material things like toys and clothes, but even then we knew that Mom and Dad weren't happy We used to talk about it all the time, and after a while they separated and we stayed with my Mom We didn't see Dad for quite a few years, which really hurt us. But it's also the thing that brought me and Carnie closer together. When I was 16 or 17 the one and a half year Jage gap between us didn't matter any more, and we started to get on with each other and to write songs together. Being in a band - or working at anything - with a member of your family can be difficult, but it also has advantages. If we have a big argument about a song, after a while we remember that we are sisters and we4 make it up. Nothing is going to stop us from being sisters. I sometimes think that poor Wendy has spent all her life competing with me. She was a very quiet, shy child, while I was incredibly talkative and demanding - I was awful! I wasn't interested in studying, all I wanted to do was go to parties, and Wendy used to tell my parents. So I was horrible toher- I used to spinch her and bite her. Carnie, the older sister says: I was very jealous of Wendy also because she was more attractive than me. But she always defended me when other people ^criticized me, and sometimes it seemed as if she was the older sister and I was the younger one. Although we were complete opposites,7we were also very close and had a lot of tun together. We still do. I think I suffered a lot because of my father leaving us when we were small, but Wendy helped me to understand that Dad loved us too, but in a different way. She also taught me that you can't B blame other people for your problems, you have to look at yourself. HOW WORDS WORK... Look at two sentences from the We are family text.. 'We started to get on with each other .' 'You have to look at yourself.' • Use each other when A does an action to Band B does the same action to A We love each other = I love you and you love me. • Use a reflexive pronoun (myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves) when the subject of the verb is the same as the object. I cut myself. She looked at herself in the mirror. • You can also use a reflexive pronoun for emphasis. Nobody helped me. I did it all myself. Complete the sentences with each other or a reflexive pronoun. 1 After the argument they didn't speak to_ for a week. 2 This light is automatic. It turns_on and off, 3 We built the house__It took three years. 4 We only see_once a month. 5 They argue a lot. They don't understand__ 6 I blame_for the accident. It was my fault. 4 VOCABULARY personality a Can you remember? What do you call a person who...? 1 talks a lot__ 2 doesn't talk very much_ 3 feels uncomfortable and nervous when he / she meets new people_ 4 thinks someone loves another person more than him / her_ b © p.146 Vocabulary Bank Personality. c Write down the first three adjectives of personality that you can remember from the Vocabulary Bank. Don't show them to your partner. Your teacher will tell you what they say about you. 6 LISTENING & SPEAKING 5 PRONUNCIATION prefixes and suffixes a Underline the stressed syllable. 1 jealous ambitious generous 2 sociable reliable 3 responsible sensible 4 competitive talkative aggressive sensitive 5 unfriendly insecure impatient b ,-10 Listen and check. Are -ous i -able! -ible I -ivc stressed? Are un-1 in-1 itn- stressed? c Practise saying the adjectives. What's your position in the family? Are you the oldest child, a middle child, the youngest child, or an only child? "I Listen to a psychologist talking about the influence your position in the family has on your personality. Complete the chart by writing four more adjectives of personality in each column. Oldest children Middle children Youngest children Only children self-confident independent charming Spoilt c Compare with a partner. Then listen to the four sections again and check your answers. Can you remember any more details? d Look at the completed chart above. In pairs, say - if you think it is true for you - if not, why not. - if you think it is true for your brothers and sisters or your friends. 7 i." SONG n We are family Introductions Practical English THE STORY SO FAR l-H Listen to the story of Mark and Allic. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 Mark met Allie in London two years ago. 2 He's American and she's British. 3 They work for MTV. 4 He invited her to San Francisco for a holiday. 5 They both got jobs in the new Paris office. 6 Mark is going to be Allie's boss. 7 They are both in Paris now. Mark . I'm Mark Ryder. Nicole Ah, you're the new marketing director. Mark That's right. Nicole I'm Nicole Delacroix. I'm Allie's personal assistant._ to Paris! Mark Thank you. Nicole I'll just tell Allie you're here. Allie? Mark Ryder's here. OK. You're from San Francisco,._you? Mark Yes, I am. AffieHello, Mark Mark Allie. It's How are you? Allie Very well. Did you have a good Mark Yes, fine, no problems. to see you again. Allie Mark Allie Jacques Mark Allie Ben Mark Ben Mark Allie Let me you to the team. You've_Nicole, my personal assistant? Yes, we've said hello k jacques Lemaitre, our PR director. How_you do ? Mark Ryder. How do you do? And this is Ben Watts, our designer. Hi, Mark. Great to _ you, Ben. We've_a lot about you. Really? All good, I hope. OK. Shall we go to my office? MEETING PEOPLE a Cover the dialogue and listen. What do the people in the Paris office do? Jacques Ben Nicole Read the dialogue. In pairs, what do you think the missing words are? Don't write them in yet. Listen again and complete the dialogue. Look at the highlighted phrases. Which is the most formal way to greet someone? ••is Listen and repeat the highlighted phrases. Copy the rhythm. Move round the class in pairs, introducing your partner to other students. Use the highlighted phrases. SOCIAL ENGLISH It's a secret a Listen. What do Mark and Allie want to keep secret? b Listen again. Answer with M (Mark), A (Allie), or B (both). 1 Who thinks it's strange that they're together now? 2 Who missed the other person a lot? 3 Who thinks Nicole is very friendly? 4 Who thinks it's going to be hard to keep their secret? 5 Who wants to find a flat? 6 Who's thinking about work? c i" Complete the USEFUL PHRASES. Listen and check. II P d 1-17 Listen again and repeat the phrases. How do you say them in your language? USEFUL PHRASES What a 1 _view! Why d_we sit down? I h_to find an apartment. Don't worry. It won't t_ you long. I was w_(what kind of a boss...). W_, you'll find out tomorrow. US English apartment UK English flat MultiROM Describing a person writing f \ a Read the two emails once and answer the questions. 1 Why has Stephanie written to Claudia? 2 Does Claudia recommend her friend? b The computer has found five spelling mistakes in Claudia's email. Can you correct them? c Read Claudia's email again. Then cover it and answer the questions from memory. 1 Which H adjectives describe Christelle's personality? 2 What does she like doing in her free time? 3 What negative things does Claudia say about Christelle? d Look at the highlighted expressions we use to modify adjectives. Put them in the right place in the chart. From: Stephanie To: Claudia Subject: Hi from Scotland Dear Claudia, I hope you're well. I've just had an email from your friend Christelle. She wants to rent a room in my house this summer. Could you tell me a bit about her (age, personality, etc. and what she likes doing) so that I can see if she would fit in with the family? Please be honest! Send my regards to your family and I hope to hear from you soon. Best wishes Stephanie Anna is very I untidy, Useful language: describing a person He's quite / very, etc. + adjective (e.g. friendly, extrovert, etc.) She's a bit + negative adjective (e.g. untidy, shy, etc.) He likes / loves / doesn't mind + verb + -ing He's good at + verb + -ing Imagine you received Stephanie's email asking about a friend of yours. WRITE an email to answer it. PLAN what you're going to write using the paragraph summaries below. Use the Useful language box and Vocabulary Bank p.146 Personality to help you. Paragraph 1 age, family, work / study Paragraph 2 personality (good side) Paragraph 3 hobbies and interests Paragraph 4 any negative things? CHECK the email for mistakes ( grammar , punctuation, and spelling). From: Claudia To: Stephanie Subject: Hi from Switzerland Hi Stephanie, Thanks for your email. Of course I can tell you about Christelle. She's 21, and snes stydjoa 'aw w'tn me- I think she's quite extrovert and very sociable - she has lots of freinds. She's also very good with children. She has a young step-brother and several young cousins, and I know she likes playing with them. She's incredibly hard-working and responsable - she passed all her exams last year, which is more than I did! She likes going out, seeing films, and Ijstenning to music, but not rock or heavy metal - so don't worry about noise! And she's happy to do things on her own - she's very independent, so you won't really have to look after her. Her parents are divorced and she lives with her mother and stepfather, but she also sees her father regularly. The only negative things I can think of are that she's a bit untidy - her room is ys_uajy In a mess - and that her English is, well, not brilliant. But I'm sure she'll learn fast! I think she's really nice and that you and the family will get on well with her. I hope that's useful. Let me know if you need any more information about her. Love Claudia PS I attach a photo of the two of us. 17 1 >v What do you remember? GRAMMAR Put the verbs in the correct tense. A Wow. Jí. that your new car? (be) B Yes. A When 1_it? (you / get) B 12_._(buy) it last month. 3_it? (you / like) A Yes, it's great. What happened to your front light? B 14_(hit) another car when I s_(drive) to work. I thought the traffic lights6_(change), but they hadn't. Would you like to go for a drive? A I can't just now because 1 7_ (meet) a friend in ten minutes. How about tomorrow evening? It's Wednesday and I usually 8_ (finish) work early. B OK. 19 (pick you up) at 7.00. You 10_(love) it, I know. A I'm sure I will. See you tomorrow then. LTD VOCABULARY a Word groups. Underline the word that is different. Say why. 1 fresh seafood frozen home-made 2 fried chicken duck sausages 3 knife roast fork spoon 4 referee coach captain pitch 5 pool track beat court 6 aggressive jealous bossy affectionate 7 charming sensible sociable moody 8 cousin family mother-in-law grandfather b Write words for the definitions. 1 It's an adjective for food that is hot, e.g. curry or chilli. 2 It's what you have before the main course, s___ 3 It means when two teams finish a match with the same score, d 4 It means to hurt yourself in an accident or doing a sport, geti- 5 Your mother's second husband is your s__ 6 It's an adjective for a person who always thinks about him / herself, s_ 7 It's an adjective. It's the opposite of generous. c Fill each gap with one word. 1 I always ask_steak when we eat 2 What do you usually have_ _ lunch? 3 It's a good idea to warm_ 4 Who do you get_with best in your family? before you start running. LB PRONUNCIATION a Underline the word with a different sound. 1 pool tuna fruit course 2 cook food look football 3 court ball roast prawns 4 ♦ 1 couple draw cousin duck 5 ! sausage bossy frozen golf b Underline the stressed syllable. menu referee impatient sodable irresponsible What can you do? Revise & Check CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS TEXT? Jam today, tomorrow, yesterday.., Craig Flatman is every nutritionist's nightmare -a fifteen-year-old who never eats anything except bread and jam but; unbelievably, is perfectly healthy! Although his diet contains hardly any protein and is 60% sugar, he is 1.84m tall, weighs 69kg, and his parents say he has never been seriously ill apart from typical childhood illnesses. Craig, or 'Jam bo/, as his friends have nicknamed him, rejects any form of meat, fish, fresh fruit or vegetables. The only time he doesn't eat bread and jam is for breakfast, when he has chocolate cereal, and for tea, when he occasionally has a slice of chocolate cake. He also drinks two pints of semi-skimmed milk a day. Craig's strange diet started when he was four years old. As a baby he had refused to eat solid food, and rejected everything until his father gave him a sugar sandwich when he was nine months old. He also ate chocolate spread 8 sandwiches, and this, with milk, was his diet until he i. was four when he asked to try jam, and started an :j3 eleven-year obsession. 8 Craig sometimes craves some variety, but every "£ time he tries something else he feels ill. Doctors believe | that his condition may have been caused by choking -g on solid food when he was a baby. They tell me f II grow out of if, says Craig, 'but I don't know if I'll ever change' Although Craig's parents eat a normal diet, their family meals are made more difficult by the fact that Craig's sister Amy, 13, is a vegetarian. And every time they go out for a meal together, they have to phone in advance - to check they can bring jam sandwiches for Craig! Read the article and mark the sentences T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn't say). 1 Craig doesn't eat any protein. 2 He eats ten jam sandwiches a day. 3 The only other things he eats are chocolate cereal and cake. 4 When he was a baby he didn't like solid food. 5 His obsession with jam sandwiches started when he was eleven. 6 Craig doesn't want to try any other kinds of food. 7 Doctors have done a lot of tests on Craig. 8 They think Craig's diet will change when he gets older. 9 Craig's family eat out about once a month. 10 Craig also has jam sandwiches when his family eat out. Guess what the highlighted words and phrases mean. Check with your teacher or a dictionary. CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THESE PEOPLE? a Listen and circle the correct answer, a, b, or c. 1 What drinks do they get? a A coffee, a tea, and two orange juices, b A tea and three orange juices, c A coffee and three orange juices. 2 Why doesn't the woman want anything to eat? a Because she's not hungry. b Because she doesn't feel well, c Because she's on a diet. 3 What does Robertson do now? a He owns a pub. b He works in Leeds. c He works with young players. 4 Who's coming to lunch? a The man's mother-in law and his sister, b The man's mother and his sister-in law. c The man's mother-in-law and her sister. 5 What are they going to give their granddaughter for her birthday? a Money. b Clothes. c They can't decide. b '-'9 You will hear a man phoning to book a tennis court. Complete the information on the secretary's form. Haitiwörth Sports Centre Tennis court bookings: Name: Mark 1. Membership number:J. Day:3_ Time:4_ Court number: 5_ CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH? Can you...? Yes (✓) [ I talk about your diet ~l describe a sporting event you have been to (where, when, what happened) I describe a member of your family and his / her personality HI say how you think families will change in the future g present perfect and past simple V money P saying numbers Ka-ching! 1 VOCABULARY & LISTENING money a 2-i Listen to a song about money and complete it with these words. What is 'Ka-ching'? B afford blow broke credit card earn greedy loan mall mortgage spend b Now look at words 1-10 in the song and match them with their meanings. A_(verb) to give or pay money for something (noun) money that a person or a bank lends you _(verb) to have enough money to buy something _(noun) a shopping centre (US) _(adj) having no money (informal) _(noun) a small plastic card you use to buy things _(verb) to get money by working _(adj) wanting more money, etc. than you really need _(verb) to spend a lot of money on something (informal) _(noun) the money a bank lends you to buy a house D E F G H I c Listen again and read the lyrics. What do you think the song is saying? 1 Money always makes people happy. 2 The world has become obsessed with money. 3 The singer would like to have more money. d © p.147 Vocabulary Bank Money. Ka-ching We live in a 1 little world that teaches every little boy and girl to2_as much as they can possibly, then turn around and spend it foolishly. We've created us a 3 mess, we4_the money that we don't possess. Our religion is to go and 5 it all, so it's shopping every Sunday at the fi Chorus All we ever want is more, a lot more than we had before. So take me to the nearest store. Can you hear it ring? It makes you want to sing. It's such a beautiful thing - Ka-ching! Lots of diamond rings, the happiness it brings, you'll live like a king, with lots of money and things. When you're7_go and get a8__J Take out another ?_on your home, consolidate so you can 10_. to go and spend some more when you get bored Chorus Ka-ching! 2 GRAMMAR present perfect and past simple a Shelley and Ben are having an argument about money. Read what Shelley says and complete the dialogue with Ben's answers from the box below. Then try to guess his last answer. We've had it for at least three years. Maybe longer. It's old. No. What is it? Why not? ¥es= I've just bought-tfc I can't. Shelley Is that a new camera? Ben i Yes. I've just bought it. Shelley What's wrong with our old camera? Ben 2__ Shelley Old? How long have we had it? A year? Ben 3__ Shelley Three years? I'm sure we bought it last year. Look. We can't afford a new camera. Ben *_ SheUey Have you seen this? Ben s__ Shelley The gas bill. It arrived this morning. And we haven't paid the phone bill yet. Take it back to the shop and get your money back. Ben *_ SheUey Why not? Because... Ben Listen and check. c In pairs, read the dialogue again and underline five examples of the present perfect and two examples of the past simple. Then answer the questions. Which form of the verb do we use for...? 1 a completed action in the past 2 things which started in the past and are true now 3 recent actions when we don't say exactly when 4 recent actions when we say exactly when d O p.132 Grammar Bank 2A. Read the rules and do the exercises. 3 SPEAKING In pairs, interview each other with the questionnaire. Ask for more information. Have you ever wasted money on something you've newer used? Yes, i bought an exercise bike Why did you buy it? Money Questionnaire Have you ever...? (waste) money on something you've never used (sell) anything on the Internet (lose) a credit card or your wallet (save) for something for a long time (win) any money (e.g. in a lottery) (be) robbed (lend) money to someone who didn't pay you back Have you...recently? (buy) anything on the Internet (be) to a mall or shopping centre (buy) anyone a present (use) a credit card (take) money out of a cash machine (borrow) money from someone in your family 4 READING a Which of these sentences best describes your attitude to money? 1 All I want is enough money to enjoy life. 2 Money is very important to me. I'd like to earn as much as possible. 3 I would be happy to live with less money and fewer possessions. b You're going to read an article about a woman who lives without money. Why do you think she does it? How do you think she survives? Read the article to find out. c Read the article and answer the questions. 1 What was Heidemarie's job? 2 What possessions does she have now? 3 How did the experiment start? 4 Where has she lived since the experiment started? 5 Does she still work? 6 What does she do when she needs something? 7 What is she trying to show with her experiment? 8 What did she do with the money she earned from her book? d Match the highjjghted phrasal verbs with their definitions. Write the verbs in the infinitive, 1 throw away put into the rubbish bin e.g. Please ... those sweet papers. 2___ stop (doing something) e.g. He wants to ... smoking. 3 _ arrive, appear e.g. I invited 20 people to my party but only 10 will. 4 _ give something to somebody without wanting anything in return e.g. She decided to ... her old clothes to the local hospital. 5 _ start a new company or organization e.g. My brother is going to ... a software company. 6___be responsible for somebody or something e.g. Nurses ... people in hospital. e In pairs, answer the questions. 1 Do you agree with Heidemarie that...? • all jobs are equally important • most people don't like their jobs • people judge you according to how much you earn 2 What do you think of Heidemarie? Would you like to have her as a friend? Heidemarie Schweriner, a 63-year-old German woman, has lived without money for the last ten years, and has written a book about her experiences called My life without mone) t the age of 54 Heidemarie gave up her job as a / ^ psychotherapist, gave away all her money and her / M flat and threw away her credit cards. Today, .4- JmL. apart from a few clothes (three sweaters, two skirts, two pairs of shoes, and a coat) and a few personal belongings, she doesn't own anything. It alt began as a one-year experiment In her home city of Dortmund she set up a 'swapping circle' where people swap services without using money, for example, a haircut for a mathematics class. To prove that this could work she decided to give up using money for a year. But when the year ended she continued and has not used money since then. At first she house-sat for friends who were on holiday. She stayed in their house in return for watering the plants and looking after their animals. At the moment she is staying in a student residence where she can sleep, have a shower, or use a computer in return for cooking for the young people who live there. She also 'works' as a psychotherapist. 'Before I treated very wealthy people but now I help anyone who turns up. Sometimes they give me something in return, but not always.' Heidemarie says, 'I can live thanks to my contacts. A lot of people who know me understand what I'm doing and want to help me. When I need a bus ticket, for example, or a new tube of toothpaste I think, "Who can I ask? What can I give them in return?" If I want to go to the cinema, I might offer to took after somebody's children for the afternoon. It is one of the mistakes of our society that most people do something they don't like just to earn money and spend it on things they don't need. Many people judge you according to how much you earn. In my opinion, all jobs are equally important You may not earn a lot of money but you may be worth a lot as a person. Thaf s my message.' So what did she do with all the money she earned from the sales of My life without money! 'I gave it all away...' 5 VOCABULARY & PRONUNCIATION saying numbers a Write the numbers. Then listen and repeat. Practise saying them. Numbers fifteen fifty a hundred seven hundred and fifty one thousand five hundred seven thousand five hundred seventy-five thousand seven hundred and fifty thousand a million seven and a half million b 2.* Complete the numbers. Then listen and check. Money, percentages, decimals and fractions £2.50 $8.99 €3.20 50% 0.5 3.9 Vi Vi Vi V* 6V2 two_ eight_ three_ fifty_ nought fifty a_ a a___ three six _ cent _five a half c In pairs, practise saying these numbers. % 07 1« 7.8 30% £90 dU/0 100% 430 600 2'8009,2S0 $200,001 3,000,000 LISTENING & SPEAKING 2-5 Listen to a news bulletin. How many different news items are there? Listen again and answer the questions with a number. 1 How many people were injured in the crash? 2 How fast was the lorry going? 3 How many workers have walked out of the Peugeot factory? 4 What pay rise do they want? 5 How many more unemployed are there this year? 6 How many are there in total? 7 By how much have house prices increased in the last five years? 8 How much does a three-bedroomed house cost in south-east England? Answer the questions with a number, percentage, etc. If you don't know the exact number, use about or approximately. 1 What's the population of...? your country your town / city 2 What proportion of people in your country...? speak good English have more than two children have a dog smoke 3 How much do these things cost? a cup of coffee a laptop computer a small flat in the centre of town a newspaper a DVD a small car Changing your life 1 LISTENING a Answer the questions in pairs. 1 If you could spend a year working or studying in another country, which country would you choose? Why? 2 What would you like to do there? 3 What problems do you think you might have? b Read about Karen and describe what you can see in the photos. c ^8-^ Listen to Karen and answer the questions. 1 Why did she choose Beirut? 2 Why did she want to take a year off? 3 Who is Omayma? 4 Why does Karen say Arabic is a difficult language? 5 How long has Karen been teaching belly dancing? 6 How do her students feel about an English woman teaching them belly dancing? 7 What does she like most about living in Lebanon? d Compare your answers with a partner. Then listen again to check. 2 GRAMMAR present perfect continuous with for j since a *-7 Listen and complete these questions and answers from the interview with Karen. 1 How long have you been_here? 2 I've been ._and_since I was little. 3 What have you been_ here since you arrived? 4 I've been_classes with her since October. 5 I've been_belly dancing for about six years. b Look at sentences 1-5 and answer the questions. 1 Are the verbs action or non-action verbs? 2 Do they refer to single actions or continuous / repeated actions? 3 Do they refer to a completed action or one which is still happening? c © p.132 Grammar Bank 2B. Read the rules for present perfect continuous for unfinished actions. Do exercise a 'My name's Karen and I'm a primary school teacher. A few months ago, I decided to change my life. I took a year off and went to live in Beirut with my husband, Mike, who's an English teacher.' 3 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress A An important part of clear communication in English is stressing the words in a sentence which carry the information, and not stressing the other ones. Dictation. Listen to five sentences. Try to write down the stressed words. Look at the words and try to remember the whole sentence. Then listen again and write the complete sentences. Listen and copy the rhythm. 1 I've been living here for two years. 4 How long have you been waiting? 2 How long have you been learning English? 5 It's been raining all night. 3 She's been working in Italy since October. 6 We've been looking for a flat for ages. 4 SPEAKING a Look at the circles, and write something in as many as you can. b Compare circles with a partner. Ask your partner at least three questions about the things they've written. One question must be How long have you...? A Remember after How long... ? with action verbs, e.g. play, use present perfect continuous, with non-action verbs, e.g. know, use present perfect simple. How long have you been playing volleyball? How often do you play7~^> Since I was about 15. 5 READING e a Can you think of one way that a holiday could change your life for the better? b You're going to read an article about two people whose lives were changed by a holiday. Work in pairs. A read about Victoria, B about Sally. c In pairs, take turns to tell each other about the two women. Answer these questions. What is she doing now? What was she doing before? What made her change her life? How does she feel now? d Read the text that you didn't read before. Did f your partner leave out any important information? In pairs, try to guess the meaning of the highlighted words. Then match them with their definitions below. First text 1 of little importance __ 2 crazy ___.. 3 a person who looks after animals (e.g. in a zoo)__ 4 animals tike large monkeys _ 5 not looked after well___ Second text 6 the London underground __ 7 very tasty _.__ 8 asked for (in writing) _ 9 burning brightly __ 10 very small _ Whose life do you think has changed the most? Which of the two holidays would you choose? It was just a holiday, but it changed my life Holidays can be good for your health. You lie on a beach and relax, and tensions disappear. But sometimes a holiday can change your life completely, which is what happened two years ago to Victoria Smith and Sally Gook. Victoria Smith, six years ago, was working as a manager at Next, a British chain store. Then she went on holiday to Borneo... 'It was a working holiday,' said Victoria, 'where you could study orang-utans in the wild - I have always been interested in apes, so I thought it would be fun.' The holiday was wonderful, and when Victoria came home she found it very difficult to return to her old Life. 'Suddenly the problems in the storejust seemed so trivial.' Although everybody told her she was mad, she decided to go back to university and study biology. Four years Later she became a chimpanzee keeper. For the last two years Victoria has been working at Monkey Wortd, a centre in south-west England which Looks after apes which have been ill-treated. Many have been rescued from laboratories and circuses all over the wodd. She works long hours, and the pay isn't very good, but she loves it 'Apes are like a big family, each with their own personality.' Tm really happy now. Since I started working here I feel that I've been doing something important, not just wasting my life.' , .„ JB* iSA^B. •I Suddenly I knew there was a different life waiting for me.' Sally Gook wakes up every morning to a deep blue sky and blazing sun. For the last two years she has been living on the tiny Greek island of Lipsi, which is only 16 square kilometres in size and has a population of just 650. But until a few years ago she lived in London. 1 was working for American Express and I had a good social Life and earned a lot of money. But I had to get up very early every morning, often in honibLe weather, and get a train and the tube to work.' Then one day she and a friend decided they needed a relaxing holiday, and they came to Lipsi. 'I loved it - the people, the mountains, the sun, and the delicious food. Suddenly I knew there was a different life waiting for me here.' A few months later she applied for a job at the travel company which had organized her holiday. Since then she has been living on Lipsi and working as a tourist guide. Her boyfriend, who is Greek, is a farmer. Sally said, 'I've only been back to London once, and I can't imagine ever living there again.' Adapted from the British press Normal adjectives - very small_ = very tasty = very__ 6 VOCABULARY & PRONUNCIATION strong adjectives a Write synonyms for the strong adjectives. Strong adjectives 1 The island's tiny - only 16 square kilometres. 2 The food in Lipsi was delicious. 3 Her father's furious. She crashed his car. 4 I'm terrified of flying. I never travel by plane. = very 5 I've been working all day. Pm exhausted. = very 6 It's going to be boiling tomorrow - about 40°! = very 7 Can I have a sandwich? I'm starving. = very 8 The flat's enormous. It's got five bedrooms. = very 9 I'm not going to swim. The water's freezing. = very 10 Your car's filthy. Why don't you wash it? = very 11 That's a great idea! Let's do it. = very 12 This book's awful. 1 can't finish it. - very b Cover a. Complete the responses with a strong adjective. 1 Are you hungry? 2 Was your mother angry? 3 Is her flat small? 4 Are you tired? 5 Is the floor dirty? 6 Are you afraid of spiders? Yes, I'm starving Yes, she was_ Yes, it's___ Yes, I'm_ Yes, it's_ Yes, I'm_ of them. c no Listen and check. Are the strong adjectives stressed? Listen again and repeat, d O Communication Are you hungry? Yes, I'm starving! Ap.lWB p.119. 7 GRAMMAR present perfect continuous (for recent continuous actions) a Look at the pictures. How do the people look? What do you think has been happening? b 2.U Listen and check. What have they been doing? Complete the senTences. 1 Sharon and Kenny. 2 The man_ 3 The man and woman and c O p.132 Grammar Bank 2B. Read the rules for present perfect continuous for recent continuous actions. Do exercise b. d Look at the adjectives and imagine that you are exhausted, filthy, etc. Think of an explanation for each one. Then in pairs, invent a short dialogue using each adjective. exhausted filthy furious very stressed very red Hi. You look exhausted What have you been doing? 've been working in the garden. g comparatives and superlatives V transport and travel P stress in compound nouns Race to the su 1 READING a In pairs, ask and answer the questions 1 When was the last time you travelled...? by train by car by plane Where did you go? How long did your journey take? Did you have a good journey? 2 In general, which of the three forms of transport do you prefer? Why? b Read the introduction to the article, Race to the sun. Answer the questions with by car, by train, or by plane. Which journey do you think was...? the quickest _ the cheapest _ the most comfortable the most convenient c You1 re going to read about the first two journeys, but the paragraphs are not in the right order. Find the first paragraph for the plane journey, and then the other three. Do the same for the train journey. Then compare with a partner. The plane 1_ 2. The train 1_ 2. Every yeai thousands of British tourists travel to the South of France for their summer holiday But what is the best way to get there, by car, train, or plane? A British newspaper sent three of its journalists to find out They had to travel from ihe'u homes in London to Avignon. All three travellers set oil one Saturday morning in July. d Now read about the two journeys again carefully in the right order, Answer the questions with T (the train) or P (the plane). On which journey...? Which journey was...? 7 quicker □ 8 cheaper 9 more comfortable 10 more convenient 1J 1 did the traveller have to get up earlier □ 2 could the traveller have something to eat or drink 3 was the traveller more stressed □ 4 could the traveller see beautiful scenery 5 did the traveller have a meal when he arrived □ 6 did the traveller arrive earlier than expected □ HOW WORDS WORK... The bus took 45 minutes. It took me just 30 minutes from home. How long does it take you to get to school? Use take (+ person) + time (+ to get to)... to talk about the duration of a journey. Ask and answer the questions in pairs. How long does it take you to get to work / school? How long does it take to get from your house to the centre? a by car b by bus / underground c on foot Rosemary flew with a 'cut price' airline. Q When I got to security I saw that there was an enormous queue. I began to worry that I might miss my flight, because the boarding limit is 40 minutes before take-off. I had to run to gate 48 and I arrived completely out of breath. Q I arrived on time! I picked up my suitcase and followed the Exit signs. It was great not to have to wait ages for my luggage or to worry about getting a bus or taxi to the city centre. Q We boarded. Because there are no seat numbers on these flights, everybody tries to get on as quickly as they can. I sat next to a friendly Frenchman. We took off and soon I was looking down on London. There was no meal, not even coffee, but we landed 10 minutes ahead of schedule Q At 4,15 a,m, a taxi picked me up and took me 32 miles to Stansted airport Although it was early morning, there was a lot of traffic and I arrived later than I had planned. I took my luggage to check in and asked for a window seat but the woman said there were no seat numbers. Q At 7.10 a.m. I arrived at Waterloo station by taxi. It took me just 30 minutes from home. I bought the papers and walked to the platform. I got on and found my seal As soon as we started moving, I went to find the buffet car and had a cup of coffee. Q Just outside the station I looked up and saw the medieval walls of Avignon's historic city centre It was 2.20* in the afternoon and I was just in time for a late lunch! My ticket cost £65.80, and I gave the journey 8/10 for comfort and 9/10 for convenience. Q I only had to wait twenty minutes for my luggage. Then I walked outside into bright sunshine and waited for the bus to Avignon, about 40 kilometres away. I didn't have to wait long and the bus took 45 minutes, It was only 11.00* and I had the whole day in front of me. My ticket cost £53, and I gave the journey 5/10 for comfort and 5/10 for convenience. Q I looked out of the window. Although we were moving at 340 kilometres an hour, the journey was smooth and relatively quiet The part where we travelled under the English Channel took just 22 minutes. Soon l was looking at the fields and farmhouses of France. The sun was shining. I closed my eyes and went to sleep. * France is one hour ahead of the UK. Adapted from the British press 2 LISTENING a 2,1 Listen to Martin talking about his journey from London to Avignon by car. Number the pictures 1-7. b Listen again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 There's a lot of traffic in London on Saturday mornings. 2 Petrol is more expensive in Britain than in France. 3 There are two ways to cross the English Channel by car. 4 You can't drive through the Channel Tunnel. 5 The journey through the tunnel takes an hour, 6 Drivers must sit in their car when they go through the tunnel, 7 The speed limit on French motorways is 120 km/h. 8 French motorways aren't free. 9 It's 970 kilometres from Calais to Avignon. c 2}3 Listen to Martin talking about his journey and fill in the By car column in the chart. Now compare the information with your answers in la. London to Avignon By plane By train By car How long did it take? (from home) 5 hours 45 mins 6 hours 40 mins How much did it cost? £63 £65.80 Comfort /10 5 8 Convenience /10 5 9 d Think of a town / city in your country. How many different ways are there of getting there? Which do you think is the best? Why? 3 GRAMMAR comparatives and superlatives a Read the sentences. Are the highlighted phrases right or wrong? Put a tick (*/) or a cross (X), and correct the wrong sentences. 1 What's the quicker way to get to the South of France? 2 Driving is more boring than going by train. 3 Petrol isn't as cheap in Britain than in France. 4 Does the plane cost the same as the train? 5 Going by train is less expensive as flying. 6 It was the more comfortable hotel I've ever stayed in. 7 The worst month to travel through France is August. 8 Do the British drive more carefully than the French? b O p-132 Grammar Bank 2C. Read the rules and do the exercises. c With a partner compare the experiences below using the bold adjectives. 1 safe, exciting, health; travelling by motorbike travelling by car travelling by bike 2 enjoyable, dangerous, relaxing travelling by yourself travelling with friends travelling with your family 3 difficult, expensive learning to drive learning to ride a bike learning to ride a horse 4 VOCABULARY transport and travel a Put the words into the correct column. buffet car check in gate motorway platform rush hour speed limit station take off tram car plane b O p.148 Vocabulary Bank Transport and travel. 5 PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING stress in compound nouns a 2.14 Listen and repeat the compound nouns. Which word is usually stressed more? traffic lights pedestrian area boarding pass road works car park rush hour car crash seat belt cycle lane speed camera parking fine speed limit traffic jam ticket office b Ask and answer the questions in pairs. In your town / city... ir\ W What kind of public ľ ^ V transport is there? Whal time is the rush hour? Are there often traffic jams? O What's the speed limit? O Are there speed cameras anywhere? O Are there any cycle lanes? Do many people use them? O Are there any pedestrian areas? Where? O Are there enough car parks? Are they expensive Q What happens if you park somewhere illegal O Do people usually wear their seat belt in the back of the car? gQ Do motorcyclists and cyclists wear helmets? O Are big lorries allowed to drive through the centre? 6 LISTENING & SPEAKING a Read the beginning of a newspaper article and then talk to a partner: 1 Do you (or your family) ever do any of these things while driving a car? 2 Which three do you think are the most dangerous? Number them 1-3 (1 = the most dangerous). Which of these things is the most dangerous when you're driving a car? • making a call on your mobile • listening to your favourite music • listening to music you don't know • opening a packet of crisps or a can of drink • picking up a specific CD from the passenger seat • talking to other passengers A car magazine tested car drivers in a driving simulator. The drivers had to 'drive' in the simulator and at the same time do the things in the list above. The results of the tests were surprising (and worrying). b 2'5 Now listen to a road safety expert talking about the tests. Number the activities 1-6. Were your top three right? c Listen again and answer the questions. 1 What should you do when you are driving? 2 Why is opening a packet of crisps or a can so dangerous? 3 What do people often do when they pick up a CD? 4 What gets worse when drivers are talking on the phone? 5 How do people drive when they are listening to their favourite music? 6 What happens if the music is fast and heavy? 7 What's the main problem when drivers talk to other passengers? 8 Why is listening to music you don't know the least dangerous? d Look at the statements below and decide whether you agree or disagree. Tick («/) the ones you agree with and put a cross (X) next to the ones you disagree with. Think about your reasons. Drivers should not use any kind of phone when they are driving. The minimum age for riding a motorbike should be 25. People who drink and drive should lose their licence for life. The speed limit on motorways should be 100 kilometres an hour. Cyclists are just as dangerous as car drivers. Speed cameras do not stop accidents. People over 70 are more dangerous drivers than young people. e In groups, give your opinions on each sentence. Do you agree? a 111 the Office Practical English REQUESTS AND PERMISSION a 2-16 Cover the dialogue and listen. Answer the questions. 1 What does Jacques ask Mark to do? 2 What does Mark ask Ben to do? 3 What does Nicole ask Allie? b Read the dialogue. In pairs, what do you think the missing words are? Don't write them in yet. c Listen again and complete the dialogue. d 217 Listen and repeat the highlighted phrases. Copy the rhythm. e Look at the highjighted phrases in the dialogue. Complete the chart. Jacques Mark? Would you mind_me those concert dates? Of_not. Ben, are you busy? Mark Ben Mark Ben Mark Me? Never. you help me? I can't open this document. Request Response Would vou mind...? Permission f O Communication Requests pi 19, Thanks. Allie Nicole Allie Nicole Allie Nicole Allie Nicole Allie Hi, Nicole. Could you sign these, please? Sure, Is it_if I take tomorrow afternoon off? I'm_, but tomorrow's really difficult. What about Friday afternoon? Friday? That's fine. Do you_you could_me the request by email? Er, yes, of__ Hello? Hi, Mark. Could you hold a moment, Mark? Thank you, Nicole._you come and see me when you have a moment? SOCIAL ENGLISH Office gossip a 2-19 Listen. Who do Mark and Nicole talk about? b Listen again and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 Mark hasn't found a flat yet. 2 Mark likes Ben and Jacques. 3 Jacques's wife is a lawyer. 4 Nicole likes the way Allie dresses. 5 She thinks Allie is friendly. 6 Allie orders a soft drink. c 2.19 Complete the USEFUL PHRASES. Listen and check. d Listen again and repeat the phrases. How do you say them in your language? ■ \ - \ .....MnáSiiiir i 1 USEFUL PHRASES Have you started 1 I haven't had time y_ J_a minute. H_ for an apartment? Have you h_of (Isabelle)? I__me get you (a drink). Thanks. I'll h _ a (Diet Coke). do you like (the office)? aUfflflHlE MultiROM Telling a story writing f 2 Nightmare journeys We asked you to tell us about your nightmare journeys. Jutta from Germany wrote to us about hers... A nightmare journey I remember was three years ago 1_I was going to the airport with my friend. We were going to Mallorca on holiday and we had to be at Dresden airport two hours before the flight. We leaved home with plenty of time,2_when we got to the motorway there was a huge traffic jam! The traffic wasn't moving at all. We didnjjcnew what to do. It was too late to go another way,J_we just sat in the car getting more and more stressed. A_ten minutes the traffic started moving slowly. We decided to leave the motorway and try tcjkjund another way to the airport,5_I wasn't sure of the way and we got completely lost. Wewas sure we were going to miss the flight. We finally arrived at the airport just thirty minutes before the plane was going to leave. The woman at the check-in desk said wejgouJdjiT^^ luggage6_it was too late 7_we had to run with all our cases to the departure gate. 8_my friend fejtjjyer and hurt her leg, we managed to get to the gate in time and9_we caught our flight. a Read the story once. What happened in the end? Then correct the six grammar mistakes with the verbs (wrong tense or wrong form). b Read the story again and complete with a connecting word or phrase. after although because but (x2) in the end so (x2) when c Look at the list of possible travel problems in the Useful language box below. Mark them C if they refer to a car journey and P if they refer to a plane journey. Useful language: travel problems the flight was delayed you broke down you got lost you missed your flight there was a traffic jam you got a puncture you forgot your passport your flight was overbooked WRITE about a nightmare journey you've had (or invent one). PLAN what you're going to write using the paragraph summaries below: Use the Useful language box and Vocabulary Bank Transport and travel p.148 to help you. Paragraph 1 When was the journey? Where were you going? Who with? Why? Paragraph 2 What went wTong? What happened? Paragraph 3 What happened in the end? CHECK the story for mistakes ( grammar , punctuation , and spelling ). 2l \ What do you remember? GRAMMAR a Complete the sentences with one word. 1 A Shall we watch the film? B No. I've 1_seen it three times. 2 A How2__have you lived here? B 3_ 2004. 3 A 4_you read this novel? B No. Is it good? A I haven't finished it5__ VOCABULARY a Word groups. Underline the word that is different. Say why. b Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. 1 I started work here three years ago. I've_.__here for three years. 2 I made some coffee a moment ago. I've__some coffee. 3 The train is cheaper than the plane. The plane is__than the train. 4 Women drive more carefully than men. Men don't drive as____women. 5 None of the other sofas are as comfortable as this one. This sofa is__comfortable one. 1 coin cheque bank note 2 save waste mortgage owe 3 exha Listed terrified hungry furious 4 delicious wonderful great awful 5 flight journey trip travel 6 coach van helmet lorry 7 cycle lane railway station speed limit traffic jam b Write words for the definitions. 1 It's an adjective. It means very dirty, f _ 2 It's a noun. It's money that you pay to the government, t_ 3 It's a noun. It's the time of day when buses and trains are full, r_h__ 4 It's a verb. To give someone money which they must later pay back. 1_ 5 It's a noun. It's the place in a railway station where you get on / off a train. P- 6 It's a verb. It means to receive money from a relative after their death, i_ 7 It's a noun. It's the piece of paper you need to get on a plane, b_p___/ c_ 8 It's an adjective. It means very small, t_ c Complete the sentences with one word. 1 What time did the plane take_? 2 She took some money_of the cash machine. 3 Who paid_the meal last night? 4 When can you pay me_the money you owe me? 5 Can I pay_credit card? PRONUNCIATION a Underline the word with a different sound. l afford board coach enormous 2 1 tiny pick up traffic ticket 3 crash station rush charge 4 T coin cheque cycle carriage 5 seat earn speed greedy b Underline the stressed syllable. invest security luggage pedestrian terrified Q What can you do? Revise & Check ^ can you understand this text? to be a millionaire When Lydia Nash appeared on the TV programme Who wants to be a millionaire? and was fortunate enough to win £16,000, she decided to give all the money away. This wouldn't have been surprising if she had been rich or famous, but Lydia is a 19-year-old student. Lydia gave all the money to a charity which helps orphan children in Thailand and where she had also worked as a volunteer for the previous three years. 'I first visited the orphanage when I was seventeen, and I felt very depressed by what I saw. When I got back to England I felt angry -looking around all I could see were people who were obsessed with money. That convinced me to return to Thailand the following year.' After she won the money some of her friends at university thought that maybe she had made the wrong decision. 'Some people said I should have saved it for a deposit to buy a house or to pay back my student loan.' Lydia said. That really annoyed me. Students seem to live in an unreal world, where they constantly complain about being poor. But there's an enormous difference between our situation and people who have absolutely no money.' With the help of the money Lydia gave them, the charity has just finished building 'Rainbow House', a new facility that will house 50 young children, where they will live until they are adopted. If Lydia had won a million pounds and not only £16,000, would she still have given away all the money? She said, 'Before going on the show I thought a lot about what it would be like to have a lot of money and I realized that I wouldn't like it at all. And then, of course, as I had been to the orphanage and had seen all the work that needed to be done, I knew how useful that money could be. It was far more important for the charity than it could ever be for me. I definitely think I got more enjoyment out of giving the money away than if I had kept it for myself.' Read the text once. Then read it again and choose a, b, or c. 1 People were surprised that Lydia gave away the money she won because___. a she is young and not very wealthy b she already had a lot of money of her own c she had won a lot of money 2 Before winning the money, Lydia had been to the orphanage in Thailand_. a once b twice c several times 3 Lydia thinks that students today__ a are broke all the time b have a lot of money c are not as poor as they think 4 The charity has used the money to__ a build a new house b adopt more children c build a school 5 Lydia_, a wouldn't mind being rich b wouldn't like to be rich c would like to be a bit richer b Look at the highlighted words and phrases. Can you guess what they mean? can you understand these people? a 2.M Listen and circle the correct answer, a, b, or c 1 Where did the woman probably lose her credit card? a In the petrol station. b In the flower shop, c In the restaurant. 2 How long has he been working as a teacher? a Wi years b 2Vi years c 3Vi years 3 How can people travel today? a By road. b By rail. c By air. 4 Which airline are they going to fly with? a British Airways b Anglo Air c Euroflight 5 Who is working at the moment? a Her brother. b Her brother's wife. c Her brother and his wife, b Listen to a conversation between a bank manager and a client. Complete the sentences with a number. 'Ms Stephens wants to borrow £ 2 The period of loan will be_ years. 3 The monthly repayments will be 4 The interest rate is _°/c. 5 The first repayment will be on _ can you say this in english? Can you...? Yes (/) □ talk about different things you can do with money D say how long you've been living in this town and learning English □ compare travelling by car, train, and plane in your country A g must, have to, should (obligation) v mobile phones P sentence stress Modern manners 1 VOCABULARY & SPEAKING mobile phones a Match the word with the country. How do you say'mobile phone* in your language? Which name do you like best? 1 France a cell phone 2 Germany b telefonino 3 Italy c celular 4 the USA d movil 5 the UK e portable 6 Spain f mobile 7 Argentina g Handy 3-' Listen and match the sentences with the sounds. A LJ He's dialling a number. B G She's texting a friend. C □ He's just hungup. D D She's choosing a new ring tone. E □ He's calling back. F L~j She left a message on his voice mail. G The line's engaged ,' busy. c Use the questionnaire to interview another student (who has a mobile phone). Ask for more information. Mobile phone questionnaire What make is your mobile? How long have you had your mobile? Are you thinking of getting another one soon? What ring tone do you have? Do you ever use it 'hands free'? What do you use it for (apart from talking)? Where and when do you normally switch off your mobile? How often do you text? Do you use.,? a voice mail b speed dialling Have you ever...? ...lost your mobile ... sent a text to the wrong person ...forgotten to turn your phone off (with embarrassing consequences) 2 GRAMMAR must, have to, should (obligation) a In pairs, look at the picture and answer the questions. 1 What's the man doing? Does it annoy you when people do this? 2 Does this happen a lot in your country? 3 What other things do people do with mobiles that annoy you? b Listen to five people talking about things that annoy them about mobiles. Match the speakers with what they say. Who...? A says talking on your mobile can be dangerous B complains about people who are very impatient to use their mobiles C complains about people using mobiles on social occasions D hates having to listen to other people's conversations Match these sentences from the dialogues with their meaning. 1 You shouldn't answer the phone if you're talking to a shop assistant. 2 You have to switch off your mobile when you fly. □ 3 You mustn't use your phone until you get off the plane. □ 4 You don't have to shout - the other person can hear you. [~1 5 You should talk really quietly if you are in a public place. □ A You don't need to do this. It isn't necessary. B Don't do this. It isn't allowed / permitted. C Do this because it's a rule or the law. DI think it's a bad thing to do this. E I think it's a good thing to do this. d O p.134 Grammar Bank 3A. Read the rules and do the exercises. 3 PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING sentence stress a J-3 Listen and repeat the sentences. Copy the rhythm. 1 You mustn't use your phone on a plane. 2 I don't have to go to work tomorrow. 3 We have to do an exam in June. 4 You should switch off your mobile in class. 5 You shouldn't talk loudly on a mobile phone. 6 I must go to the bank this morning. b Read the definition of manners. Then look at phrases 1-8. Are these laws (or against the law) or just good / bad manners? Mark M (manners) or L (law). manners [pi noun] a way of behaving that is considered to be polite in a society or culture Manners or the law? 1 Play noisy games on a mobile phone in public 2 Send text messages when your car is stopped at traffic lights 3 Switch off your mobile phone on a plane 4 Switch off your mobile phone in class 5 Talk loudly on a mobile on public transport 6 Use a hand-held mobile while driving a car 7 Make very personal calls in public 8 Use your mobile at a petrol station c Compare with a partner. Then make sentences with. You should / shouldn't.. .(for manners) You have to / mustn't.,. (for the law) 37 t OJ t 4 reading a Look at the postcard. What does it say about the English? b Read Culture shock and tick (V) the sentence which says what the article is about. O The English have very good manners. n The English and Russian idea of good manners is different. □ The English are polite but insincere. □ The Russians are very rude and unfriendly. Culture shock Good manners are always good manners. That's what Miranda Ingram, who is English, thought until she married Alexander, who is Russian. When I first met Alexander and he said to me, in Russian, 'Nalei mnye chai - pour me some tea', I got angry and answered, 'Pour it yourself'. Translated into English, without a 'Couldyou...?' and a 'please', it sounded really rude to me. But in Russian it was fine - you don't have to add any polite words. However, when I took Alexander home to meet my parents in the UK, I had to give him an intensive course in pleases and thank yous (which he thought were completely unnecessary), and to teach him to say sorry even if someone else stepped on his toe, and to smile, smile, smile. Another thing that Alexander just couldn't understand was why people said things like, Would you mind passing me the salt, please?' He said, 'It's only the salt, for goodness sake! What do you say in English if you want a real favour?' Get around in ENGLISH Lesson Twenty-Five How to be Polite He also watched in amazement when, at a dinner party in England, we swallowed some really disgusting food and I said, 'Mmm.. delicious'. In Russia, people are much more direct The first time Alexander's mother came to our house for dinner in Moscow, she told me that my soup needed more flavouring. Afterwards when we argued about it my husband said, 'Do you prefer your dinner guests to lie?' Alexander complained that in England he felt 'like the village idioť because in Russia if you smile all the tíme people think that you are mad. In fact, this is exactly what my husband's friends thought of me the first time I went to Russia because I smiled at everyone, and translated every 'please' and 'thank you' from English into Russian! At home we now have an agreement. If we're speaking Russian, he can say 'Pour me some tea', and just make a noise like a grunt when I give it to him. But when we're speaking English, he has to add a 'please', a 'thank you', and a smile. Read the article again and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Correct the wrong sentences. 1 Miranda got angry because her husband asked her to make the tea. 2 Miranda had to teach him to say sorry when something wasn't his fault. 3 Her husband thinks English people are too polite. 4 Alexander wasn't surprised when people said they liked the food at the dinner party. 5 The food was delicious. 6 Miranda didn't mind when her mother-in-law criticized her cooking. 7 Alexander thought his mother was right. 8 In Russia it isn't normal to smile all the time when you speak to someone. 9 His Russian friends thought Miranda was very friendly because she smiled a lot. 10 Alexander never says thank you for his tea when he and Miranda are speaking in Russian. Now cover the text. Can you complete the phrases with the missing verbs? 1 _on someone's foot or toe (by accident) 2 _some wine into a glass or tea into a cup 3 _ a noise, like a grunt 4 _food (so that it goes from your mouth to your stomach) 5 _a word from English into Russian e Are people in your country more like Miranda or Alexander? 5 LISTENING a i-* Listen to three people who have lived in England answering the question "Are English people too polite?' Do they answer yes or no? If yes, what do they think the English should do? 1 Laszl6, an English teacher from Hungary Yes / No_.___ 2 Paula, a businesswoman from Argentina Yes / No_ 3 Melik, an economist from Turkey Yes / No__._ 4 Renata, a student from Germany Yes / No____ b Listen again and answer the questions. 1 Why were LaszlO and his friends in London? 2 Did he and his friends think they were going to pass or fail? Why? 3 What happened in the end? 4 What do Latin people think when English people are polite? 5 How does Paula describe Latin people? 6 What does Melik think about the English people he has met in his job? 7 What kind of English people does he say aren't polite? 8 What happened to Renata when she was in London? 9 What did she say to the last person? Why? 6 SPEAKING Look at the five situations. In groups, discuss... Do people do these things in your country? Do you think it's good or bad manners to do these things, or doesn't it matter? In my country, we don't kiss people when we meet them for the first time. Greeting people • kiss people on both cheeks when you meet them for the first time • call older people by their first names Iv sL • use more formal language when speaking to an older person In a restaurant • let your children run around and be noisy • be very affectionate to your partner • talk on your mobile ajen and women - a man's role • pay for a woman on the first date ■ wait for a woman to go through the door first • make sure a woman gets home safely at night Good manners? Bad manners? Does it matter? Driving IB? • always stop at a pedestrian crossing • hoot at someone who's driving slowly • drive with the window down and your music playing Visiting people take a present if you're invited to dinner at someone's house arrive more than 10 minutes late for a lunch or dinner smoke in a house where the owners don't smoke G must, may, might, can't (deduction) V describing people P -eigh,-aigh,-igh Judging by appearances 1 READING a Answer the questions in pairs. 1 How many documents do you have which have your photo on them? 2 Where was your passport or ID card photo taken? a in a photo booth b at home c at a photo studio 3 Do you think the photo looks like you? 4 Do you like the photo? Why (not)? b Look at the three people and their passport photos. Do they look like their passport photos? c Read the first paragraph of the article and answer the questions. 1 Why is our passport photo important? 2 Which nationality are the least happy with their photo? 3 Which are the happiest? 4 Which nationality are the vainest? d Now read the rest of the article. Who is happy with their photo? Who isn't? Why? e Look at the highlighted words in the text and choose the correct meaning. 1 a a study b a book 2 a feeling uncomfortable b feeling happy 3 a journalists b famous people 4 a feeling pleased with yourself b feeling unhappy with yourself 5 a very beautiful b very ugly 6 a without hair b with a lot of hair 7 a a kind of document b false hair Do I really look like this? Our passport (or identity card) photo is the photo we show to the largest number of different people during our lives. But how happy are we with our photo? Do we make an effort to get a good one? According to 1 research done by the US printer company Lexmark, the answer varies according to nationalities It seems that the Italians are the most2 embarrassed about their passport photo (21% said they didn't like showing it to other people). On the other hand, 98% of Norwegians said they were happy with their photos And the French spend most time trying to get the perfect photo (sometimes spending an hour in the photo booth!). We asked three British mediaJ celebrities how they felt about their passport photos... Michael Winner film director 'I used to be very4 proud of my passport photo,' said Michael Winner. 'For more than forty years I looked like an elegant film director.' But recently Michael renewed his passport and took a new photo in a photo booth. 'Now I look like a drug dealer', he says. Ruth England TV holiday show presenter Ruth England spends her life travelling and showing her passport photo to passport officials around the world. She confessed, 'Once I had a passport photo where I looked really5 hideous and so I deliberately 'lost' my passport and got a new one. For my latest passport, I took several photos and I chose the best one. I quite like it. I've had much worse ones.' Toby Young author and journalist Toby Young said, Tm often stopped when I go through passport control because I don't look like my passport photo at all. In my photo I had a lot more hair but now I'm 6 bald . No one believes it is me. So, now I have two possibilities: take a 7 wig with me every time I travel or get a new passport photo!' 40 Adapted from the British press 1 HOW WORDS WORK... Look at two sentences from the text: Once I had a passport photo where I looked really hideous. I looked like an elegant film director. You can use the verbs look and look like to talk about a person's appearance. • Use look + adjective (or an age). ■ Use look like + a noun or pronoun. Complete the sentences with look or look like in the correct form. 1 This photo doesn't_you at all. When was it taken? 2 You ._very young in this photo. How old were you? 3 Your brother__a rugby player. He's enormous. 4 You_tired. Why don't you go to bed? 2 VOCABULARY describing people a O p.149 Vocabulary Bank Describing people. b 3-5 Look at the four men and listen. Which one is the bank robber? 3 PRONUNCIATION -eigh,-aigh,-igh a Look at the pink letters in the words below. Are they pronounced l&J or /ai/? Put the words in the correct column. bright height high in his eighties light brown might neighbour overweight sight straight weigh b 3S Listen and check. c How is -igh always pronounced? How is -eigh usually pronounced? Which word is an exception here? d 5-7 Practise saying the sentences. Listen and check. 1 She has light brown hair. It's short and straight. 2 He's medium height and slighdy overweight. 3 He's in his eighties, but his eyesight's very good. 4 She likes wearing tight straight-leg jeans. 4 GRAMMAR must, may, might, can't (deduction) a Look at the photo of the three women. Who do you think is who? Match texts A-C with the photos. Judging i by appearances Millionaire's daughter? Managing director? Policewoman? Who do you think is who? b Read the texts again. In pairs, answer the questions. 1 Which two women feel they are judged because of their appearance? How? 2 Which woman thinks she is judged because of her name? How? c Look at the highlighted phrases in the texts and answer the questions. 1 Which phrase means if's impossible?__ 2 Which phrase means it's certain ?___ 3 Which phrase means it's possible ? _ d © p.134 Grammar Bank 3B. Read the rules and do the exercises, e © Communication Who do you think they are?p. 116 Match more people with their jobs. LISTENING In pairs, look at the man in the photo and answer the questions. Use must, may, might, can't be. Say why. 1 Where do you think he's from? England Sweden Spain 2 How old do you think he is? In his 20s In his 30s In his 40s 3 What do you think his job is? priest musician accountant 3-8 Listen to the first part of a radio interview with him and check your answers. Were you right? Listen again and make notes under the headings below. Compare with a partner. name parents languages nationality - (what he fee!$) - (what he looks like J profession - (when he started) - (how long he's been doing it professionally) J-9 Now listen to the second part of the interview and answer the questions. 1 In which of the two countries is it easier for him to make a living? 2 In what other countries is there a lot of interest in his job? 3 What is the stereotype of someone doing his job? 4 In which of the two countries does he think people judge him by his appearance? e How important is appearance in your country? Do people in your country judge by appearances? G can, could, be able to (ability and possibility) V -ed I -ing adjectives P sentence stress ^ If at first you don't succeed,... 1 GRAMMAR can, could, be able to a Look at the title of the lesson, which is the first half of a well-known saying. Look at the different second halves below. Which do you think is the real saying? Which do you think is the best advice? ... ask for advice. ... leave it until tomorrow. .. .give up. .. .pay someone else to do it for you. .. .have a cup of tea. ... try, try again. b Look at the definition of be able to. What other verb is it similar to? be able to do sth to have the ability, opportunity, time, etc. to do something, e.g. Will you be able to come to the meeting next week? I'm a failure! c Read the article about people who have tried (but failed) to learn something. Complete the text with these phrases. A I've never been able to say B I was able to learn C you'll never be able to speak D I just wasn't able to do it E I hate not being able to communicate F I would suddenly be able to do it G all my friends are able to do I've never been able to... Yo\j is Ĺol/e ořh\Y um I started having driving lessons when I was 17. Although I'm normally a quick learner, '____After 18 months I failed my first test -1 was really disappointed. Since then I've taken the test again three times, but I've always failed - usually on reversing or parking. The problem is I get so nervous during the tests that I can't drive properly. It's so embarrassing to admit that I can't learn to do something that2__1 Amanda, Brighton .learn to danc I've always wanted to be able to dance salsa, and when I was working in Ecuador there were free classes, so I joined. But the art of salsa is to keep your arms still and move your hips, and I just couldn't do it. when I hear music my arms start moving but my hips don't. After about ten hours of classes 3_ the steps, but I was dancing like a robot! I didn't give up, but soon everyone in the class was dancing and I was just slowly moving from side to side and counting out loud 'one, two, three, four1.1 was sure that one day4 _- but that never happened. I can still remember the first two steps, though, and I still try to dance when I hear a salsa tune, as long as nobody is watching. Sean, Oxford ...speak a foreign language I've started learning English at least ten times. I've been to classes, I've had a private teacher, I've used a self-study course, but5_anything in English. I even had an English girlfriend once but she learned Spanish before I managed to improve my English, so we always spoke in Spanish. I travel a lot in my job and 6__ - it's so frustrating. I'm thirty-two now and I think if you don't learn a language when you're a child, or go and live in the country, 7 _it well. GutUermo, Madrid * * translated from Spanish d Look at phrases A-G. What tense or form of be able to are they? e O p.134 Grammar Bank 3C Read the rules and do the exercises. f O Communication Cuess the sentence Ap.116Bp.119. 2 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress a 3-10 Dictation. Listen and write six sentences with can I cant at could / couldn't. b Listen and repeat the sentences. Copy the rhythm. 1 I'd love to be able to ski. 2 We won't be able to come. 3 I've never been able to dance. 4 She hates not being able to drive. c J-13 Listen and make new sentences with the verbs you hear. 3 SPEAKING Interview your partner with the chart. ^O* - C^j^ play a musical ' instrument slti dance salsa cook swim create a website ride a horse ^) ride a horse sing sail speak a foreign language (apart from English) drive d love to be able to ride a horse. Yes, I can. No. I can't HOW WORDS WORK... 1 Look at the two uses of so. Match them with their uses. 1 It's so frustrating! 2 The classes were free, so I joined. □ to emphasize an adjective or adverb □ to connect a cause and a result 2 Look at the sentences below. Is so use 1 or use 2? A 1 love Paris - it's so beautiful. B The bus didn't come so I walked home. □ C Why does he talk so much? □ D I was so tired that I went to bed at 9.00. □ B I was tired so I went to bed. □ How well? When did you learn? How did you learn? Did you find it easy or difficult? Would you like to be able to? Why (not); 4 VOCABULARY -ed/-ingadjectives a Look at the picture. 1 Which person is bored? Which person is boring? 2 Which person is embarrassed? Which person is embarrassing? b Without looking back at the texts in 1, underline the correct adjective in these sentences. 1 I failed my first test -1 was really disappointed / disappointing. 2 It's so embarrassed / embarrassing to admit I can't do something that all my friends are able to do. 3 1 hate not being able to communicate - it's so frustrated / frustrating. c Look back at the texts on p.44 and check your answers. d Complete the adjectives with -ed or -ing. 1 What do you think is the most excit _sport to watch? 2 What music do you listen to if you feel depress _? 3 What was the last interest__TV programme you watched? 4 Have you ever been disappoint_by a birthday present? 5 Which do you find more tir_ _, travelling by car or by public transport? 6 Are you often bor_ at work or school? 7 What's the most embarrass_thing that's ever happened to you? 8 Are you frighten of any insects? 9 Do you feel very tir_in the morning? 10 What's the most bor _film you've seen recently? e Ask and answer the questions in pairs. Ask for more information. 5 LISTENING a You're going to hear a psychologist talking about how to succeed at learning to do something new. Before you listen, match these phrasal verbs with their meanings. 1 I want to take up scuba diving. 2 I'm going to give up learning Japanese -it's too difficult. 3 If I like this course, I'll carry on next year. □ a stop, abandon □ b continue I I c start something new b 3-u Read these seven tips. Now listen to the programme. Tick (✓) the five things the psychologist says. 1 D Be realistic about what you choose. 2 i J Always take up a new activity at the beginning of the year. 3 Tl Don't think you'll be bad at all sports just because you're not good at one. 4 D Don't give up an activity before you've given it a good chance. 5 D If you're learning something new, don't think you're going to become the best in the world at it. 6 f Always take up a new activity with a friend. 7 D Learning something new is a good way of meeting people. c Listen again. What examples does she give for each point you've ticked? E3 6 READING a Can you think of anyone you know or a famous person who has been successful in very difficult circumstances? b Work in pairs. A read about Natalie, B read about Bethany, Complete the chart. Natalie Bethany 1 How did she lose a limb? 2 When did she start her sport again? 3 How did she feel? 4 What has she achieved since then? 5 How does she see her future? c A use the chart to tell B about Natalie. B complete the chart. Then swap roles. d Now read the other text. Underline five words / phrases in either text that you want to remember. e What have the two women got in common? What's different about them? Natalie, the swimmer who lost a leg Natalie du Toit, the South African swimmer, was only seventeen when she lost her leg in a road accident. She was going to a training session at the swimming pool on her motorbike when a car hit her. Her leg had to be amputated at the knee. At the time she was one of South Africa's most promising young swimmers. Everybody thought that she would never be able to swim competitively again. But Natalie was determined to carry on. She went back into the pool only three months after the accident. And just one year later, at the Commonwealth Games in Manchester, she swam 800 metres in 9 minutes 11.38 seconds and qualified for the final - but not for disabled swimmers, for able-bodied ones! Although she didn't win a medal, she still made history. 'I remember how thrilled I was the first time that I swam after recovering from the operation - it felt like my leg was there. It still does,' says Natalie. 'The water is the gift that gives me back my leg. I'm still the same person I was before the accident. I believe everything happens in life for a reason. You can't go back and change anything. Swimming was my life and still is. My dream is to swim faster than I did before the accident.' Bethany, the surfer who lost an arm Bethany Hamilton was the best girl surfer of her age when she lost an arm in a shark attack. She was only thirteen years old and was surfing in Hawaii when a tiger shark attacked her and tore off her left arm. It happened so fast she didn't even scream. But Bethany was determined to get back on a surf board as soon as possible. As soon as she left hospital, she began practising her surfing exercises on the beach. Everyone was amazed to see her surfing so soon after her accident. Incredibly, she finished 5th at the National Surfing Championships. 'The first time I went back into the sea I was so happy I cried,' she said. 'It was easier than I thought. But obviously it's much more difficult than with both arms, and I have to accept I'll probably never be world champion, which used to be my dream.' Since then Bethany has signed a contract with Rip Curl, and has written a book about her experiences which has been made into a film. 'I always dream of the sea,' she says. 'When you surf a wave, it's like walking on water, and when you're in the air, it's like flying.' 7 3.i4 SONG n You can get it if you really want 3 \ Renting a flat Practical Enclish HOW TO GET THERE a 3.15 Cover the dialogue and listen. Where is the flat that Mark is going to see? What's the best way to get there? How is Mark going to get there? b Read the dialogue. In pairs, what do you think the missing words are? Don't write them in yet. Mark Where_is it? Pm sorry, I didn't catch that. OK. far is it? OK, OK. Merci. Au revoir. Jacques Any luck? Mark I think I've found an apartment. How do I_to Belleville? Jacques The easiest_is to get the metro at Pyramid es. Take Line 14 and_at ChStelet. Mark OK. Jacques Then take Line 11_Mairie des Lilas. Mark Where do I_off? Jacques At Belleville. Mark How many ._is it? Jacques Six, I think. Mark Oh right, I've found it on the map. How long does it_to get there? Jacques About half an hour. Nicole Have you found a flat? Mark Yes, in Belleville this time. Nicole When are you going to see it? Mark This afternoon. Nicole If you can wait till six, I'll_you a lift. I live near Belleville so I'm driving that way. Mark That's great. Thanks. SOCIAL ENGLISH What's going on? a 3.n Listen. Does Mark decide to rent the flat? b Listen again and answer the questions. 1 What are the main advantages and disadvantages of the flat? 2 What two lies does Mark tell? Why? Do you think Nicole believes him? c 3-18 Complete the USEFUL PHRASES. Listen and check. d Listen again and repeat the phrases. How do you say them in your language? USEFUL PHRASES So, what do you t_? I can't w___(to see it)! It's a long w_from (the station). Are you on your o__? It's a p_(there isn't a lift). I'll call you b__ What's it 1_? c Listen again and complete the dialogue. d 3-1* Listen and repeat the highlighted phrases. Copy the rhythm. e In pairs, try to remember the questions for these answers 1 The easiest way is to get the metro. 2 At Belleville. 3 Six, I think. 4 About half an hour. f O Communication How do I get there? A p.117 B p.120. Hfffllfflft MultiROM An informal letter writing / went to Scotland and stayed with Stephanie and David. After she had gone home, she wrote to thank them. Look at the List of things she says in her letter. Number them in a logical order 1-7. A □ She suggests the best time to come to Geneva. B □ She thanks them for having her to stay. C □ She talks about what she's been doing recendy. D D She apologizes for not writing before. E □ She mentions two really good experiences in Scotland. F □ She thanks them again and invites them to stay G PI She talks in general about the nice things that happened in Scotland, Now read Christelle's letter and check your answers to a. Find and correct five punctuation mistakes in the second paragraph. Look back at the emails on p. 17. What difference is there in style between an informal letter and an email? Useful language: informal letters / emails Beginnings Dear + name (email: Dear or Hi) Sorry for not writing earlier but... Thank you / Thanks (so much) for (your letter, having me to stay etc.). It was great to hear from you... Endings That's all for now. Hope to hear from you soon. / Looking forward to hearing from you. (Give my) regards / love to. Best wishes / Love (from) PS I enclose a photo of the three of us (email: I attach...) Imagine you have some British friends in the UK, and you stayed with them for a week last month. WRITE a letter to thank them. PLAN what you're going to say. Use 1-7 above and the Useful language box to help you. CHECK the letter for mistakes ( grammar , punctuation , and spelling ). rue de la Tour 9 1207 Geneve Switzerland 10 September Dear Stephanie i Sorry for not writing earlier but I've been incredibly busy since I got back! Im writing to thank you for letting me stay with you in august I had a fantastic time. The weather was perfect and I really think my english got better, i hope you think so too! It was very nice to meet Claire and Emma. There were a lot of memorable days, but I'll never forget the open air concert we went to - it was amazing - or the visit to Edinburgh Castle. For the last three weeks I've been very busy organizing everything for my next year at university. I have to matriculate for aN my subjects and choose the optional ones I want to do. I've also been doing a lot of exercise as I put on three kilos while I was in Glasgow! I've been going swimming every day and playing football with my friends. Talking of football, I was sorry to see that Celtic lost on Saturday. Lets hope they play better next week. Anyway, that's all for now. Thanks again for everything. Don't forget my invitation to come to Geneva - my family would love to meet you. Spring would be a great time as it's warm and not too crowded. Give my love to Claire and Emma. Best wishes Christelle PS I enclose a photo I took of the girls in Edinburgh. 49 What do you remember? GRAMMAR Complete the second sentence with two words so that it means the same as the first. Contracted forms, e.g. isn't, count as one word. I really think it's important for you to learn to drive. You really must learn to drive. 1 Why don't you join a tennis club? It would be good for you. I think you__a tennis club. 2 I'm sure she's not American. She hasn't got an American accent. She__American, she hasn't got an American accent. 3 I can't go out tonight. 10 I won't to go out tonight. It's prohibited to take photos there. You__photos there. I'm not sure if she'll like her present. She__like her present. Wearing a uniform is not obligatory. You__to wear a uniform. The lights are on so I'm sure he's at home. The lights are on so he__ at home. I think perhaps this is their house. This__. their house. Paying in advance is obligatory at this school. You__pay in advance at this school. Drinking a lot of coffee isn't a good idea. You___a lot of coffee. VOCABULARY a Complete the description. My cousin Ann is very attractive. She's in her !m_-twenties - 24 or 25 I think. She's blonde, with shoulder-2!_hair. Ifs completely }s__, not curly at all. Her 4f_is very long and gets in her eyes. She's very short-sighted but she 5 w_contact lenses. b Complete with an adjective from the bold verb. 1 Are you_in sport? 2 I was very_when I failed the exam. 3 This book is really__I can't finish it. 4 I completely forgot his name. It was so__! 5 I felt very because I just couldn't do it. interest depress bore embarrass frustrate c Complete with one word. 1 Please switch_your mobile. You can't use it here. 2 I'm afraid John's out. Can you call_later? 3 I can't believe it! He hung_in the middle of our conversation! 4 She looks_her mother. They both have big eyes. 5 He's_his late forties. PRONUNCIATION a Underline the word with a different sound. might fifties frightened height straight engaged «5L^\ curly bored short taU § grey ugly glasses fringe _JRJV^ check moustache switch choose Underline the stressed syllable. disappointed embarrassing interested mobile overweight What can you do? revise & check CAN YOU The best day This week's contributor is the thriller writer Minette Walters. One of the best days of my life was when my agent phoned to say that my first novel, The Ice House, had been accepted by a publisher. I'd finished the book 18 months earlier, and I didn't think it was ever going to be published. It was one morning in the autumn of 1990 when the phone call came 1 was J9, and a friend of mine turned up sat down at my kitchen table and burst into tears because she was having problems with tier marriage I was doing rny best to try to console her when the phone rang. So there I was, listening to the best news of my life, while my friend was crying over the worst news of her life. My agent said, 'Aren't you pleased7 Why aren't you more excited?' I said, 'I am.. but I'll tell you later1.1 put the phone down and tried to be sympathetic to my friend. But at 11 D'dock I couldn't stand it any longer so I said, 'Stay there I have to go out for ten minutes'. I came back with a bottle of champagne. "You and I are going to drink some champagne/1 said, and told her my good news. She was a much happier lady when she left! I can't remember how many publishers had turned down my book, because my agent didn't tell me. I don't know how many copies it's sold now - a couple of million I should think, because ifs published in 36 countries. But J have absolutely no sympathy for those publishers who rejected my book. I was deeply hurt at the time, but now I'm laughing! a Read the article and choose a, b, or c. 1 In 1990 Minette Walters was_about the chances of her first novel being published. a quite optimistic b quite pessimistic c quite worried 2 When her agent first phoned, Minette felt that she- celebrate the news. a shouldn't b had to c could 3 Her agent couldn't understand__ a why she was crying b what she was saying c her reaction 4 In the end Minette's good news made her friend__ a feel better b feel worse c leave early 5 Now that she is very successful, she_the publishers who rejected her. a feels positive towards b feels negative towards c understands b Look at the highlighted words and phrases. Can you guess what they mean? CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THESE PEOPLE? a 319 Listen and circle the correct answer, a, b, or c. 1 Where's the girl's mobile? a In the cafe. b In her pocket, c In her bag. 2 How late are their friends? a Less than 15 minutes. b IS minutes, c More than 15 minutes. 3 Who looks good in their passport photo? a The woman. b The man. c Neither of them. 4 The girl's new boyfriend is... a tall and with long dark hair, b tall with short dark hair. c short with short dark hair. 5 How many times has the woman failed her driving test? a One. b Two. c Three. b 3m Listen and complete the form with the missing information. Anglo language school Name: 1_ Surname: 7_ Nationality: 'J_ Student wants to study Student has been to ' level. CAN YOU SAY Can you.,.? Yes (/) □ talk about bad mobile phone manners, and what you think people should do C describe yourself and other people D talk about something you've tried to learn but weren't able to and why G first conditional and future time clauses + when, until, etc. v education p ItJ or /ju:/? Back to school, aged 35 1 VOCABULARY education a Answer the questions in pairs. 2 PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING M/or/jit:/? 1 When did the second World War end? 2 What is the capital of Colombia? 3 Who wrote H My first point is that Secondly.. Another important point is that... Finally d Do you think school exams in your country are easier than they used to be? G second conditional V houses P sentence stress In an ideal world... Our weekly questionnaire. This week we ask the actress and model Isabella Hossellini and dancer Joaquin Cortes. 1 If you could live in another period of time for its fashion, when would you. choose and why? Z If you. could come back in another life, who (or what) would you like to be? 3 if you could change one part of your body, what would it be? 4 What would you wear if you were invited on a date by someone you really liked? 5 What would you eat for your last meal and who (dead or alive) would you share it with? Eft Ml Hi 1 GRAMMAR second conditional a Look at the two photos on p.56 and describe the people. Do you know anything about them? b Read the questions in Getting personal and match two answers with each question. Try to guess which answers are Isabella Rossellini's and which are Joaquin Cortes's. A Q A fly on the wall, so I could watch people. 8 Q Either the thirties, for its elegante, or the seventies, for its hippy clothes and tjreat music. C Jeans avid a shirt V My back, i would like 13 new vertebrae. E Q With a fabulous woman. I wouldn't really care about the food. P | | I'd change everything. P Q Some super comfortable French pyjamas that everyone thinks are clothes. Q\jA bird would have a pasta supper with my dog, Macaroni It's what she has wanted her whole life. t\ | id choose today or any time after the end of the corset c Look at Getting personal again, and answer these questions. 1 In questions 1^4, what tense is the verb in the if clause? 2 What tense is the other verb? 3 How is question 5 different? 4 Do the questions refer to real or imaginary situations? d O p,136 Grammar Bank 4B. Read the rules and do the exercises. e O Communication What would you do if,.. ?A p.ll7Bp.l20. 2 PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING sentence stress a Match the sentence halves. 1 I wouldn't wear that hat [ _ A if she practised more. 2 If you did more exercise, | | B I'm sure she'd understand you. 3 If it wasn't so expensive, [ ] C if I could find the right person. 4 I'd get married tomorrow I | D you'd fee] much better. 5 She'd play better □ E I'd buy it. 6 If you talked to her, ] F if I were you. b *-8 Listen and check. c Listen again and repeat. Copy the rhythm. Then cover A-F and try to remember the sentences. d Choose three of the sentence beginnings below and complete them in a way which is true for you. Tell a partner and say why. If! wo* a dream fofufay7„ a competiti0^ l'^f'" jf I coM choose any car I liked, I'd have a... ffl co*ld be very good at a sport, I'd choose-if I could choose my ideal Job, I'd... if I had more time, I'd'/earn... if I oqM buy a house in another country, M H~' II R,ril& SPACIOUS 3 VOCABULARY houses a Look at the cover of Ideal Home magazine. Which room is it? How many things in the room can you name? b O pJ 51 Vocabulary Bank Houses. c In pairs, ask and answer the questions. Where do you live? What do you like about the area where you live? What don't you like? What do you like about your house / flat? What would you change? 4 LISTENING & SPEAKING a 49 Listen to four people describing their 'dream house'. Match the speakers 1^1 the pictures. FREE GARDEN MAGAZINE IP $1 i or M? EL b Listen again and match the people with what they say. Which speaker...? □ would not like to have other people living nearby LJ would like to live somewhere that was partly old and partly modern □ would not spend much time inside their dream house □ doesn't think they will ever get their dream house c Think for a few minutes about what your dream house would be like and make notes. Use Vocabulary Bank Houses to help you. Where would it be? What kind of house or flat would it be? What special features would it have? d In groups, describe your houses. Whose do you like best? 5 READING a Have you ever visited the house where a famous person was born or lived? Where was it? What do you especially remember about it? b Read the article about Casa Azul. Which part of the house are these things connected to? Why are they mentioned? two gtant statues Leon Trotsky a yellow floor a monkey and a parrot a pair of shoes a cupboard with a glass door July 7 1910 1929-1954 Match the highlighted words with their meaning. 1_ a piece of furniture with cupboards at the bottom and shelves above, to hold cups and plates, etc. 2_ material which you can see through 3_ the door, gate, or opening where you go into a place 4_ a room where paintings are hung _ the floor above where you are _ with a lot of fresh air inside _ wooden or metal covers which are fixed outside windows 8_ an area, usually behind a house, where people can sit and eat outside d What did you find out about Frida Kahlo and her life? Would you like to visit her house? 6 410 song n Our house 58 Houses you'll never forget Casa Azul (The Blue House) On the corner of Londres and Allende Street in Coyoacan, an old residential area of Mexico City, there is a house with bright blue walls, tall windows and green shutters, surrounded by trees. It is one of the most extraordinary places in Mexico, the home of the surrealist painter Frida Kahlo, who died in 1954, aged only 47. The entrance is guarded by two giant statues nearly seven metres tall. As you walk past them, you enter a garden with tropical plants and fountains. When you go inside the house the first room is the spacious and airy living room, Here Frida and her husband, the painter Diego Rivera, entertained their famous friends, including the millionaire Nelson Rockefeller, the composer George Gershwin, and the political leader Leon Trotsky. Now the room is a gallery where some of Frida's paintings can be seen. The first thing you notice when you go into the kitchen is the floor - painted bright yellow to stop insects from coming in. There is a long yellow table where Frida and Diego often had lunch parties, and a yellow dresser holding traditional green and brown Mexican dishes. Here, their guests often found themselves in the company of Frida's pets, Fulang Chang a beloved monkey, or Bonito the parrot, who used to perform tricks at the table in return for butter! Everywhere in the house you can feel the spirit of Frida and Diego. Upstairs Frida's palette and brushes are still on the worktable in her studio, as if she had just put them down. In Diego's bedroom you can see his stetson hat and a huge pair of shoes - he had enormous feet. In another bedroom there is a cupboard with a glass door, which contains one of the colourful Mexican dresses which Frida loved wearing. Above the cupboard, in Spanish, are painted these words: Trida Kahlo was born here on July 7 1910r. In fact, she was born three years earlier (July 6th 1907) but she changed her birth date to the year of the Mexican Revolution. On the walls of the patio is another inscription 'Frida and Diego lived in this house from 1929-1954'. Again, this is not entirely true. She and her husband lived in separate houses for five years during that period, and they divorced in 1939, though they remarried a year later. The house, like Frida's life, is full of contradictions. Still friends? 1 VOCABULARY & SPEAKING friendship a Complete the text with the phrases below. argue close friend colleague get on very well have a lot in common keep in touch known lost touch met I have a close friend called Irene. I've '__ her for about 15 years now. We 2_at work - she was a 5__of mine at the company where I used to work, and we used to have our coffee breaks at the same time. We *____ although we don't5__ - we have quite different interests. We don't work together any more, and when I changed jobs we 6_for a couple of years. But now we 7_regularly. We phone each other once a week, and we see each other about twice a month. We don't often 8_, only sometimes about films as we have completely different tastes! b Think of a close friend of yours. In pairs, ask and answer the questions. How long have you known him/her? Where did you meet? Why do you get on well? What do you have in common? Do you ever argue? What about? How often do you see each other? How do you keep in touch the rest of the time? Have you ever lost touch? Why? When? Do you think you'll stay friends? 60 2 GRAMMAR usually and used to a Have you ever tried to get in touch with an old friend? Why? Did you succeed? b Read about the Friends Reunited website and answer the questions. 1 What's it for? 2 How do you use it? Friends Reunited is a website which helps you to find old friends and lef s you read what people you've lost touch with are doing now. New visitors find their old schools or workplaces, which are usually listed on the web page, and then add their names to the list of people already registered. They can also post photos and information about what they are doing now. When they want to contact another member, Friends Reunited forwards the message. Communication takes place without revealing personal email addresses or contact details until members decide they want to do so. c Now read about two people who registered on the website. Who did they want to meet? Why? d Complete the texts with the sentences below. he used to go to I used to know I used to live used to come we used to go out - e Look at the two texts again. When do we use used to7. How do you make negatives and questions? f © p.136 Grammar Bank 4C. Read the rules and do the exercises. Friends Reunited?] Carol, 52, from Cornwall When I was 15 I fell in love with a boy called Robert. I was at school, a girls' convent, and he was in his first year at university. 1 . _ in secret because my parents didn't like him at all - Robert was a long-haired hippy who played the guitar. But after a year I broke up with him because my parents were making my life impossible. Robert was very angry, and we completely lost touch. But I always wondered what had happened to him, and when I heard about Friends Reunited I decided to try to get in touch again. I'm divorced now, and I thought 'you never know...'. I remembered the name of the school that2 and I went to their web page on Friends Reunited and there was his name! I sent him an email and two days later 1 got a reply... Alex, 24, from Manchester i_in Manchester but when I was eighteen my family moved south to London. Two years ago I had a really bad motorbike accident. 1 was in a coma for two weeks and in hospital for six months. I completely lost my memory, not just of the crash itself but also of my past. While I was in hospital, my family every day and play me my favourite music and show me photos. Little by little I began to remember who I was and who my family were. But I still couldn't remember anything about the rest of my life. Then my sister had the idea of contacting Friends Reunited. Through them she contacted people p_in Manchester when I was at school. She arranged a reunion in a pub near Piccadilly Station and I travelled to Manchester in search of my past. 3 LISTENING a 4-11 Read the text about Carol again. Now listen to her talking about what happened next. Was the meeting a success? b Listen again and answer questions 1-5. 1 Why was Carol surprised at Robert's choice of job? 2 What happened when she got to the restaurant? 3 What do Carol and Robert look like now? 4 What did Carol realize as soon as she saw Robert? 5 How had Robert changed? c 14.12 Read the text about Alex again. Now listen to him talking about what happened next. Was the meeting a success? d Listen again and answer questions 6-10. 6 Did he recognize any of the people? 7 How did he feel? 8 What did they talk to him about? 9 What did he remember when he saw the photos? 10 Who is Anna? What does he think of her now? 4 PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING /s/or/z/? a M-13 1 Listen to the sentences. Is the se in the verbs pronounced fsf or liP. Write s or z in the box Which pronunciation is more common? 1 I used to live in London. □ 2 I used my credit card to pay □ 3 Excuse me. Can you help me? 4 You need to practise your pronunciation. □ 5 We won't win, we'll lose. 6 They advertise on TV. □ 7 They promised to keep in touch. □ 8 Could you close the window? □ b Now practise saying the sentences. c In pairs, tell each other about three of the following. Give as much information as you can. A machine you used to use a lot but don't any more A friend you used to have but who you've lost touch with A teacher at school you used to hate A sport you used to play but don't any more A singer you used to listen to a lot and who you still like A food or drink you didn't use to like but like now An actor you used to like a lot but don't any more 5 READING a How often do you see your really good friends? Would you like to see them more often? Do you spend much time with people you don't really like? b Now read the magazine article. What does 'edit your friends' mean? Do you need to' edit your friends7 Is your mobile phone directory full of phone numbers of people you don't really want to talk to? Do you go out with people from work or university more often than with your real friends? Do you say yes to invitations because you think you should, not because you want to? [f you answered yes to at least two of these questions, then perhaps it's time to 'edit your friends'? Nowadays people tend to spend a lot of time socializing with colleagues at work or classmates at university. Trie result is that we don't have enough time to see our real, close friends. As our lives get busier it becomes more important to spend the little free time we have with people we really want to see, people we love and who really love us. Who are the friends you need to edit? A few years ago I read a book about how to get rid of unnecessary possessions. It said you should ask yourself about each thing you have: Is it useful? Do I really like it? Do I feel better every time I look at it? If the answer is no to any one of those questions, you should throw it away. Maybe we should ask similar questions about our friends. What kind of friends will you probably need to edit? Sometimes it's an old friend. Somebody who you used to have a lot in common with, but who, when you meet now, you have very little or nothing to say to. Or it might be a new friend who you get on quite well with, but who is taking up too much of your time. Next time one of these people calls you and suggests a meeting, think, 'Do I really want to see this person?' and if the answer is no, say no, and make an excuse. That way you'll have more time to spend with your real friends. c Now read the article again. Choose the best summary of each paragraph, a, b, or c. 1 People need to 'edit' their friends if... a they have moved to a different area. b all their friends are people from work or school. c they are spending a lot of time with people who are not real friends. 2 People today are often very busy, so... a they should see their friends less. b they should think carefully about how they spend their free time, c they should try to make friends with people from work / school. 3 The writer says that... a we should ask ourselves who our real friends are. b most of our friends are unnecessary c we shouldn't treat friends as possessions. 4 The kind of friends we probably need to 'edit' are... a old friends who don't talk very much. b new friends who talk too much. c friends that you don't really want to see any more. d Read the article again. Underline five new words or phrases you want to learn. e Do you agree with the article? Do you need to 'edit your friends'? 62 13 HOW WORDS WORK. l Look at these expressions with get which have appeared in this lesson. Match them with their meanings A-G. 1 ...a book about how to get rid of unnecessary objects n A make contact with somebody 2 ..a new friend who you get on with quite well I- B be friendly with 3 ..I sort of relaxed and felt I was getting to know them again L J C become 4 ..I got to the pub late □ D know somebody (or something) litde by little 5 ..I decided to try to get in touch □ E receive 6 ..and two days later I got a reply □ F throw away 7 .. I got really excited □ G arrive at / in 2 Complete the questions with get or an expression with get. Ask and answer the questions in pairs. 1 Who do you_best in your family? 2 Does it take you long to_ -new people? 3 Do you_more emails from friends than work-related ones? 4 How do you normally 5 How often do you_ _with your friends (by text, phone, etc.)? things (e.g. clothes) that you don't use any more? 6 LISTENING & SPEAKING a 4.w Read sentences A-F below. Now listen to three people talking. Which sentences are they talking about? Write 1,2, or 3 next to the sentence. A Men keep their friends longer than women. B It's more difficult to keep in touch with friends than it used to be. C It's impossible to stay 'good friends' with an ex-partner. D You should never criticize your friend's partner. E You should never lend money to a friend. F You can only have two or three close friends. b Listen again. Do they agree or disagree with the statements? What are their reasons? What examples do they give? c Now look at the sentences and tick (✓Jthe ones you agree with and cross (X) the ones you don't agree with. Think about your reasons. d In groups, compare opinions. Try to give real examples from your own experience or of people you know. Use the phrases below to help you. Useful language Agreeing 1 agree with that ^> I think that's true. Disagreeing I don't agree with that (at all) I don't think that's true Giving examples For example, I have a friend who "Sorry, Frank, but I can no longer go on with this charade. Not only am I not your best friend, I'm not even sure I like you at all.* 4 \ A visit from a pop star Practical English MAKING SUGGESTIONS a M-15 ■ Cover the dialogue and listen. What's the problem? Where do Mark and Allie decide to take Scarlett? b Read the dialogue. In pairs, what do you think the missing words are? Don't write them in yet. Allie I got a message this morning. It's from Jacques. {Allieplays the message.) Allie You've met Scarlett Scarpino, haven't you, Ben? Ben The punk princess? Yeah, I met her in London last year. Allie What's she like? Ben Let's say she's a bit ... difficult. Allie What are we going to_with her? Mark Why_you show her around Paris? Allie I have a_idea. Why don't you show her around Paris? Mark What, me? I'm new here! Allie You can't leave me to do this on my own. Mark OK, why_we take her to N6tre Dame? I mean, it's her first time in Paris, isn't it? Ben I don't think churches are really her thing. Mark tHow_taking her on a boat trip? Allie Brilliant! Mark And then we could go up the Eiffel Tower. Allie _a good idea. I'm sure she'll love the view. Ben And she might fall off! Mark Thanks for your help, Ben. we have lunch after that? Allie .___go somewhere really nice. Do you have any recommendations, Ben? Ben about La Renaissance? It's Jacques's favourite. Allie That sounds perfect. Er, Ben, do you want to come too? Ben Sorry, Allie. I'm really busy. But I'm sure you'll have an unforgettable meal. c Listen again and complete the dialogue, d Listen and repeat the highlighted phrases e Look at the highlighted phrases again. Then cover the dialogue. Try to remember the missing words for making suggestions. Making suggestions ___take her to N6tre Dame? __._taking her on a boat trip? __have lunch after that? _go somewhere really nice. __La Renaissance? f Imagine you are going to go out with the other students next Saturday. In small groups, ask and answer the questions. 1 What time and where shall we meet? 2 Where shall we have dinner? 3 What shall we do after dinner? SOCIAL ENGLISH An unforgettable meal a Listen. What does Scarlett have for lunch? b Listen again and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 Scarlett isn't hungry. 2 She doesn't eat meat or fish. 3 She's allergic to seafood. 4 She didn't enjoy the boat trip. 5 They went up the Eiffel Tower. 6 Allie doesn't like Scarlett. 7 Mark guesses what Scarlett would like to eat. c «.1? Complete the USEFUL PHRASES. Listen and check. d Listen again and repeat the phrases. How do you say them in your language? USEFUL PHRASES What w_you like? Aren't you h_? (The seafood) 1„___. good. I'm a_to (mushrooms, strawberries, nuts...) S_we leave now? No, h_on. I have an idea. Do you think you could p_ do me a favour? US English restroom UK English toilet fflEHBSl MultiROM Describing a house or flat Writing Ti1 ie e Four-bedroom house. Alberta, Canada Would you like to stay in this beautiful house in the heart of th Canadian Rocky Mountains? Ifs a spacious house with four bedrooms, a living room, a large kitchen, two bathrooms, and a store room. There are breathtaking views of the mountains from al! the windows. It has a large balcony, which is ideal for eating outside in the summer. The house has wooden floors, a Jacuzzi, cable television, and Internet. Ifs a quiet, safe neighbourhood and the neighbours are very warm and friendly. The house is walking distance from stores and restaurants in the local town and a short drive from areas with excellent skiing and hiking. In the area around the house you can see amazing wildlife such as bears, wolves, deer, and mountain goats. This house is perfect for families or two couples. Ifs a no-smoking house and, sorry, no pets. J Two-bedroom apartment, Manhattan, Mew York City superb Rent thisjwCe two-bedroom apartment. Ifs perfectly situated between 43rd Street and 8th Avenue, five minutes from Time Square and most of the theatres, and a fifteen-minute walk from Central Park. Ifs a nice 150-square-metre apartment on the 19th floor of a new building. It has two bedrooms, a nice living room with a huge balcony a kitchen/dining room and two bathrooms. The flat has very big windows, so during the day ifs very light and at night you have a nice view of downtown Manhattan, especially on the 4th of July when you can see all the fireworks! The neighbourhood is colourful, and it's nice for people who like eating out or going to the theatre and clubs. There's a subway station on the street and ifs a ten-minute walk to Grand Central train station. JFK airport is less than half an hour away by taxi. This apartment is nice for couples. Sorry, no children or pets and definitely no smoking. a Read the two adverts from a website. Which one would you prefer to rent for a two-week holiday? Why? b Read about the house in Canada again. Highlight any adjectives which help to 'sell' the house. c Now read about the New York apartment again. Improve the description by replacing the word nice with one of the adjectives below. Often there is more than one possibility. breathtaking ideal magnificent perfect spacious superb Useful language: describing location Ifs perfectly situated... walking distance from... a (fifteen-minute) walk from... a short drive from... The neighbourhood is (safe, friendly, etc.) It's a (beautiful) area... WRITE a description of your house / flat (real or imaginary) for a website. PLAN what you're going to write. Use the Useful language box and Vocabulary Bank Houses p.151 to help you. Paragraph 1 A brief introduction. What kind of house / fiat is it? Where is it exactly? Paragraph 2 Describe the house / flat. What rooms does it have? Does it have any special characteristics? Paragraph 3 Describe the neighbourhood. How far is it from places of interest, public transport, etc.? Paragraph 4 Say who the house / flat is suitable for. Are there any restrictions? CHECK the description for mistakes ( grammar , punctuation , and spelling ). 65 What do you remember? GRAMMAR a Complete the sentences with the right form of the verb in brackets. 1 If I don't pass the exam, I-it again in January, (do) 2 You'd sleep better if you less coffee, (drink) 3 Don't buy it unless you_sure you like it. (be) 4 If I could change a part of my body, I_my nose, (change) 5 As soon as he _, we can have dinner, (arrive) b Choose a, b, or c. 1 Where_if you took the job in London? a will you live b did you live c would you live 2 I used_with that boy over there. a going out b to go out c go out 3 I_enjoy flying but now I love it. a not used to b didn't used to c didn't use to 4 In the summer I_ a usually go b use to go c usually to go to the country. _to wear glasses? a She used b Does she use c Did she use VOCABULARY a Word groups. Underline the word that is different. Say why. 1 cottage village flat detached house 2 sink dishwasher fridge shower 3 secondary uniform boarding state 4 cheat pass exam fail 5 classmate friendship colleague close friend b Complete the sentences. 1 Maths, physics, and geography are s___ 2 A school year is often divided into three t 3 A school where you have to pay is a p 4 A senior university teacher is a p__ school. 5 The area outside the central part of a city is called the s 6 Smoke comes through the c — 7 The part which covers the top of a house is the r 8 The 'door' of a garden is the g_._. old school friends? c Fill each gap with one word. 1 They often argue _ politics. 2 Do you keep_touch_ 3 They live_the suburbs. 4 Do you get_ well with the people in the office? 5 My son is_university. 6 We don't have very much_common. PRONUNCIATION a Underline the word with a different sound. LB touch study student subject lyyj punish music argue university close cosy country stone flat cottage balcony maths !l!t" block copy modem homework b Underline the stressed syllable. uniform exam secondary residential colleague cm What can you do? revise & check The children who sang on Another Brick in the Waif by the British group Pink Floyd have changed their tune since 1979. 25 years later, they are trying to take the group to court because of unpaid royalties. The song which was a number 1 in the UK and abroad, was an attack on school and education and it had the famous chorus, We don't need no education, we don't need no thought control... teacher, leave those kids alone!' The chorus was sung by thirteen schoolchildren from Islington Green School in London, who were taken to the Britannia Row record studios to sing on the recording by their music teacher. They never met the group and were not paid for their work. When the head of the school heard the song with its anti-school lyrics, she banned the children from receiving any publicity or from appearing on TV. Peter Rowan, a royalty expert from Edinburgh, has spent two years trying to find the children, now adults, and he intends to help them make a legal claim (or royalties. Mr Rowan said, They probabfy won't get more than a few hundred pounds each, but this is about recognition. They deserve to have their work recognized even if it has taken 25 years' Ian Abbott, 40, was one of the children who sang on the record. He said, 'Now I don't agree that "We don't need no education." Education is so important. I really regret that I didn't study more at school. I would like to go to university now and get a degree , But work gets in the way when you get older. Sometimes I say to my nieces, 'You must study harder," and they say, "But why? Look at what you sang on that song.'" Mirabai Narayan, another one of the children, now works as a teacher herself. She said, 'I sometimes wonder if the song influenced my career. My job now is to help kids with learning difficulties.' Adapted from the British press CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS TEXT? a Read the article and mark the sentences T (true), F (false), or DS (doesn't say). 1 Another Brick in the Wall was also successful outside the UK. 2 The children got a little money for singing on the record. 3 The music teacher was a friend of the group Pink Floyd. 4 The head of the school wasn't happy about the song. 5 Peter Rowan was one of the thirteen children. 6 He thinks the children will get a lot of money. 7 Ian Abbott is sorry that he didn't work harder at school. 8 He doesn't have any children of his own. 9 Mirabai Narayan is sure the song made her become a teacher. b Look at the highlighted words and phrases. Can you guess what they mean? CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THESE PEOPLE? a Listen and circle the correct answer, a, b, or c. 1 What problem does the teacher want to discuss? a A girl copied from Sean. b Sean cheated in an exam, c Sean is lazy. 2 The woman in the pub is... a slim with blonde hair. b tall and dark, c short and fat. 3 Which house are they going to buy? a The cottage. b The detached house, c They haven't decided. 4 When did Dennis leave school? a 1967 b 1971 c 1978 5 When are they going to have lunch? a Thursday 2.00 b Thursday 1.00 c Tuesday 1.00 b *J° Listen to a conversation between two men talking about a 'flat share' and complete the missing information. Flat share bills 1_Bradley Road, Rent: E1_a month + J._ Room free from 1. _ 5_permit costs £10 a month CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH? Can you...? Yes (/) □ talk about a school you used to go to (or go to now) □ describe your ideal house Q talk about a close friend (where and when you met, how often you meet, etc.) 67 G quantifiers V noun formation P -ough and -augh Slow down, you move too fast 1 GRAMMAR quantifiers a Answer the questions and compare with a partner. How much time (approximately) do you spend on a weekday...? • sleeping • having meals (breakfast, lunch, etc.) • working (or studying) • cooking • doing housework or shopping • relaxing, doing sport, or seeing friends b Read the article Are you happy with your work-life balance? Which situation is most typical in your country? C Read the texts again and underline the correct phrases. d O P-138 Grammar Bank 5A. Read the rules and do the exercises. e Talk in small groups about the things below. Are you happy with your work-life balance? How much time do you have...? for yourself to do exercise to see friends to be with your family How much.. .do you have? work school / university work English homework energy Amélie, lawyer, Paris, France 2 PRONUNCIATION -ough and -augh J I didn't use to have ^much time i many time for anything because I was working Hoo much i too many hours - 45 or more a week. But then here in France the government decided that people should only work 35 hours a week. Nowadays I have plenty of I plenty time for myself. I play tennis two evenings a week, and I finish work at lunchtime on Friday, so I can have long weekends. I am much happier. I think when you have time to enjoy your personal life, you work much better. f Nayuha, store assistant, Tokyo, Japan Yes, I am happy with it because I've chosen a lifestyle that I like and that gives me squite a lot off quite free time. But my father, on the other hand, works more than 70 hours a week for a car company, which I think is madness. 9iots of/ Much Japanese people do the same. There's an expression in Japanese, karoshi, which means 'dying because you work too hard I too much hard.' A lot of people in Japan get ill or die because they work "too / too much. I think my generation is different. We don't want our lives to be ruled by work. I work ]2a few I a tittle hours a day in a store - that gives me enough money to live. 1 spend the rest of my time seeing my friends and playing baseball. A Be careful with the letters ough and augh. They can be pronounced in different ways. a a Write the words in the list in the correct column. although bought brought caught daughter enough laugh thought through tough 1 (my *@ ■'S b s.i Listen and check. Which is the most common sound? Which three words finish with the sound /f/? c * Practise saying the sentences. Then listen and check. 1 1 bought some steak but it was very tough. 2 Although it was dark, we walked through the tunnel. 3 I thought I'd brought enough money with me. 4 I laughed when my daughter caught the ball. 3 LISTENING 5,3 You arc going to hear an expert telling us five ways in which we can slow down in our daily lives. Listen once and complete Tips 1-5 with two words. Tips 1 Eat breakfast 2 Forget the_ 3 Go for a _ Do instead. 4 Spend 10 minutes each day 5 Have a_, not a_ Why? Listen again and write down any other information you can in the Why? column. Compare with a partner. Which do you think are the best two tips? Do you already do any of them? 4 reading & vocabulary a Read the leaflet and match the verbs with their meanings. We promise to... teachers' salaries unemployment national products abroad people to do more sport wildlife smoking in streets and parks influence somebody in a positive way, e.g. /... my children to do sport. to make something bigger, e.g. The boss is going to ... my salary. 3__to say something is not allowed, often by law, e.g. We want to ... smoking everywhere. 4__ to help something to happen or develop, e.g. The meeting helped to ... better relations. 5 _ to make something smaller, e.g. ... the noise, the number of cars. 6 _ to defend somebody or something, or keep them safe, e.g. We need to ... these birds as they are becoming extinct. b Read the introduction to the article. What is the 'counter-revolution'? c Work in pairs, A and B. A read Do you eat 'Slow Food'? and find out the answers to these questions. 1 Who started the Slow Food movement? Why? 2 What did he think was wrong with today's world? 3 What are the aims of the Slow Food movement? 4 How big is the Slow Food movement now? B read Would you like to live in a 'Slow City'? and find out the answers to these questions. 1 How did the Slow City movement start? 2 What are the aims of the Slow City movement? 3 Where has it spread to? 4 What do the people of Aylsham in the UK think about living in a Slow City? d Cover the article. A tell B about the Slow Food movement. B tell A about the Slow City movement. e Do you think these movements are a good idea? Slow down, you move too fast The clock rules our lives. The more we try to save time, the less time we seem to have. In every area of our lives we are doing things faster. And many of us live in towns and cities which are getting noisier and more stressful as each day passes. But now a worldwide movement, whose aim is to slow life down, has started a counter-revolution. Its supporters are people who believe that a happier and healthier way of life is possible... au Do you eat Slow Food* 'Slow Food? The Slow Food movement was founded the day that an Italian journalist, Carlo Petrini, saw that McDonald's had opened a restaurant in Piazza di Spagna, the beautiful square in Rome. He thought it was tragic that many people today live too quickly to sit down for a proper meal and only eat mass-produced fast food. He decided that he had to try to do something about it and so he started the Slow Food movement. Although he didn't succeed in banning McDonald's from Piazza di Spagna, Slow Food has become a global organization and now has more than 80,000 members in 100 countries. 'We believe,' says Fiona Richmond of Slow Food UK, that people should take time to enjoy food.' Slow Food also encourages people to eat local and regional food, to us^ local shops and markets, to eat out in small family restaurants, and to cook with traditional recipes. Says Richmond, 'There is nothing more satisfying than relaxing around a lively table in the company of family and friends. The pleasure of eating quality food should be celebrated. áttashw Would you like to live in a 'Slow City? The idea of 'Cittaslow' or 'Siow Cities' was inspired by the Siow Food movement and it was started by the mayor of the small Italian town of Greve in Chianti. The aim of Slow Cities is to make our towns places where people enjoy living and working, and where they value and protect the things that make the town different. Towns which want to become a Slow City have to reduce traffic and noise, increase the number of green areas, plant trees, build pedestrian zones, and promote local businesses and traditions. Many other small towns in Italy have joined the movement and it has spread to other countries all over the world, from the UK to Japan and Australia Aylsham in the UK recently became a Slow City, and most people are delighted. 'Slow Cities are about having a community life in the town, so people don't come home from work, shut their doors and that's it,' said a local resident. 'It is not "slow" as in "stupid". It is "slow" as in the opposite of "frantic" and "stressful". It is about quality of life.' But not everybody in Aylsham is happy. For teenagers, who have to go 25 km to Norwich, the nearest city, to buy trainers or CDs, living in a Slow City is not very attractive. 'It's all right here,' says Lewis Cook, 16. 'But if you want excitement, you have to go to Norwich. We need more things here for young people.' Adapted from the British press 5 VOCABULARY noun formation Nouns are often formed: from verbs, by adding -ment, -wn, -ation, and -a! from adjectives by adding -ness or -ity a Form nouns from the verbs and adjectives beJow and write them in the chart. discuss govern happy mad move organize possible propose react reJax similar survive -ment -ation -ion -al -ness -ity b M Listen and check. Underline the stressed syllable in each word. Which ending has a stressed syllable? 6 SPEAKING a Imagine that your town is flunking of becoming a 'Slow City* and is planning to do the following things: ■ Ban all fast food restaurants. • Promote small family restaurants. ■ Ban cars from the city centre. • Create more pedestrian zones. Create more green areas and plant more trees. • Reduce the speed limit in the town to 30 km/h. • Use speed bumps and police cameras to control speed. * Move all big supermarkets outside the city. • Encourage local shops and ban multinational chain stores. • Ban loud music in bars and clubs. Tick the ones you agree with and cross (X) the ones you disagree with. Think of reasons. b Work in groups. Have a 'meeting' to discuss each proposal and then vote for or against it Useful language I'm for / against (banni The problem with (reducing...) is that. I think / I don't think it would be a good idea (to create . ) I don't think that would worl That would really make a difference. c Compare with other groups. Which proposals are the most popular? G articles: a j an, the, no article V verbs and adjectives + prepositions P sentence stress, the, /G7 or /5/7 Same planet, different worlds 1 GRAMMAR articles: a / an, the, no article a Read the text and complete it with a I an, the, or — (= no article). Do you agree with the text? Five things you don't usually hear a woman say to a man 1 'No thanks. I don't like ,_ chocolate' 2 'I know it's our anniversary__next Saturday, but let's not go out. Let's stay in and watch_Cup Final on TV.' 3 'I want to buy_new car -1 really like . new BMW. It's got fuel injection and does 180 kilometres_hour.' 4 'I'm glad you like__beer. I love -_. men with _ — fat stomachs -1 find them very attractive.' 5 'Don't worry, I wasn't expecting present. I don't like presents anyway. b © p.138 Grammar Bank 5B. Read the rules and do the exercises. c Read the text and complete it with a i an, the, or - (= no article). Do you agree with the text? Five things you don't usually hear a man say to a woman 1 'I see Brad Pitt has new film out. Would you like to go to_cinema tonight and see it?' 2 'I'm completely lost so I'll stop and ask 3 'I thought 4 'I think_red dress suits you, but take your time. There are lots of other shops we can try.' 5 'I really admire the way you can go to_work, run _children so well!' woman over there for directions.' sheets needed changing so I put them in_washing machine.' g are 1 house, and bring up 2 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress, the, /()/ or Ibil a 5-5 Dictation. Listen and write sue sentences. Practise saying them with the correct rhythm. Are articles normally stressed? b 5.6 Listen and repeat the phrases. When is the pronounced /5a/? How is it pronounced in the other phrases? the shop the address the owner the sun the engineer the world A Remember th can be jjp^ e.g. the, or^^^e.g. think. 5-7 Listen and circle th when it is pronounced /6/. Then repeat the sentences. 1 That man over there is very wealthy. 4 I threw it away the other day. 2 June is the sixth month of the year. 5 We have maths in the third term. 3 There are three things you have to remember. 6 The athletics track is through that gate. 72 3 READING & SPEAKING a In pairs, look at the list of subjects below. Who do you think talks about them more, men or women? Write M orW. sport_ work_ clothes health_. family _ . films_ politics_ cars_ their house_ the opposite sex_ b Read the first paragraph of A gossip with the girls ? Does the writer agree with you? Who talks about most topics? A gossip with the girls? Women are experts at gossiping, and they always talk about trivial things, or at least that's what men have always thought. However, some new research suggests that when women talk to women, their conversations are far from frivolous, and cover many more topics (up to 40 subjects) than when men talk to other men. Women's conversations range from health to their houses, from politics to fashion, from films to family, from education to relationship problems. Football is notably absent. Men tend to have a more limited range of subjects, the most popular being work, sport, jokes, cars, and women. According to Professor Petra Boynton, a psychologist at University College London, who interviewed over 1000 women, women also tend to move quickly from one subject to another in conversation, whereas men usually stick to one subject for longer periods of time. At work, this difference can be an advantage for men, where they can put other matters aside and concentrate fully on the topic being discussed. On the other hand , it also means that they sometimes find it hard to concentrate when several things have to be discussed at the same time in a meeting. Professor Boynton also says that men and women chat for different reasons. In social situations, women use conversation to solve problems and reduce stress while men chat with each other to have a laugh or to swap opinions. Now read the whole article. What does the writer say? Choose a, b, or c. 1 When women talk to each other they generally talk about __ a unimportant things b very serious things c many different things 2 Men_as women. a don't talk as much b don't talk about as many things c don't work as much 3 In conversation women _than men. a talk more quickly b change the subject more often c talk more about work 4 At work, if there is a meeting which focuses on one subject,__. a men will probably concentrate better than women b women will probably concentrate better than men c men and women will both concentrate well 5 One of the reasons why women talk to each other is a to relax b to exchange ideas c to tell jokes d Now prove that the article is wrong! Work in pairs or small groups. If you're a woman, try to talk for two minutes about: football cars computers If you're a man, try to talk for two minutes about: fashion shopping losing weight / dieting HOW WORDS WORK... 1 Look at the highlighted words and phrases in A gossip with the girls? Which one(s) do we use...? 1 to compare and contrast two facts or opinions whereas 2 to introduce an opposite point of view_._ 3 to introduce some extra information_ 4 to explain who says or believes something_ 2 Complete the sentences with one of the words or phrases. Sometimes there are two possibilities. 1 My sister plays tennis and she_goes swimming once a week. 2 Travelling by yourself can be fun._, it is often more dangerous. 3 _doctors, we shouldn't drink too much coffee. 4 Dogs are very affectionate,_cats are more independent. 5 New technology makes our lives easier._, it can be difficult to learn to use. 4 LISTENING a Have you ever been to a spa or health farm? If yes, did you enjoy it? If no, would you like to go? Why (not)? b Read the introduction to the article. Why did the journalists go to the spa? Which treatment do you think a) Joanna and b) Stephen will like best? Spas - women love them. Can men enjoy them too? The Sunday Times decided to find out. They sent two journalists, Joanna Duckworth and Stephen Bleach, to spend a day at a health spa, which offers thermal baths, saunas and steam rooms, an outdoor swimming pool, and of course a wide variety of massages and treatments. These are some of the treatments they had: Banana, papaya and strawberry body polish - a treatment which will smooth and hydrate your skin, with a head massage - 40 minutes. Kanebo Kai Zen facial - a deep Intensive cleansing, with face and neck massage -Ihr 40 minutes. Elemis foot treatment - a foot bath, pedicure and foot massage - 55 minutes. c Listen to the two journalists talking after the first treatment and write the information in the chart. Listen again to check. Repeat for the second and third treatments. Stephen Joanna marks out of 10 reasons marks out of 10 reasons 1 The body polish s.a 2 The facial 5.9 3 The foot treatment 5-"> 5"11 Listen to five extracts from the recording. Try to write down the missing word. How do you think you spell it? What do you think it means? 1 It was hot and_and incredibly uncomfortable. 2 The head massage was__! 3 My face feels different - much__ 4 I just use_and water. 5 I love the colour they painted my __ e Which of the treatments would you choose to have? 5 SPEAKING Look at A man thing or a woman thing? Talk in small groups. In your country who does these things more, men or women? Why do you think this is? Useful language Generally speaking / In general, I think women go to spas more than men. T think it's more common for men to watch football I think women tend to read novels more than men... A. Remember not to use an article when you generalize, e.g. I think men... NOT the men A man thing or a woman thing? • Going shopping • Going to health spas • Going to the gym • Going to the cinema • Reading novels • Going to sports events • Doing housework • Learning languages • Going to bars and pubs • Playing games (e.g. cards, chess) 6 VOCABULARY verbs and adjectives + prepositions Men think that women always talk about trivial things. In fact, they cover more topics than when men talk to men. a Complete the prepositions column. Verbs 1 Do you often talk a friend your problems? 2 Do you often think the future? 3 Do you often have to wait a bus or train? 4 Do you agree your friends about politics? 5 What dish or dishes do you usually ask in a restaurant? 6 Have you ever borrowed money your family? 7 Do you often write emails English-speaking people? 8 How often do you listen classical music? 9 Do you think a man should pay dinner on a first date? 10 Do you know anyone who works a multinational company? 11 Do you know anyone who works a DJ? 12 Are you going to apply a job soon? Prepositions Adjectives 13 Are you good sport? 14 Are you bad remembering birthdays? 15 Are men's hobbies very different women's hobbies? 16 Are you afraid any insects? 17 Are you interested fashion? 18 Are you worried anything at the moment? Prepositions b Cover the prepositions column. Work in pairs. A ask B the first question. B ask A the second question. Continue with the rest of the questions. Then swap roles. 7 5.ii SONG n Sk8erBoi G gerunds and infinitives V work p word stress Job swap 1 VOCABULARY work 2 PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING word stress a Underline the stressed syllable in each word. Use the phonetics to help you. 1 apply/o'plai/ 2 contract /'kontraekt/ 3 employee /rmploi'u/ 4 experience/ik'spiarians/ 5 overtime /'auvataim/ 6 permanent /' p3:man3nt/ 7 qualifications/kwDhfi'keiJnzv' 8 resign /n'zam/ 9 retire /n'taia/ 10 temporary/'temprari/ b 5" Listen and check. Practise saying the words. c Talk to a partner. Do you know anybody who... • is applying for a job? What kind of job? • has just retired? How old is he / she? ■ has been promoted recently? What to? • does a lot of overtime? Why? • was sacked from his / her job? Why? • is self-employed? What does he / she do? • is doing a temporary job? What? • has a part-time job? What hours does he / she work? a Look at the picture story and match a sentence with each picture. A But he was happy because he had a good salary and a company car. B He applied for a job with a food company, and sent in his CV. C He was sacked. Jake was unemployed again... □ D After six months he got promoted. IZ E Jake was unemployed and was looking for a job. F He had to work very hard and do overtime. □ G But then he had an argument with his boss. D H He had an interview, and he got the job. □ b Cover the sentences and look at the pictures. Tell the story from memory, c O p.152 Vocabulary Bank Work. 3 GRAMMAR gerunds and infinitives a Complete sentences 1-16 in the questionnaire. Put the verbs in the gerund, e.g. working, or the infinitive + to, e.g. to work. b Read the sentences and tick (V) only the ones that you strongly agree with. Compare your answers with another student. c Now see in which group{s) you have most ticks. Read the paragraphs on the right to find out which jobs would suit you. Would you like to do any of them? The right job for you - match your personality to the job 1 I am good at listening to people. listen 2 I enjoy_people with their problems. help 3 I don't mind_a very large salary. not earn 4 I'd like__as part of a team. work 5 I am good at _quick decisions. make 6___ risks doesn't stress me. take 7 I don't find it difficult_ by myself. work 8 I'm not afraid of _large amounts of money, manage 9 I am good at_myself. express 10 I always try__my instincts. follow 11 It's important for me_creative. be 12 I enjoy__ improvise 13 _ _ complex calculations is not difficult for me. do 14 I enjoy__ logical problems. solve 15 I find it easy_ _theoretical principles. understand 16 I am able_ space and distance. calculate d Look at the sentences in the questionnaire. Complete the rules with the gerund or infinitive +■ to. 1 After some verbs, e.g. enjoy, don't mind use... _ _ 2 After some verbs, e.g. want, would Me use... _ 3 After adjectives, use... _ 4 After prepositions, use...__ 5 As the subject of a phrase or sente nee, use... _ e O p.138 Grammar Bank 5C Read the rules and do the exercises. If you have most ticks in 1-4, the best job for you would be in the 'caring professions'. If you are good at science, you could think of medicine, for example a doctor or nurse. Alternatively, teaching or social work are areas which would suit your personality. If you have most ticks in 5-8, you should consider a job in the world of business, for example sales or marketing. Other possibilities include accountancy or working in the stock market. If you have most ticks in 9-12, you need a creative job. Depending on your specific talents you might enjoy a job in the world of music, art, or literature. Areas that would suit you include publishing, journalism, graphic design, fashion, or the music industry. If you have most ticks in 13-16, you have an analytical mind. A job in computer science or engineering would suit you. You also have good spatial sense which would make architecture and related jobs another possibility. f Choose five of the topics below and tell your partner about them. 4 READING a Read the title of the article. What kind of personality do you think you need to be a good political reporter? b Read the text and put these headings in the right place. The challenge The contestant The teachers The training The programme c In pairs, find the following words in the text: 1 A person who takes part in a competition contestant 2 A person who writes about the news in a newspaper or speaks about it on TV 3 A person who decides how criminals should be punished or who decides the result or winner of a competition 4 A person who works in the media (newspapers, magazines, TV, or radio) 5 A person who is a Member of Parliament (abbreviation) 6 A person whose job is concerned with politics___ d O Communication Test your memory A p.117Bp.nO. Who can remember most about the programme? e Do you think Jessica will pass the test? Why (not)? From librarian to political reporter... In a month! How Jessica went from working in a local library to interviewing politicians on TV in just 28 days 1 The programme The Pretenders is a very successful and popular TV series In each programme there is a contestant who has just four weeks to learn to do a completely new job. At the end of the month the contestant has to do a 'test', where he or she has to do the new job together with three other real professionals. A panel of three judges hasti decide which of the four people is pretending to be a professional. Sometimes thq spot who is pretending, but sometimes they don't! 2_ Jessica Winters is a 26-year-old librarian who lives in Southampton with her parents. She studied English Literature at the University of Bath before getting a job in her local library. She didn't know it, but two of her friends sent her name to the TV company to take part in The Pretenders. 'When someone from the programme prion* me, I thought it was a joke', said Jessica. 'First of all I said no, but they asked me to think about it. In the end my friends and family persuaded me to say yes.' 3_ Jessica had four weeks to turn from a quiet, shy, librarian into a confident TV reporw At the end of the month she had to do her final test. This was a live TV interview with the Minister of Education. She had to try to make the judges think that she really ws a professional reporter. 4_ An experienced political journalist, Adam Bowles, and ex-MP Sally Lynch had the job d transforming Jessica. When they first met her, they were not very optimistic. 'Jessica needs to be a lot tougher. She's much too sweet and shy,' said Adam. 'Politicians will o» her alive.' They had just 28 days to teach her to be a reporter... 5_ Jessica had to spend the month in London She was completely isolated from her family and friends - she could only talk to them on the phone. The trai ning was very hard ww* She had to learn how to interview people, how to look more confident, how to speak dearly. She also had to learn about the world of politics. 'I'm feeling really nervous,' sad Jessica. 'I'm terrified of the idea of being on TV. Also I've never been interested in politia - I don't know anything about it -1 didn't even vote in the last elections.' 5 LISTENING You're going to hear Jessica and her teacher Adam talking about how she did in her four weeks on The Pretenders. Listen to each week and answer the questions in pairs. Week! 5.14 1 What did Adam and Sally think of Jessica? 2 According to Adam, what two problems did Jessica have? 3 What three things did Jessica have to do this week? 4 How did she feel at the end of the week? Week 2 =.« 5 How did Jessica change her image? 6 What did she learn to do this week? 7 What did she have to do at 10 Downing Street? 8 Was she successful? Why (not)? Week 3 ™ 9 What did Adam think about Jessica? 10 What did she have to do this week? 11 What mistake did she make? 12 What did Adam say that Jessica needed to do? Week 4 5.17 13 What was Jessica's final test? How did she feel about it? 14 Did the interview go well for Jessica? Why (not)? 15 Did the judges realize that Jessica wasn't a professional reporter? 16 Would Jessica like to become a reporter? Why (not)? 6 SPEAKING Talk to a partner. Imagine you were asked to appear on the programme. Look at the list of jobs that other contestants trained to do. Which ones would / wouldn't you like to learn to do? Why? football coach dog trainer rock singer mechanic TV director stuntman chef DJ car salesman Useful language I wouldn't like../"^ I wouldn't mind 3> I think I'd enjoy. I think I'd be (quite) good I'd be terrible ±3 I ^5^\ Meetings Practical English giving opinions s.i8 Cover the dialogue. Listen to Allie, Mark, and Jacques discussing promotion for Scarlett's CD. Who has the best idea? What is it? b Read the dialogue. In pairs, what do you think the missing words are? Don't write them in yet. Allie Scarlett Allie Mark Allie Jacques Allie Scarlett Mark Allie Jacques That was a great concert last night, Scarlett. Thanks. As we know, Scarlett's got a new CD coming out soon. So let's have a look at the best way we can promote it in France. OK, well I think Scarlett_visit the major music stores. In my_, that's the best way to meet her fans. I'm not so__What do you_, Jacques? Actually, I don't with Mark. Scarlett Allie Mark Allie Scariett isn't commercial in that way. Scarlett? Scarlett? I agree_lacques. I don't have a commercial image. It isn't my style. OK, but Scarlett needs more publicity. What about a series of TV and radio interviews? _you agree? Yes, but that's what everybody does. What we want is something different. , I think Scarlett should tour clubs and summer festivals. She can DJ, play her favourite music, play the new CD, and meet her fans, too. Yes, ! That's a much better idea. Mark? OK, why not? Scarlett? I think that's a _ idea. Thank you, Jacques. c Listen again and complete the dialogue. d 5.19 Listen and repeat the highlighted phrases. Copy the rhythm. e Look at the highlighted phrases in the dialogue. Put them in the right column in the chart. Asking people what they think Saying what you think Agreeing / Disagreeing What do vou think? I think... I'm not so sure. f O Communication What do you think? Ap.lUBp.J20. In small groups, give your opinion. m SOCIAL ENGLISH Why is she smiling? a 520 Listen. Who do they see in the Louvre? b Listen again and answer the questions. 1 Has Mark been to the Louvre before? 2 Why isn't he very happy? 3 What does Allie say about the meeting? 4 What two theories about the Mona Lisa does Allie mention? 5 What's Mark's theory? 6 Why do they leave in a hurry? c VJi v Complete the USEFUL PHRASES. Listen and check. d Listen again and repeat the phrases. How do you say them in your language? la if , if r m USEFUL PHRASES What's the m_? It's not a big d_______ , You're k___ Now I don't know much a_(art)... That's really un_! Don't t Let's g_ round! out of here. CTTTCITffm MultiROM Formal letters and a CV writing f 5 a Look at the job advertisement. Which job could you apply for? b Complete the CV (Curriculum Vitae) with a heading from the list. Additional information Career history Computer skills Education Languages Personal in formation c Read the covering letter. Circle the more formal phrase in each pair. Mehmet Bolat 1 Personal information_ Address Alper Apt. Daire 3 Turgut Özal Caddesi Seyhan, Adana Telephone home: 0090 322 6587688 mobile: 0090 535 9428190 Nationality Turkish Marital status Single Date of birth 12th September 1982 Email 2006- Junior physiotherapist at Rehabilitation Centre, Balcal: University Hospital, Adana I work mainly with patients who need rehabilitation after an operation. In my free time, I also work as a physiotherapist for a local basketball team. 2001-2005 Degree in physiotherapy. University of Gaziantep 1997-2001 Atatürk High School, Adana English (CEF level B2), I have a good level of written and spoken English. I have been studying English at a private language school for the last three years. German (fluent). My mother is German, Windows XP 6 Full driving licence Member of the university basketball team The Olympic Committee is looking for dedicated, enthusiastic, and energetic people to work in different areas for the forthcoming Ofympic Games. There are vacancies in tiie following areas: * Administration • Translation and language services • Hospitality and catering • Medical support All applicants must be appropriately qualified and a good level of English is essential, Send your CV and a covenng letter (in English) to. Job applications: The Olympic Committee, PO Box 2456 d Complete the Useful language box with Yours sincerely and Yours faithfully. Finish Useful language: a formal letter Formal letters Start You don't know the person's name Dear Sir / Madam - You know the person's surname Dear Mr / Ms / Mrs Garda .- Layout / style * Put your address in the top right-hand corner with the date underneath. ■ Put the name and address of the person you are writing to on the left. ■ Don't use contractions. * Write your full name under your signature. * Put I look forward to hearing from you if you would like a reply. Alper Apt. Daire 3 Turgut Ozal Caddesi Seyfian, Adana Olympic Committee 30th APm PO Box 2456 Dear Sir/Madam, 7 am writing / rm writing to apply for a job with the medical support staff in the forthcoming Olympic Games. I am a qrualifled physiotherapist and H've been working /1 have been working at a Rehabilitation Centre here since January 2006. I have a good level of English, and 'my German is great 11 speak German fluently 4I enclose I I'm sending you my CV as requested, ''Hope to hear from you soon. /1 look forward to hearing from you. t'Best wishes / Yours faithfully M&kmd BcUt Mehmet Bolat WRITE your CV and a covering letter to apply for a job in the Olympics. PLAN what you're going to write. Use the Useful language box and Vocabulary Bank Work p.152 to help you. CHECK the letter for mistakes ( grammar , punctuation , and spelling). What do you remember? GRAMMAR a Choose a, b, or c. 1 I'm not very good at sport. a the b a c - 2 He always gets_late on Fridays. a to home b to the home c home 3 There are_people in this class. a too many b too much c too 4 _is one of the best forms of exercise. a Swim b Swimming c Swiming 5 I bought a laptop_when I'm travelling, a for use b for to use c to use b Complete the second sentence with two words so that it means the same as the first. I really think it's important for you to learn to drive. You must Jearn to drive. 1 When they left they didn't lock the door. They left__the door. 2 There aren't very many trees in our street. There are only_ ._trees in our street. 3 It takes him a long time to get up in the morning. He spends a long time--in the morning. 4 Renting a flat is very difficult here. It's very difficult__a flat here. 5 This house is too small for us, This house isn't for us. VOCABULARY a Complete with a noun from the bold word. 1 I think the_will lose the next election. govern 2 What was his_? Was he angry? react 3 My_depends on you. happy 4 They said on the radio that there's a _ _ of snow tonight, possible 5 You don't need any special_to do this job. qualify b Complete with a preposition. 1 I've applied_a job with British Airways, 2 Don't worry_anything! 3 I really don't agree_you. 4 Are you good _ 5 Are you still__ 6 She works_ science? . university or have you finished? a flight attendant. Complete the missing words. 1 I have to do a lot of o_in my new job. Sometimes I don't finish until 9 p.m. 2 Could I have a day o next Friday? It's my cousin's wedding 3 He argued with his boss and he was s__Now he's unemployed. 4 If you work hard, you may get p_to manager. 5 She has a good job and gets a very big s__ 6 It's a temporary job. I only have a six-month c_. 7 I'm going to a_for a job in a bookshop. I hope I get it! S I'm s_-e_ . I work at home as a translator. 9 If he doesn't like his job, he'll r after the first six months PRONUNCIATION a Underline the word with a different sound. 1 i enough company much movement 2 afraid retire overtime apply 3 many temporary regret prefer 4 short permanent eam 5 resign boss salary works b Underline the stressed syllable. employee unemployed responsible temporary experience C i What can you do? revise & check CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS TEXT? The secret to a long and happy life is... being! Joggers who get up early and run through the park, executives who try to work off stress with a game of squash, and people who do bodybuilding may all be shortening their lives. According to Peter Axt, a German researcher and ex-marathon runner, laziness is good for you 'No top sportsman/ says Axt, 'has lived to a very advanced age' Among the examples of athletes who have died young he mentions Jim Fixx, the author of The Complete Book of Running, and the man who almost single-handedly launched the American fitness revolution. He died at the age of 52. As Axt says, 'Better not to start With his daughter Michaefa, a doctor, he has written a book called The Joy of Laziness. It says that there are three keys to long life: to play less sport, to reduce stress, and to eat less food. He gives the example of an Italian village with an unusually high number of centenanans which seems to owe its communal good health to following the Axt principles. No one runs, siestas stretch though the afternoon from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., and the main activity seems to be sitting in the shade or gossiping. The Axts' ideas are based on research which argues that animals have only a limited amount of energy. Those who use up energy quickly live for a shorter time than those who conserve energy. So an executive who wants to compensate for a stressful day by going to the gym is in fad multiplying his problems. However, Peter Axt believes that light exercise is beneficial. 'I jog gently for 20 minutes three or four times a week,' he said, 'but I have no time for men over 50 who insist on running several kilometres a day' Read the article and mark the sentences T (true), F (false), or DS (doesn't say), 1 Peter Axt regularly runs marathons. 2 He says that people who do too much sport will probably die younger. 3 Jim Fixx got Americans to do more sport. 4 The Joy of Laziness is a bestseller. 5 The book says that the only important thing to help you live longer is to do less sport. 6 In the Italian village people are very healthy but not very active. 7 The book's ideas are based on five years' research. 8 He thinks that if you've had a very tiring day at work then you shouldn't do physical exercise. 9 Axt doesn't have time to run several kilometres a day. CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THESE PEOPLE? a Listen and circle the correct answer, a, b, or c. 1 How many bookshops are there in the town? a None b One c Two 2 Where are the women going to have lunch? a Roberto's b Trattoria Marco c Garibaldi's 3 Who's going to choose the film? a The man. b The woman, c The man and the woman. 4 The man has... a qualifications but no experience, b experience but no qualifications, c experience and qualifications. 5 The girl thinks she wants to... a do research, b be a doctor, c be a biologist. b 5J3 You will hear a man and a woman talking about buying a car. Mark the sentences T (True) or F (False). 1 The woman says she prefers the Volvo. 2 The man thinks the Golf is too small. 3 The woman damaged their car when she was trying to park. 4 The Volvo is cheaper than the Golf. 5 In the end, the man and the woman can't decide what to buy. CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH? Can you...? Yes (/) ~Z\ talk about your town and its facilities I talk about your work-life balance HI say what men and women usually talk about L_ talk about a member of your family's job, and about the job you have or would like to have Look at the highlighted words and phrases. Can you guess what they mean? 83 G reported speech: statements, questions, and commands V shopping P consonant sounds: /g/, /dy, /k/, /J7, /tJ7 Love in the supermarket 1 grammar reported speech: statements and questions a Read the short story and look at the pictures. In pairs, guess the last word. Love in the supermarket They met next to the washing powder. By the cereals, they told each other their life stories. When they were choosing vegetables, he told her that he was falling in love with her. In front of the frozen food, he asked her if she would marry him and she said yes. But at the chocolates, they had their first argument When they were queuing to pay, they decided that it was all__ b Now complete the speech bubbles with A-K. A Will you marry me? B I'll see you around. Bye. Yes, I will. I work in advertising. I don't think you're really my type. Do you need any help? Do you know how many calories there are in a bar of chocolate? H Thanks. My name's Olga. I'm a student. What do you do? Olga, I'm falling in love with you. C D E F c I J K Are you saying I'm fat? c Listen and check. d Write the sentence and question below in reported speech. Then look at the short story to check your answer. 'I'm falling in love with you.' He told her {that)___ 'Will you marry me?* He asked her if__ e O p.140 Grammar Bank 6A. Read the rules for reported speech: statements and questions, and do exercise a only. f Look at pictures 1-6. Tell the story in reported speech. He asked her if she needed any help... t 84 2 VOCABULARY shopping a In pairs, say if you think these are the same or different and why. 1 a supermarket and a market 2 a chemist and a pharmacy 3 a shopping centre and a department store 4 a shopping centre and a shopping mall 5 a library and a bookshop b What are the last three shops you have been to? What kind of shops are they? What did you buy? c O p.153 Vocabulary Bank Spopping. 3 PRONUNCIATION consonant sounds: /g/, /dy, /k/, /J/, /tf/ a *-2 Listen and cross out the word with a different sound. l bargain newsagent's argument ground floor L vegetables manager change gift shop f s discount baker's queue receipt shoe shop stationer's cereals washing powder butcher's chemist's cheese choose b 6i Listen and repeat the sentences. Practise saying them. 1 You can't get cheese at a chemist's! 2 I had an argument with the manager of the gift shop. 3 I had to queue for ages at the baker's. 4 Could you give me the receipt for the shoes, please? 5 My new green jacket was a bargain. c O p.159 Sound Bank. Look at the typical spellings for these sounds. 4 SPEAKING Interview another student with the questionnaire. Ask for more information, • What kind of small shops are there near where you live? • What kind of shops do you most like going to? What are your favourite shops for...? a clothes c books and music b shoes d presents Do you ever shop in...? a street markets b supermarkets c shopping centres How often do you go shopping? Do you prefer shopping by yourself or with somebody? • What do you enjoy buying? • What do you hate buying? • Do you like shopping in the sales? What do you usually buy? ■ Where do you go if you want to find a bargain? * • Do you ever shop online? What for? r 5 reading Making a complaint - is it worth it? *—■-*--i f If Ybv WAmTmV ADviC6...Si/y A Mffiw om£. J A □ As the machine was no longer under guarantee, Mr Thomas called a local repairer. He charged him £45 to look at it and then told him that he would need to spend £650 plus VAT for a new part. Then he took the laptop to a well-known computer retailer - and they told him to buy a new one! B Another customer's experience shows that it's worth complaining to the top people of a company if the local company staff are unhelpful. C (J 'Four days later, someone called me to say the DVD recorder was waiting for me and I could collect 10 recordable DVD discs to compensate for my wasted time,' he says. And when I collected them I was treated like royalty.' D Mark Oakley from Norfolk wanted to buy a recordable DVD player. At his local branch of Argos, a shop which sells electrical goods, they told him that they didn't have the one he wanted in stock, but that they were expecting a delivery 'soon'. However, when he went back, it still hadn't arrived. E LTI Is it really worth complaining when goods or services are not satisfactory? According to a new report from the consumer magazine Which?, it certainly is. As they point out, the old saying 'if you don't ask, you don't get' is true for many situations, but particularly so when it comes to compensation. Take the case of Mike Thomas from Cornwall. He bought a Toshiba laptop computer, but just three years later he found that it was getting slower and slower F l He returned twice more over the following weeks but each time they told htm to come back in a week. He started phoning and trying to reserve the machine instead. But after several weeks of phoning unsuccessfully, Mr Oakley lost patience and wrote to the managing director of Argos. G □ However, Mr Thomas still felt that his computer should not be out of date after just three years. He decided to write a letter ol complaint to Toshiba, A short time later, the company collected the laptop, diagnosed a software problem, repaired it, and returned it with a new battery, all without charge. 'I'd call that outstanding service,' said Mr Thomas. a If you have a problem with something you've bought, or with the service in a shop, do you usually complain? Who to? If not, why not? b Read the article about complaining and number the paragraphs in order 1-7. c Read the article again in the right order and complete the chart. Mr Oakley 1 What did he complain about? 2 What was the problem? 3 How did he try to solve it? 4 Why wasn't he successful? 5 Who did he write to? 6 What happened as a result? 2 3 4 5 d Match the highlighted words or phrases with their meanings. 1 _ a shop or office which is part of a larger organization _ employees _ things that are for sale _ available in the shop _ things that other people do for you, e.g. repair your TV 6 _ money or things you give somebody because you have treated them badly 7 _ _ a written promise from a company that it will repair something if it breaks in a certain period of time e Now read the last part of the article. Complete the tips with a phrase from below. Which two tips do you think are the most important? Be reasonable Keep a record Don't lose your temper Act quickly Always go to the top Top tips for complaining when there's a problem and give the company a chance to sort it out. and ask to speak to the manager. He / She is the one who can compensate you. S _- note the date, time, and name of the person you've spoken to, and what was agreed. 4 _. Getting angry won't help at all. 5 _ - if a company apologizes and makes a genuine effort to compensate you, be prepared to meet it halfway. 6 grammar reported speech: commands a Look at the sentences below from the article. What do you think were the exact words the shop assistants used? 1 They told him to buy a new one. 2 They told him to come back in a week. b Look at pictures 1—4. Complete the sentences with a positive or negative infinitive (e.g. to be or not to be). (I'd LIV^Ě A ftgF^P, PLeÄiiľ) 1 She asked the shop assistant her a refund. 2 He told the people at the next table so much noise. é i - /f jrtuf ť " t f 3 She asked the receptionist, her room. 4 He told the taxi driver so fast. 7 LISTENING & SPEAKING a *-4 Listen to part of a radio consumer programme where people are talking about bad service, and answer the questions. Tbe taxi 1 Why did the man get annoyed? 2 What did he ask the taxi driver to do? 3 What happened in the end? The hotel 4 What problems were there with the woman's room? 5 What happened when she told the receptionist? 6 What did she tell him to do? Did he do it? The restaurant 7 Why did the man ask the waitress to change his ravioli? 8 Why wasn't he happy with the bill? 9 What happened in the end? b Talk to a partner. 1 Who's best at complaining in your family? Why? 2 Can you remember a time when you (or someone in your family) complained...? to a taxi driver to a hotel receptionist to a waiter to someone else Why did you complain? What did you ask the person to do? What happened? c O Communication / want to speak to the manager A p. 118 B p. 121. Roleplay complaining in a shop and a restaurant. c © P-140 Grammar Bank 6A. Read the rules for reported speech: commands and do exercise b. 87 G passive: be + past participle V cinema P sentence stress See the film...get on a plane 1 READING a Have you ever seen a film which made you want to go to the place where the film was made? b Read the article and try to complete each text with the name of the film and the country where it was made. Use the photos to help you. Famous films that moved us (literally!) Sometimes when you see a film, the sense of place is so strong that it makes you think 'I have to go there one da/. Here are three films, from three different decades, that have made thousands of people pack their cases and catch a plane. There's travel information too, in case you want to go there yourself... The film is set in the 1990s on a small I tropical island. It is based on a best-setfing book by the young author Alex Garland and it was directed by the British director, Danny Boyte. It's about a young traveller (played by Leonardo DiCaprio) who finds a group of young people living on a beautiful, uninhabited island. But paradise soon turns into a nightmare... Where was it filmed? The film was shot on the beautiful island of Phi Phi Leh in , which is now visited by more than a million tourists every year. Most of the hotels were destroyed in 2004 by the tsunami but they have now been rebuilt. How do I get there? Fly to Phuket International airport and travel to the island by boat or small plane. This film was nominated for 11 Oscars and it won seven. It's about a Danish writer (Meryl Streep) who goes to Afu'ca to help her husband run a coffee plantation. To her surprise, she finds herself falling in love with the country, the people, and a mysterious white hunter (Robert Redford). The film was based on an autobiographical navel by the Danish writer, 1sak Dinesen, and was directed by the American director Sydney Pollack Where was it filmed? The story is set in | in 1914 and was shot on location in the Masai Mara National Park. Apart from the actors, the 'stars' of the film are the breathtaking scenery and the exotic wildlife, which look so wonderful on the big screen. The film also had an unforgettable soundtrack guaranteed to move even the most unromantic. The film won the Oscar for Best Picture arui the following year tourism replaced agriculture as the country's top industry. How do I get there? Fly to Nairobi and then drive to the Masai Mara National Reserve where the cast and film ae. lived during filming. Then take a three-day safari to see giraffes, elephants, lions, and much more This trilogy of films won a total of 17 Oscars, I including Best Picture and Best Director. They are based on the books written by JRR Tolkien. They tell the story of a hobbrt, Frodo Baggins, who has to try and destroy a magic ring in order to defeat the evil forces of the Dark Lord Sauron. He is helped on his journey by a group of friends. Where was it filmed? The story is set in an imaginary land called Middf Earth. All three films were filmed in which was chosen because of its magnificent an dramatic scenery. The director of the film, Peter Jackson, was born there. The success of the films has attracted thousands of tourists to the country, and last year it was voted the most popular holiday destination by UK travellers. I'MKIIHlilHBJ You can either fry to Auckland or Wellington, the capital city (where you will be greeted by a huge sign saying "Welcome to Middle Earth*)- From there you can travel to visit all the fantastic film locations, including the battlefields. There are guided tours by road or helicopter. c Read the article again and answer the questions. Which film(s)...? 1 had three parts 2 were based on a book 3 was set at the beginning of the 20th century 4 was set in a place where later there was a natural disaster 5 was filmed in a wildlife park 6 didn't win an Oscar 7 was a romantic film 8 was directed by a man born in the country where the film was made d Answer the questions. Have you seen any of these films? Did you like it / them? Which of the three places would you most like to visit? 2 GRAMMAR passive: be + past participle a Read about The Beach again. Underline an example of the present passive, the past passive, and the present perfect passive. How do you form the passive? b Look at the active sentences in the chart below and underline the verbs. What tense are they? In pairs, complete the chart with passive verbs. Active Films inspire people to travel. Sydney Pollack directed Out of Africa. They're making the film on location. They will release the film next year. Thousands of fans have visited the country. Passive People are inspired to travel by films. Out of Africa was directed by Sydney Pollack. The film__on location The film_next year. The country ____ by thousands of fans. c O P-140 Grammar Bank 6B. Read the rules and do the exercises. 3 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress a 6-5 Dictation. Listen and write six passive sentences. b Listen again. Underline the stressed words. c Listen and repeat the sentences. Copy the rhythm. 4 vocabulary cinema a Try to remember words or phrases from READING on p.88 and 89 which mean. 1 the music from a film. the s__ 2 the person who makes a film. thed_ 3 all the actors in a film. thee__ 4 all the people who make a film. the f_c__ 5 (filmed) in the real place, not in a studio. o_1_ 6 the part of a cinema or TV where the image appears. the s_ b Look at READING (text 2) again and check your answers, c O p.154 Vocabulary Bank Cinema. 5 speaking a Read the questionnaire and think about your answers, b In pairs, interview each other. Do you have similar tastes? The cinema questionnaire Can you think of a film which...? made you laugh e lot made you cry sent you to sle^p made you feel good you've seen several times made you buy the soundtrack Do you prefer...? seeing films on TV or DVD, or in the cinema seeing foreign films dubbed or with subtitles films from your country or American films 3 Think of a really gqod film you've seen this year: Where was it s£t? When? Who was in it? Whq was it directed by? Did it have a j^ood plot? What was the soundtrack like? 4 Have you ever...? met a film actor or director used a video camera-appeared in any kind of film seen a film being made 6 LISTENING Look at the photograph. In pairs, answer the questions. 1 Who do you think the man and woman are? 2 Where do you think they are? 3 What film do you think was being made? 4 What do you think is happening? 6-6 Listen to the first part of an interview with Dagmara and check your answers to a. Listen again and answer these questions. 1 Where does Dagmara live? 2 What was she doing before the shooting of the film started? 3 Was that her real job? 4 Where did she meet Spielberg? 5 What did she have to do there? Why? 6 How well did she do it? 7 What happened afterwards? d 6 7 Now listen to the second part of the interview and then make notes under the headings below. What she had to do during the film The most difficult thing about the job The worst moment What it was like to work with Spielberg Her opinion of the film How she feels when she watches the film e Compare with a partner. Then listen again and complete your notes. G relative clauses: defining and non-defining V what people do P word stress I need a hero 1 GRAMMAR relative clauses a In pairs, do the quiz. Choose a, b, or c. Compare with another pair and then check with your teacher. What do you know about 1 He was bom in... a Cuba b Colombia c Argentina 2 His first name was... a Alejandro b Ernesto c Eduarde 3 At university he studied... a law b politics c medicine 4 He the Cuban Revolution. a Fidel Castro b Eva Perón c Emiliano Zapat 5 He was captured and shot in... a Chile b Bolivia c Venezuela 6 When he died he was in his late... a twenties b thirties c forties 7 He died in... a 1960 b 1967 c 1973 b Look at the photos and cover the texts. Guess what the connection is between each of the things, people, or places and Che Guevara. c Now read texts A-E and check. d Cover the texts. Complete the sentences with who, whose, which, or where. 1 The film, journey - theme song won an Oscar, is based on the motorbike _Che made with Alberto across South America. 2 It was the poverty_he saw on this trip made him decide that revolution was the only answer to South America's problems. 3 Gael Garcia Bernal is the actor_played Che. 4 Rosario is the town in Argentina_Ernesto 'Che' Guevara was born. 5 The photo,_was taken in 1960, is probably one of the best-known photos in the world. 6 The people_wear Che T-shirts tend to be people don't conform. e Compare your sentences 1 and 2 with text A. Find three differences. f O p.I40 Grammar Bank 6C Read the rules and do the exercises. g Cover the text and look at the photos. Can you remember the connections with Che? Che Guevara? a Norton 500cc motorbike s the motorbike that was used film The Uotorcyde Diaries. It is 939 Norton 500cc, which is the same model as the motorbike that belonged o Che's friend Alberto. The film, whose heme song won an Oscar, is based on the motorbike journey Che made with Alberto across South America. Che was from a rich family in Argentina and it was the poverty he saw on this trip that made him decide that revolution was the only nswer to South America's problems. B Gael Garcia Bernal is the actor who played Che in the film The Motorcycle Diaries. He is from Guadalajara in Mexico, and has also starred in And your mother too and Pedro Almodovar's Bad Education. D Alberto Korda was the photographer whose photo now appears on T-shirts and posters all over the world. The photo, which was taken in 1960, is probably one of the best-known photos in the world -but Korda never received a penny in royalties. However, five years ago he took the people who had made money from the photo to court, and won £30,000, which he gave to the Cuban health service. Heroes and icons of our time LISTENING & SPEAKING 68 Listen to a competition on a radio programme. With a partner, try to write down the eight heroes and icons. 0 Communication Relatives quiz Ap.118 B p.Ul Make questions to ask a partner. READING In pairs, look at the photos 1-5 and match them with the names below. Do you know what they are famous for? Aung San Sun-Kyi Bernard Kouchner □ Bono □ Queen Rania of Jordan □ Thierry Henry □ Now read the article and complete it with the five names. Read the article again and answer the questions. 1 Who was asked for some help which he / she couldn't give? 2 Who is trying to fight disease? How? 3 Who had to choose between his / her job and family? What did he / she choose? 4 Who used to be a politician? Why was he / she unusual? 5 Who used their celebrity status to raise money? What are they trying to change? Read the article again. Find the nouns from these verbs and adjectives. 1 found (vb) 2 modern (adj) 3 hungry (adj) 4 poor (adj) 5 choose(vb) 6 operate (vb) 7 sell (vb) foundation Time magazine has chosen a list of people called the Time 100. These are people who, the magazine believes, have an enormous impact on today's world and who inspire millions of people. The category Heroes and Icons includes a whole variety of people from a queen to a footballer, from politicians to a multi-millionaire rock star. Q _, one of the world's greatest footballers, has used his hero status on the pitch to fight racism in football. After he saw black players from the England team being insulted by spectators in an international match, he started the campaign 'Stand up, Speak out'. He has raised nearly $16 million for anti-racism groups through the safes of black and white bracelets. 'You probably can't change the racists,' he says, 'but you can make the silent majority stand up and speak out against them. That way we will make them feel less comfortable. In a few years' time I want to be able to watch a football match and not hear a single racist insult.' PI _is helping her husband to 'try to reconcile tradition with modernity' in their country. But outside her country, along with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and others, she is working to try to make sure that all children everywhere get vaccinated As she reminds us, there are more than 30 million children a year who get no vaccinations during their first year of life, so up to 10% of them will die. , one of the world's biggest rock stars, is also Africa's biggest defender. When he and his wife Ali first went to Africa, they worked in a refugee camp for a month. On the day they were leaving, a man approached him carryings baby. This is my son,' the man said. 'Please take him with you when you leave. If you do, he will live. Otherwise! he will die.' He couldn't take the child, but since then he has been working' tirelessly to raise money to free Africa from hunger and poverty. e In pairs, look at the photos and say why these people are heroes. 4 vocabulary & pronunciation what people do, word stress is the moral leader of Burma. She has been under house arrest since 1989 for opposing the military rulers and fighting for human rights. U2 wrote the song Walk On to honour this amazing woman, who put her country before everything, including her family. She had to make an unbearable choice: either to be with her husband and sons in England but never be allowed back to Burma, or to stay in Burma, but not to see her sons grow up and not to be with her husband when he died- She stayed, and to this day continues to fight Q _first came to the public eye when he helped to save many of the boat people who escaped Vietnam He carried sacks of rice himself, even though he was a French government minister, in 'Operation Restore Hope' in Somalia. Nelson Mandela once said to him, 'Thank you for helping in matters which aren't your problem.' He co-founded Medecins sans Frontieres (Doctors without borders), which was awarded the 1999 Nobel Peace Prize, and later Midecins du Monde. A Most words which tell us what people do end in -er, -or, -tan, or -ist, e.g. Aung San Suu-Kyi is the moral leader of Burma. a Add an ending and put the words in the correct column. aet compose conduct cycle design direct football guitar invent tead music paint photograph politics physics present science sculpt violin -er -or Tan -ist leader actor politician physicist b 6.9 Listen and underline the stressed syllable. Practise saying the words. 5 SPEAKING a Think of a person you admire (alive or dead) for three of the categories below. Sport Music/Art Film/TV Historical Other b In groups, talk about your people. Explain who they are, what they have done, and why you admire them. 6 6-'o SONG n Holding out for a hero 6 \ Breaking news Practical English GIVING AND REACTING TO NEWS a 6.M Cover the dialogue and listen. What's Ben's news? Who is more surprised, Jacques or Nicole? b Read the dialogue. In pairs, what do you think the missing words are? Don't write them in yet. Ben Nicole/ Jacques Nicole Ben Nicole Ben Nicole Jacques Ben Jacques Ben Jacques Nicole Jacques Nicole Hi. Hi. / Hello. Did you have a nice weekend? Oh yeah. You'll never_who I saw on Saturday. Who? Allie.. .and Mark. In the Louvre...together. _? You're__ Ben It was definitely them. And they looked really close. I think they were holding hands. No! I don't_it. It's true, I'm_you! And I think they saw me because they turned and left really quickly. Are you___? You know, I'm not surprised. I think they've been seeing each other since Mark arrived. Or maybe even before. That's__What makes you say that? When I went to look at Mark's new apartment, I'm sure Allie called him on his mobile. And I've seen her looking at him in a certain way... Hey, quiet everyone. It's Mark. c Listen again and complete the dialogue. d s.u Listen and repeat the highlighted phrases. Copy the rhythm. e Cover the dialogue. Try to remember five ways of reacting to news with surprise or interest, f In paitrs, invent some news about a famous person to tell other students. Take turns to tell your news. React with surprise / interest. You'll never guess what's happened! (^_What? SOCIAL ENGLISH For your eyes only a 6-13 How does Allie reply to Mark's email? b Listen again and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 Jacques had a busy weekend. 2 Mark invites Ben and Jacques to his flat for a meal on Saturday. 3 Mark says he went to the Louvre with a friend. 4 Ben says he saw Mark at the Louvre. 5 Everybody gets the same email from Allie, for a meal one evening. USEFUL PHRASES You must come r,_ That w_be very nice. So didn't you go out at a_? I felt 1__(getting a bit of culture). That's f_ 1 went to the Louvre on Saturday, too. I didn't see you e c 6.14 Complete the USEFUL PHRASES. Listen and check. d Listen again and repeat the phrases. How do you say them in your language? A film review writing f $^ 'Must-have' DVDs: Cinema Paradiso: 1989 Tim Hudson reviews a DVD which every film lover should own. 1 Cinema Paradiso was directed 1 b£_Giuseppe Tornatore. It stars Philippe Noiret as Alfredo, and Salvátore Cascio, who plays the part of the boy. The film won an Oscar in 1989 7 Best Foreign Language film. \J] The film is set in an Italian village in the 1940s and 50s. It was filmed on location in Sicily. [3] The film is3_a little boy called Salvátore who ends up becoming a famous film director.4 _the beginning of the film, he goes5_. to his village for the first time in thirty years, for the funeral of an old friend, Alfredo. The rest of the film is a 'flashback' about his childhood. 6_his village there is only one cinema, called Cinema Paradiso. Salvátore is crazy films so he spends all his time there. He becomes friends with Alfredo, the man who shows the films, and later he works8_ his assistant. But when he is a teenager he leaves the village and goes9_work in Rome, and 10_the end he becomes a famous director. He never sees Alfredo again |~4~1 I strongly recommend Cinema Paradiso. It makes you laugh and cry, it has a memorable soundtrack, and it is a moving tribute to the magic of the early days of cinema. a Look at the title and the photos. Have you seen the film? Would you like to see it? b Read the film review. Number the paragraph summaries below in order, 1-4. Paragraph L The plot Paragraph U The name of the film, the director, the stars, and any prizes it won Paragraph Why you recommend this film Paragraph □ Where and when it was set d Look at the third paragraph again. What tense do we usually use to tell the story of a film or book? Useful language: describing a film It was directed / written by... It is set in... It is based on the book... It's about... It stars... My favourite scene is... c Read the review again and complete it with the missing words. about (x2) at as back by in (x2) for to WRITE a film review about a film you would recommend people to buy on DVD. PLAN what you're going to write in the four paragraphs. Use the Useful language box and Vocabulary Bank Cinema p.154 to help you. CHECK the review for mistakes ( grammar , punctuation , and spelling ). What do you remember? i GRAMMAR Complete the second sentence with two words so that it means the same as the first 'Do you want to have dinner?' he asked. James asked me if_ .-to have dinner. Til pay,' she said. Jacqueline said that__ pay. 'Where am I?' the man asked. The man asked me where___ 'Can you open the window, please?' My mother asked me__ the window. 'Don't talk!' The teacher told the students_ _talk. They made the film in a studio. The film__in a studio. They're building a new school. A new school is___ 10 An American company has bought our company. Our company has___by an American company. That man's son goes to my school. That's the man__goes to my school. This is a machine. It cuts paper. This is a machine__ paper. an VOCABULARY a Underline the word that is different. Say why. 1 baker's 2 buy 3 cast 4 horror film 5 dubbed shoe shop sales extras thriller filmed shop window sell special effects sequel directed newsagent s pay actors comedy plot Write words for the definitions. 1 A shop where you can buy meat, b__ 2 The piece of paper you are given when you buy something, r_ 3 To stand in a line, e.g. in a shop, to q- 4 A basket on wheels that people use at supermarkets. t_ 5 The words of a film translated on the screen, s_ 6 The music from a film, s__.__ 7 The people who watch a film in a cinema, a _ 8 Something you buy more cheaply than usual, b- Complete with one word. 1 Can 1 try_these trousers, please? 2 Did you buy your car_credit? 3 People always complain_high prices. 4 If it's broken, take it 5 The film is based_ _to the shop. a book. 6 Schindler's List was directed_Spielberg. 7 Les Miserables was set_ 18th century Paris. EH PRONUNCIATION a Underline the word with a different sound. 1 tf sell special sales centre cast market manager star V baker's scene discount queue JLJj director manager complain window chemist's chain store butcher's changing room b Underline the stressed syllable. subtitles complain receipt soundtrack customer What can you do? revise & check CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS TEXT? Designer brands aren't for me! Although I follow fashion, I hate the phrase 'must-have'. If I read that Ugg boots or Prada sunglasses are the latest 'must-haves', my immediate reaction is to think, Why must I have them?' Why should I fall for the designer's manipulative tactics, which are only intended to increase his bank balance at the expense of mine? Designer brands, in general, are for people who are too insecure to trust their own tastes. These people decide that everything at Prada must be 'cool', so if you shop there, you can't go wrong. I find it much more satisfying to pop into one of the cheap chain stores on the High Street and buy a copy of the designer's clothes for a tenth of the price. OK, you have to use your skill to find the one garment in three that looks great. But it's worth it! It's like finding a piece of gold in a river. The find gives you immense satisfaction. Which is why, according to a survey done by a British bank, young people with money are abandoning the designer shops and buying their clothes in chain stores, second-hand shops, and in markets. This is the best news I've heard all week It means that young people have the confidence to trust their judgement. They are prepared to take risks I to look individual and not mass-produced. That has always been my shopping philosophy. The exorbitant prices in designer shops leave me open-mouthed. Even if I had the money, I would think of all the other things I could spend it on! LOUIS VUITTON FKRRK LIU-JO a Read the text and choose a, b, or c. 1 The writer thinks... a fashion is ridiculous. b Prada sunglasses are 'must-haves'. c designers just want to make a lot of money. 2 She thinks people who buy designer brands... a are'cool.* b don't have good taste. c are frightened of making a mistake. 3 She thinks... a it's easy to find great, cheap clothes, b you feel good if you find good, cheap clothes, c the clothes in high street stores are better than designer clothes. 4 According to the bank survey, rich young people... a now want to look different from each other. b don't have as much money to spend as they used to. c are now buying more designer clothes. 5 The writer... a thinks the price of designer clothes is fair, b thinks there are better things to spend her money on. c would like to have the money to buy designer clothes. b Look at the highlighted phrases. Try to guess their meaning. Check with your teacher or your dictionary. CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THESE PEOPLE? a 6-15 Listen and circle the correct answer, a, b, or c. 1 What was the problem with the woman's steak? a It wasn't cooked enough, b It was cold, c It was badly cooked. 2 What didn't the man like about the film? a The acting. b The music. c The plot. 3 How much did the sweater cost? a £25 b £67 c £77 4 How did the man feel after he saw the film? a Disappointed. b Nervous. c Excited. 5 What did Brunei do? a He was an architect, b He was an engineer, c He was a boxer. b 6->6 Listen to a guide showing tourists around Westminster Abbey in London. Complete the sentences with one word. Charles Dickens was bom on February 7th 1__ As a child he worked in a J___ In 1858 Dickens and his wrfe3__ His last novel was called Our Mutual4__ He died at the age of5__ CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH? Can you...? Yes (/) i"! talk about a time you complained in a shop or restaurant □ describe a film C talk about a person who you admire ! I G third conditional V making adjectives and adverbs P sentence stress Can we make our own luck? 1 READING & LISTENING a Read the article Bad luck? In pairs, decide what you think happened next. b 7-' Now listen to what happened. Were you right? c Listen again and check. Then in pairs, write two sentences to explain how the story ended d 72 Now do the same fo r Good luck? ad luck? ■ I missed you! 4 SOUTHERN OCEAN INDIAN OCEAN ► an Johnson, a 27-year-old builder, went to work in Australia for a year, leaving behind his girlfriend. Amy Ian and Amy missed each other a lot and after being six months apart Ian planned a surprise. Without telling Amy he caught a plane back to England to see her. After a 24-hour flight via Singapore and a 17,600-kilometre journey he finally arrived at her house in Yorkshire in the north of England, carrying flowers, champagne, and an engagement ring. He rang the doorbell, but nobody answered. He had a key to her house so he opened the door and went in. The house was empty. Ian thought Amy had gone out for the evening and sat down to wait for her to come back. Tired after his long journey, he fell asleep. When he woke up, his phone was ringing... Good luck? Is there a doctor on the plane? rs Dorothy Fletcher was travelling with her daughter and her daughter's fiance on a flight from London to Florida. Her daughter was going to be married there the following week. When they changed planes in Philadelphia they had to rush between terminals to catch the connecting flight and Mrs Fletcher, aged 67, began to feel ill. 'I didn't say anything to my daughter because I didn't want to worry her or miss the wedding,' said Mrs Fletcher. But when the plane took off from Philadelphia she suddenly got a terrible pain in her chest, back, and arm - she was having a heart attack. The cabin crew put out a desperate call to the passengers: 'If there is a doctor on the plane, could you please press your call bell...' GRAMMAR third conditional Complete the two sentences from the listening in lc 1 Ian If one of us had we_have met. 2 Mrs Fletcher If those doctors_ at home, been on _died. the plane, I would b Listen and check. c Look at sentences l and 2 above and answer the questions. 1 Did Ian or Amy stay at home? Did they meet? 2 Were the doctors on the plane? Did Mrs Fletcher die? 3 Do sentences l and 2 refer to something that happened or something that didn't happen? d O p.142 Grammar Bank 7A. Read the rules and do the exercises. 3 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress a 7.4 Listen and repeat the sentences. Copy the rhythm. 1 If you'd told me earlier, I would have gone too. 2 If the weather had been better, we would have stayed longer. 3 If I hadn't stopped for petrol, I would have arrived before he left. 4 We would have been late if we hadn't taken a taxi. 5 She wouldn't have come if she'd known he was here. 6 It would have been cheaper if we'd booked fast month. b O Communication Guess the conditionalAp.lWBp. 121 4 SPEAKING a Read the questionnaire and mark your answers. b Compare your answers with a partner. Give more information if you can. c Now look at what your scores mean. Do you agree with the results? How lucky are you? Re,ad the following statements and write a number 1-3 in the box 3 = This is usually true about me. 2 = This is someiimes true about me. 1 = This is hardly ever true about cne. 1 I enjoy talking to people I haven't met before. □ 2 I don't worry or feel anxious about life. 3 I enjoy trying new food and drink. □ 4 I listen to my instinct. □ 5 When I need to calm down I just go to a quiet place. □ 6 I try to learn from my mistakes. 7 I try to get what I want from life. □ 8 I expect people I meet to be pleasant friendly, and helpful. Li 9 I'm an optimist. I look on the bright side of life. □ 10 When things are bad I think things will get better soon. □ 11 I don't think about bad luck I have had in the past. □ 12 I expect good things to happen to me in the future. □ noA io\ aAUJsod Suiaq dn pua Ajqeqo-id I|im Aaqi sb 's>)sij Supjej p pjejje aq j.uqq jappn) uaaa aiucoaq p|noa noA }ng Aipn| si oq/v\ auoawos Ajqeqcid aie noA 9£-8I lsed ain iliojj uiea| oj Aji AqAA azA|e?ue pue A>pn|un jo A>pn| aja/v\ noA ajaqwv suo_uen}is je ypeq >|ooi jai)pn| aq p|noD noA inq A>jDn| sjinb aje no^ LZ-6i aj-H oj apnuup snojnjuaApe ajoiu puQ aAiiisod ajoui e paau noA ■spn| pooS ppjne i.uop noA pue A>pn|un A||ejnjeu aje noA 81-CL jnoA 5 reading a Look at the title of the article. What do you think? b Read the article. Match exercises A-D to paragraphs 1—4 Can we make our own luck? m 4 Some people seem to be bom lucky - they meet their perfect partners, achieve their ambitions, and live happy lives. The British psychologist Dr Richard Wiseman has done a lot of research to discover why some people are luckier than others. After interviewing hundreds of people with the questionnaire on p.101 he has concluded that people who think they are lucky achieve more success and happiness than those who don't. Without realizing it, they are creating good fortune in their lives. Using Dr Wiseman's techniques you too can understand, control, and increase your own good fortune. % Lucky people make the most of their opportunities I Be open to new experiences and vary your routine. For example, get off the bus a stop earlier than usual. You may see something interesting or new, or bump into an old friend. Exercise (Z 2Lucky people trust their instinct When you are trying to decide what to do, first make an effort to relax. Then when your mind is clear, listen to what it is telling you and act on it Exercise j& I / 3Lucky people expect to be lucky Convince yourself that your future will be bright and lucky. Set realistic but high goals. If you fail, don't give up, and be open to the idea of trying a different way to achieve your goals. Exercise Q J /> lucky people use bad luck to their advantage If something bad happens, imagine how things could have been worse. You will then realize that things aren't so bad after all. Compare your situation with other people who are in an even worse situation. Take a long view of things - even if things seem bad now, expect them to get better in the end. Learn from your past mistakes and think of new ways of solving your problems. Exercise □ ft _ 4 4 9 EXEBCISES AMake a list of your goals, i They must be specific, not vague, e.g. 'I want to spend more time with my partner1, not 'I want to be happ/. Now make a second list of all the advantages you wouid get if you achieved your goals, and the disadvantages. Compare the advantages with the disadvantages and you will see which goals are worth trying to achieve. BMake a list of six new experiences you'd like to try. These could be simple, like eating at a new restaurant, or long term, for example learning a new language. Number the experiences 1-6. Then throw a dice and whatever experience is chosen, go out and do it. CWhen you experience bad luck, first cry or scream for 30 minutes. Then put your bad luck behiod you. Do something to make the situation better, e.g. ask friends for advice and focus on a solution to the problem. 102 I 7A 1 Dlf you are trying to decide between two options, write one of them down in the form of a letter. For example, if you are unhappy about a relationship, write to your partner explaining that it's all over. Read the letter. Would you really like to send it or is something telling you that it doesn't feet right? If so, don't do it. 1 s_ 2 a. 3 v_ to be their ambitions your routine Read just the article again (not the EXERCISES). Cover the text and from memory complete the expressions below with a verb or phrase. Then look at the text again and check your answers. : give the impression of being : make their ambitions come true change your routine, make it different : meet an old friend by chance ; try hard to relax make yourself believe that your future will be bright : understand that things aren't so bad an e an old friend _to relax 4 b_ 5 m_ 6 c_yourself that your future will be bright 7 r_that things aren't so bad HOW WORDS WORK... When you are trying to decide what to do, first make an effort to relax. Then when your mind is clear, listen to what it is telling you. We often use what as a relative pronoun. It means the thing (or things) which. Complete the sentences with what or which. 1 Can you speak a bit louder? I can't hear_ you're saying. 2 A What's this? B It's a machine_makes ice cream. This is the song_won the MTV award. d Read EXERCISES A-D on p. 102 again. Which one do you mink is the best for making you luckier? 6 VOCABULARY making adjectives and adverbs Everybody was very surprised by_she said. We went to the restaurant _. Ann recommended. I didn't get_I wanted for my birthday! Lucky people use bad luck to their advantage. Look at the adjectives and adverbs that can be made from the noun luck in the chart below. Then in pairs complete the chart. noun [+1 adjective B adjective i+1 adverb - adverb luck fortune comfort patience care lucky fortunate unlucky unfortunate luckily unluckily Underline the stressed syllable in the three two-syllable nouns. How does that help you to stress the adjectives and adverbs correctly? Practise saying them. Complete the sentences with the right form of the bold noun. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 The beach was beautiful but If the beds had been more _ it rained every day. FORTUNE _, we would have slept better. COMFORT You would have got better marks if you hadn't done the exam so___CARE We were really _.We missed the flight by just five minutes. LUCK Don't be so__The programme will start in a minute. PATIENCE I fell off my bicycle last week, but I wasn't badly hurt. LUCK There was a huge queue to pay, but we waited__PATIENCE If you had been more , you wouldn't have had an accident. CARE we'd all brought jackets. FORTUNE It was freezing cold but_ Are you sitting _? Then I'll begin the story. COMFORT 7 7.5 SONG Jz Ironic Murder mysteries G question tags, indirect questions V compound nouns P intonation in question tags 1 READING & LISTENING a Read Jack the Ripper - case closed? and answer these questions. 1 Where and when did the murders take place? 2 How did 'Jack the Ripper' get his name? 3 How many murders were there? 4 How long did the murders go on for? 5 Who do the suspects include? 6 What does Patricia Cornwell usually do? 7 How did she try to solve the mystery? One of the great unsolved murder mysteries of all time is that of lack the Ripper*. In the autumn of 1888 a brutal murderer walked the dark, foggy streets of London, terrorizing the inhabitants of the city. The victims were all women and the police seemed powerless to stop the murders. Panic and fear anions Londoners was increased by a letter sent by the murderer to Scotland Yard. In the letter he made fun of the police's attempts to catch him and promised to kill again. It finished, 'Yours truly, Jack the Ripper*. This was the first of many letters sent (o the police. The murders continued - seven in total. But in November, they suddenly stopped, three months after they had first begun. Jack the Ripper was never caught and for more than a century historians, writers, policemen, and detectives have tried to discover and prove his identity. Hundreds of articles and books have been written and many films made about the murders. But the question 'Who was Jack the Ripper?' has remained unanswered. There have been plenty of suspects, including a doctor, a businessman, a painter, and even a member of the royal family. Three years ago the American crime writer Patricia Cornwell left aside her fictional detective, Kay Scarpetta, and tried to solve the real-life murder mystery of Jack the Ripper. After spending a considerable amount of time and money on her investigation, and analyzing DNA samples, Cornwell thinks she has proved who Jack the Ripper really was... 1 Johnny Depp hunts Jack the Ripper in the film From He// Now listen to the first part of an interview with Ken Morton, an expert on Jack the Ripper. Complete the information about the suspects. Tick (✓) the person who Patricia Cornwell says is Jack the Ripper. A Prince Albert, Queen Victoria's | c 11 Listen to the second part of the interview and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Correct the false sentences. 1 Cornwell s evidence is mainly scientific. 2 She took DNA samples from a letter written by Sickert. 3 Art lovers were angry with Cornwell. 4 Sickert was probably abroad at the time of the murders. 5 Maybrick confessed to the murders in a letter. 6 Ken Morton thinks that Prince Albert was a serial killer. 7 He doesn't want to say who he thinks the murderer is. 8 He doesn't think the mystery will be solved soon. ý(,<„* tát /W, ,,,.„, J I MaybricR, a cotton merchant 2 GRAMMAR question tags Listen to four questions the interviewer asked Ken Morton a and complete them with the missing words. 1 You were a detective with Scotland Yard,_ 2 It's incredible,__? 3 But you don't think she's right,____ Extract from one of iack the Ripper's leUets I 4 There's been another recent theory,__? b Now look at questions 1-4. Does the interviewer think she knows how the inspector is going to answer? c O p.142 Grammar Bank 7B and read the rules for questions tags. Do exercise a only. 3 PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING intonation in question tags a M Listen and complete the dialogue between a policeman and a suspect. P Your surname's Jones,_? 5 Yes, it is. P And you're 27,_? S Yes, that's right. P You weren't at home last night at 8.00,_? S No, I wasn't. 1 was at the pub. P But you don't have any witnesses,_? S Yes, I do. My brother was with me. P Your brother wasn't with you,_? S How do you know? P Because he was at the police station. We arrested him last night. b Listen and repeat. Copy the rhythm and intonation. c O Communication Just checking Ap.lWB p.m. Roleplay a police interview. 4 GRAMMAR indirect questions a Do you like reading detective stories or watching detective films / TV series? Who are your favourite detectives? b 7" Listen to and read an extract from a Donna Leon detective novel. Which questions does Inspector Brunetti ask? Underline them. c How do Inspector Brunetti and Signora Trevisan behave during the interview? Do you think Signora Trevisan killed her husband? Carlo Trevisan, an important international lawyer is found dead in the carriage of an intercity train at Santa Lucia. Brunetti goes to interview his wife, Signora Trevisan. Donna Leon is an American oime writer whose detective novels are all set in Venice. Her detective is Inspector Brunetti. 'I'd like to ask you some questions about your personal life, signora.' 'Our personal life?' she repeated, as though she had never heard of such a thing. When he didn't answer this, she nodded, signalling him to begin. 'Could you tell me how long you and your husband were married?' 'Nineteen years.' 'How many children do you have, signora?' 'Two. Claudio is seventeen and Francesca is fifteen'. Are they in school in Venice, signora?' She looked up at him sharply when he asked this. 'Why do you want to know that?' 'My own daughter. Chiara. is fourteen, so perhaps they know each other.' he answered, and smiled to show what an innocent question it had been. 'Claudio is in school in Switzerland, but Francesca is here. With us. I mean,' she corrected, rubbing a hand across her forehead, 'with me.' 'Would you say yours was a happy marriage, signora?' 'Yes,' she answered immediately, far faster than Brunetti would have answered the same question, though he would have given the same response. She did not, however, elaborate. 'Could you tell me if your husband had any particularly close friends or business associates?' She looked up at this question, then as quickly down again at her hands. 'Our closest friends are the Nogares, Mirto and Graziella. He's an architect who lives in Campo Sant'Angelo. They're Francesca's godparents. I don't know about business associates: you'll have to ask Ubaldo'. 'Other friends, signora?' 'Why do you need to know all this?' she said, voice rising sharply, 'I'd like to learn more about your husband, signora.' 'Why?' The question leaped from her, almost as if beyond her volition. 'Until I understand what sort of man he was. I can't understand why this has happened.' 'A robbery?' she asked, voice just short of sarcasm. 'It wasn't robbery. Whoever killed him intended to do it.' 102 Look at four questions from the book extract. How are 1 and 3 different from 2 and 4? 1 Could you tell me how long you and your husband were married? 2 How many children do you have, signora? 3 Could you tell me if your husband had any particularly close friends or business associates? 4 Why do you need to know all this? 0 p-142 Grammar Bank 7B. Read the rules for indirect questions, and do exercise b. 712 Listen to six direct questions and turn them into indirect ones. 1 Could you tell me _ _? 2 Do you know if _? 3 Could you tell me _? 4 Can you tell me if_ _? 5 Can you tell me .__? 6 Do you know if____? Imagine you are interviewing somebody in the street. Ask your partner these questions. Begin Can J Could you tell me.., Then swap roles. What's your name? Where do you live? What do you do? Do you have a TV? How much TV do you watch a week? 5 VOCABULARY compound nouns a Make compound nouns using a word from each box. detective murder horror police crime mystery nnvAl 11VV91 station film police writer inspector b 7.13 Compare in pairs. Then listen and check. Which word is stressed in compound nouns? c In pairs, try to answer all the questions in two minutes with a compound noun from Files 1-6. Compound noun race 1 What do you use to pay for things you buy on the Internet? 2 Where do you catch a train? 3 What does Steven Spielberg do? 4 What do you call the time of day when trains and buses are full? 5 What should you put on when you get into a car? 6 What do you call a big shop that sells everything? 7 Where do you play tennis? 8 What do you need before you can get on a plane? 9 What's the opposite of a private school? 10 Where do you buy petrol? 11 What do you call the noise a phone makes? 12 What do you call a long line of cars that can't move? a C phrasal verbs V television, phrasal verbs p revision of sounds, linking Switch it off 1 vocabulary & speaking television a Look at the bold words in the TV survey below. What do they mean? How do you pronounce them? b In pairs, ask and answer the questions. Your TV habits How many TVs are there in your house? Where are they? Do you know anybody who doesn't have a TV? How many channels do you have? Do you have satellite or cable TV? Which channels do you watch the most? Do you watch any foreign channels? Which one(s)? How much TV do you watch during the week / at weekends? Who watches most / Least TV in your family? What kind of TV programmes do you like? What kind do you hate? Write L (Like), H (hate), or DM (don't mind) in the boxes. IS L t Ml f quiz shows □ reality shows n comedy shows chat shows □ soap operas the news Do you think there are too many adverts on TV in your country? Do you think TV programmes in your country are getting better or worse? Why? □ cartoons documentaries □ drama series □ films LI sports programmes 2 grammar phrasal verbs a How many phrasal verbs can you think of connected with television? b Read the three stories on p. 109 and complete them with phrasal verbs A-l A look out B sold out C picked up D switch off E looking forward to F turn off G find out H passed away Read the texts again, then cover them and look at the pictures. In pairs, tell the stories from memory. Now look at how look forward to and turn q/f appear in a dictionary. How does the dictionary show you if the verb and the particle (e.g. off, on, etc.) can be separated or not? look forward to sth to wait with pleasure for something to happen turn sth off to stop the flow of electricity, water, etc. by moving a switch, tap, etc. e O p.142 Grammar Bank 7C. Read the rules and do the exercises. TV-B-Gone A n American, Mitch Altman, went to a restaurant with some friends. He was 1_. some lively conversation. But instead of talking, his friends spent the whole time watching a TV in the corner. Mitch wished he could 2.__it_, and this suddenly gave him the idea for a new gadget. He invented TV-B-Gone. a remote control which allows you to3._.__any TV within 17 metres of where you are. When the gadgets were first marketed on the Internet, they4_ after the first two days. Dead or alive? ' I ' he BBC were planning to make a programme about the Bob Marley hit song No Woman No Cry. A researcher from BBC 3 contacted the Bob Marley Foundation to5_if they could interview him over the summer. The researcher added that filming was scheduled for June, July, and August but 'our schedule is flexible'. Unfortunately, Marley's schedule is not: he died in 1981. A friend of the Marley family told the Daily Mirror: 'We didn't think there was anyone on the planet who didn't realize Bob 6_years ago.' A BBC spokesman admitted: 'We're very embarrassed.' Furious football fan forgiven Two people were nearly killed when a Romanian football fan threw his TV out of the window. Ghita Axinte said he was so angry with the national side when they lost their World Cup qualifier against the Czech Republic 1-0 that he7 _the TV ___and threw it out of the window. Radu Demergiu, his neighbour, was discussing the match on the balcony below with his brother. Suddenly his brother shouted, '8__!' and the TV set crashed onto the balcony, almost hitting the two of them. But Radu is not going to take any action against his neighbour. 'At first I was angry with him, he could have killed us. But when he told me he had been watching the football, I completely understood. We had also been watching it and I was furious with the Romanian team too,' 3 PRONUNCIATION revision of sounds, linking a Look at the pink letters in each sentence. What's the sound? Write the sound word and symbol. 1 We can't go. They've sold out. 2 I'd like to find out about train times. 3 I'm looking forward to August. 4 I was talking to my mother but we were cut off. 5 In future, remember to switch off the kitchen lights. 6 Philip's not old enough to look after a five-year-old 7 We put on our seat belts before the flight took off. 8 They don't get on with each other. Sound word phone Symbol b O p.157 Sound Bank. Check your answers, c 7-14 Listen and repeat sentences 1-8. d You're going to hear some phrases where three words are linked together. Listen and write down the missing words. 1 There's a towel on the floor. _ ___ 4 You don't need a coat. 2 I hate this music. ____ 5 I can't hear the TV. 3 Your jacket's on the chair.______ 6 Coffee is bad for you. 4 VOCABULARY & SPEAKING a O p.155 Vocabulary Bank Phrasal verbs. b Choose and tick (harder, big>bigger, easy>easier, moderri>more modern, difficult more difficult, carefully>more carefully Irregular comparative adjectives / adverbs: good I welt>better, bad I badly> worse, far>further After than or as we can use an object pronoun me, him, ha, etc. or a subject pronoun (I, he, she) + auxiliary verb, e.g. She's taller than me OR She's taller than I am but NOT She's mlkr-than I, Grammar Bank 2A a Correct the mistakes in the highlighted phrases. t I've never saw Star Wars. I've never seen 1 He left quite early but he yet hasn't arrived . 2 We don't see each other since we left school. 3 Have you ever wrote a poem? 4 She have never been to Istanbul 5 I've lent him €50 last week, but he hasn't paid me back yet. 6 I don't see them often but I've known them since ten years. 7 What year have you left school? 8 We're lost. We already have been down this road twice. 9 I sent her an email last week, but she doesn't reply yet. 10 They live in that house since 1980. Complete the dialogues with the past simple or present perfect. I've already seen that film twice, (already / see) 1 A How long_at university? (you / be) B I__two years ago. I'm in my third year now. (start) A Do you live with your parents? B I_with them for the first two years but then I__into a student hostel last September and I___there since then, (live, move, live) 2 A . B Yes, he 3 A _ (you / ever / be) B Yes, we_ a job yet? (your brother / find) _work in a hotel, (just / start) to Nobu - that new Japanese restaurant? A What was it like? B The food_ there for my birthday, (go) fantastic but it a fortune! (be, cost) 2B a Make sentences with the present perfect continuous (and for I since if necessary). she / work there / 2003 B She's been working there since 2003. 1 how long / they / go out together li 2 I / study English / two years [±] 3 he / feel very well recently E 4 you / read that book / months! El 5 you / wait / a long time Q] 6 we / spend much time together El 7 how long / she / live there PS 8 I / rent this flat / three years. H 9 the lift / work /10 o'clock B 10 she / work here / a long time [L b Complete with a verb from the list in the present perfect continuous. bark cry do eat play shop not sleep watch A Your sister's lost a lot of weight! B Yes. She's been eatinv a lot less recenUy. 1 A Your eyes are red._you__? B Yes. I_a sad film. 2 A It's very late. Why aren't you in bed? __for the last two hours. B I can't sleep. That dog_ A You look tired. B I know. I____well recently. A Wow! You've bought a lot of things! B Yes, we_all day. A You look hot! What_you .__ B I_ in the garden with the children. 2C a Complete with one word. She's much more intelligent than her brother. He's not as clever_he thinks he is. It's _best book I've read for a long time. The journey took longer_we expected. I think it was the saddest film I've .----seen. Is Texas the biggest state _ the USA? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 He's the_selfish person I've ever met. Your watch is the same_mine. My father speaks_ We don't go swirnmirig Her brother's about 10 and she's a year younger than__ quickly than I do. _often as we did before. Complete with the comparative or superlative of the bold word. Mexican food is much spicier than American food. 1 It's_. than it was this time last year. 2 Jan's___of all my sisters. 3 He's_person in the office. 4 He looks much_with shorter hair. 5 I sat next to person at the party! _tomorrow? 6 Could we meet a bit_ 7 It was__film I've seen this year. 8 Sue is_member of my family. 9 The___way to travel is by train. 10 The beach was_from the hotel than we expected. spicy hot competitive lazy good boring early bad ambitious safe far ftlflEfljflU MultiROM 3A must, have to, should (obligation) obligation / necessity: have to I must( + infinitive) You have to wear a seatbelt in a car. Do you have to work on Saturdays? I had to wear a uniform at my primary school. I'll have to get up early tomorrow. My interview is at 9.00. I must remember to phone Emily tonight - it's her birthday. You must be on time for class tomorrow - there's a test. • Must and have to have a very similar meaning. Have to is more common for general, external obligations, for example rules and laws. Must is more common for specific (i.e. on one occasion) or personal obligations. Compare: / have to wear a shirt and tie at work (It's the rule in this company). / must buy a new shirt - this one is too old now (It's my own decision). • Have to is a normal verb and it exists in all tenses. • Mwsf is a modal verb. The only forms are must and mustn't • You can also use have to or must for strong recommendations, e.g. You haw to / must see that film - it's fantastic no obligation / necessity: don't have to You don't have to pay for the tickets. They're free. You don't have to go to the party if you don't want to. prohibition: mustn't (+ mfimtive) You mustn't eat that cake - it's for the party. You mustn't touch that. It's dangerous. Don't have to and mustn't are completely different. Compare: You mustn't drive along this street. = It's prohibited, against the law. You don't have to drive - we can get a train. = You can drive if you want to but it's not necessary / obligatory. You can often use can't or not allowed to instead of mustn't You mustn't park here. You cant park here. You're not allowed to park here. A Have got to is often used instead of have to in spoken English, e.g. I've got to go now. It's very late. advice or opinion: should I shouldn't {+ infinitive) You should take warm clothes with you to Dublin. It might be cold at night. I think the government should do something about unemployment. Should is not as strong as must I have to. We use it to say if we think something is the right or wrong thing to do. Should is a modal verb. The only forms are should and shouldn't. You can also use ought to and ought not to instead of should I shouldn't. You should take an umbrella with you. You ought to take an umbrella with you 3B must, may, might, can't (deduction) when you are sure something is true must when you are sure something is impossible / not true: can't They must be out. There aren't any lights on. She must have a lot of money. She drives a Porsche. He can't be ill. I saw him at the gym. They can't be Italian. They're speaking to each other in Spanish. when you think something is possibly true: may I might His phone's switched off. He might be on the plane now. She might not like that skirt. It's not her style. She's not at home. She may be working. He hasn't written. He may not have my address. We often use must, may I might, and can'f to say how sure or certain we are about something (based on the information we have). In this context, the opposite of must is cant NOT mustn't 3C can, could, be able to (ability and possibility) can j could be able to + infinitive I can speak Spanish very well. She could play the violin when she was three. She can't come tonight. She's ill. They couldn't wait because they were in a hurry. Could you open that door, please? Can is a modal verb. It only has a present, past, and conditional form (but can also be used with a future meaning). For other tenses and forms use be able to. I am able to accept your invitation. They weren't able to come. I'll be able to practise my English in London. She has been able to speak French since she was a child. Id like to be able to ski. I'd love being able to sleep late at weekends. You can use be able to in the present, past, future, present perfect, and as a gerund or infinitive. be able to in the present and past is more formal than can / could. Grammar Bank 3A a. Circle the correct form. You shouldn't /(mustn't)drink that water. It's not safe, 1 We mustn't / don't have to hurry. We have plenty of time. 2 You must / should remember to write the report. The boss will be furious if you forget. 3 The exhibition was free so I hadn't to I didn't have to pay. 4 Do you have to i Should you wear a uniform at your school? 5 We must i had to wait two hours at security and nearly missed our flight, 6 Had you to! Did you have to do a lot of homework when you were at school? 7 I think people who live in flats mustn't J shouldn't have dogs. 8 She's allergic to dairy products so she mustn't I doesn't have to eat anything made from milk. b Complete the second sentence with two or three words so it means the same as the first. Smoking is prohibited here. You mustn't smoke, here. 1 It isn't a good idea to go swimming after a big meal. You-swimming after a big meal. 2 Was it necessary for them to pay cash? Did _pay cash? 3 The meeting isn't obligatory. You_go to the meeting. 4 It's bad manners to talk loudly on a mobile on a train. People _quietly on their mobile on a train. 5 Lorries are not allowed to go on this road. Lorries_on this road. 3B a Match the sentences. 1 He must be over 70. f 2 He can't be at university. 3 He may not remember me. 4 He might like this book. 5 He must be very shy. 6 He can't be serious. 7 He may be in bed already. 8 He might not be at home yet. 9 He must have a computer. 10 He can't be a good footballer. A He hasn't seen me for ages. B He sometimes sends me emails. C He must be joking. D He's interested in history E He sometimes works late, F He gets up very early. G He's only 16. H He's not fit enough. J He retired 10 years ago. J He never opens his mouth. b Complete with might (not), must, or cant. This sauce is really spicy. It_must_have chilli in it. 1 A What music is this? B I'm not sure but it _ be Mozart. _be more She looks very young. She than 16. I'm not sure why she hasn't phoned. She _have my new number. They_have a lot of money. They live in an enormous house. He_be away. His car is outside his house. I_be a size 44! I'm usually a 40 or 42. It__be true! I saw it on the news. 3C a Complete with the correct form of be able to. - l'_Lti_ never been able to learn to swim. 1 Bl_send any emails since lunchtime. 2 L+] She used to_speak German really well. 3 Bl_do my homework until tomorrow. 4 Bid really like_dance well. 5 [Tj_you_come to our wedding? It's on May 10th. 6 [+1 If I spoke better English, I_get a job in a hoteL 7 [±J When I've saved another € 1000,1 _buy a new car. 8 0 She hates ,_do what she wants. b Complete with can / cant, or could I couldn't where possible. If not, use a form of be able to. They told me that they _cquWm^_ do anything about the noise. 1 1__talk to you now. I'm too busy. 2 When I lived in Rome I_speak Italian quite well. 3 I would love__play tennis very well. 4 If we don't hurry up, we _ catch the last train. 5 My mother_see much better now with her new glasses. 6 To do this job you need_speak at least two languages. 7 I help you tonight if you want. 8 They__find a flat yet. They're still looking. *1Ttt;piiTmM MultiROM 4A first conditional and future time clauses + when, until, etc. first conditional sentences: i/(or unless) + present simple, will I won't + infinitive If you don't do more work, you'll fail the exam. He'll be late for work if he doesn't hurry up. She won't get into university unless she gets good grades. • Use the present tense (NOT the future) after if in first conditional sentences. • unless = if... not I won't go unless she invites me. - I won't go if she doesn't invite me. • You can also use an imperative instead of the will clause, e.g. Come and see us next week if you have time. future time clauses As soon as you get your exam results, call me. We'll have dinner when your father gets home. I won't go to bed until you come home. I'll have lunch before I leave. After I finish university, I'll probably take a year off and travel. Use the present simple (NOT the future) after when, as soon as, until, before, and after to talk about the fut as soon as = at the moment when, e.g. I'll call you as soon as I arrive. 4B second conditional second conditional sentences: if + past simple, would I wouldn't + infinitive would/ wouldn't + irdinitive If I had more money, I'd buy a bigger house. If he spoke English, he could get a job in a hotel. I would get on better with my parents if I didn't live with them. I wouldn't do that job unless they paid me a really good salary. If I were you, I'd buy a new computer. My ideal holiday would be a week in the Bahamas. I'd never buy a car as big as yours. ♦ Use the second conditional to talk about a hypothetical / imaginary situation in the present or future and its consequence. Compare: / don't have much money, so I can't buy a bigger house (real situation). If I had more money, I'd buy a bigger house (hypothetical / imaginary situation). • Use second conditionals beginning /// were you, I'd... to give advice. Here you can't use //1 was you. You can also use would t wouldn't + infinitive (without an if clause) when you talk about imaginary situations. The contraction of would is'd. Remember the difference between first and second conditionals. If I have time, I'll help you. = a possible situation. I may have time. If I had time, I'd help you. - an imaginary / hypothetical situation. I don't / won't have time. 4C usually and used to present habits and states past habits and states I usually get up at 8.00 on school days. I don't usually go out during the week. Houses in the suburbs usually have gardens. Do you usually walk to work? We used to be close friends but we don't see each other any more. I used to go out with that girl when I was at school. Did you use to wear glasses? She didn't use to have fair hair. She had dark hair before. For present habits use usually or normally + present simple. For past habits use used to I didn't use to + infinitive. Used to does not exist in the present tense. We use used to for things that were true over a period of time in the past, It usually refers to something which is not true now. J used to smoke. = I smoked for a period time in the past but now I don't. Used to I didn't use to can be used with action verbs (e.g. wear, go out) and non-action verbs (e.g. be, have). We often use nor...any more I any longer {= not now) with the present simple to contrast with used to. I used to go to the gym but I don't any more I any longer. 136 Grammar Bank 4A a Complete with a word or expression from the list. as soon as before if unless until when After we have dinner, we could go for a drink. 1 I must write the date in my diary _I forget it. 2 Let's wait under the tree_it stops raining. 3 This job is very urgent so please do it you can. 4 We won't get a table in the restaurant we don't book. 5 I'll pay you back_I get my first salary. 6 I can't go_you pay for my ticket. I'm broke. 7 They'll be really happy_ they hear your news. 8 I want to go on working_I'm 60. Then I'D retire. 9 I must renew my passport__I go to New York. 10 _you work harder, you won't pass the final exam. b Complete with the present simple or will. I'll give him your message when I see him. (see) 1 Don't forget to turn off the lights before you__ (leave) 2 Go to bed when the film__(finish) 3 They_married until they find a place to live, (not get) 4 If I see Emma, I_her you are looking for her. (tell) 5 I'll call you as soon as I_at the hotel, (arrive) 6 You won't be able to park unless you_there early, (get) 7 As soon it stops raining, we _out. (go) 8 She won't like curry if she_spicy food, (not like) 9 Don't write anything until I _you. (tell) 10 When she finds out what he's done, she_furious, (be) Write second conditional sentences. If you / speak to your boss, I'm sure he / understand. If you spoke to your boss, I'm sure he would understand. 1 It / be better for me if we / meet tomorrow. 2 She / not treat him like that if she really / love him. 3 If I / can live anywhere in the world, I / five in New Zealand. 4 The kitchen / look bigger if we / paint it white. 5 1/ not buy that house if I / be you. 6 He / be more attractive if he / wear nicer clothes. 7 If we / not have children, we / travel more. 8 What / you do in this situation if you / be me? First or second conditional? Complete the sentences. If you tell her anything, she!Rj£lL everybody in the office. (teU) We'd have a dog if we _ had a garden, (have) 1 It'll be quicker if we_a taxi to the airport, (get) If you stopped smoking, you_better, (feel) What would you do if you If you buy the food, I_ your job? (lose) _tonight, (cook) I think he'd be happier if he_alone, (not live) I'll be very surprised if Marina _coming here, (not get lost) Where will he live if he _the job in Moscow? (get) 8 If she didn't have to look after her mother, she_life more, (enjoy) a Correct the mistakes in the highlighted phrases, b She wasn't use to be so shy. She didn't use to be 1 1 use to get up at 6.30, but I don't any more. 2 Did she always used to have long hair? 3 Do you use to have breakfast before you go to work? 4 They didn't used to have a car, they used to cycle everywhere. 5 He doesn't like coffee, so he use to drink tea in the morning. 6 He used be a teacher, but now he works for Greenpeace. 7 Do usually you wear trousers or skirts? 8 Last year we used to go to Prague in August. 9 Does she use to live near you when you were children? 10 At school we don't use to wear a uniform. We wore what we liked. Complete with used to in El, B, or ?J and a verb from the list, argue be (x2) ge have (x2) like live play work E I didn't use to go to the theatre much but now I go twice a month. 1 E Kirsty_in Bristol but she moved to London last year. you a moustache? You look different. my boss but now we get on quite well _really close but now we hardly ever meet _you_._before you started with 2 CD_ 3 HI_ 4 EI We_ 5 U Where_ this company? 6 El She_tennis professionally but she retired last year. 7 El When I lived in Paris, I always_breakfast in a cafe. 8 [T _you_with your parents when you were a teenager? 9 El He_ so slim. In fact, he was quite overweight before. te^nttTIB MultiROM 137 5A quantifiers large quantities They have a lot of money. She has lots of friends. He eats a lot. There aren't many cafes near here. Do you watch much TV? Don't run. We have plenty of time. Use a lot of I lots of'in _±J sentences. Use a lot when there is no noun, e.g. He talks a lot. Much I many are normally used in 0 sentences and I ? , but a lot of can also be used. Use plenty of in +1 sentences to mean as much as we need or more. small quantities A Do you want some ice cream? B Just a little. The town only has a few cinemas. Hurry up. We have very little time. I have very few close friends._ Use little + uncountable nouns, few + plural countable nouns. a little and a few - some, but not a lot, very little and very few ~ not much / many. zero quantity There isn't any room in the car. There's no room in the car. A How much money do you have? B None. Use any for zero quantity with a 0 verb. Use no with a 0 verb Use none (without a noun) in short answers. more than you need or want less than you need I don't like this city. It's too big. There's too much traffic. There are too many tourists. There aren't enough parks. The buses aren't frequent enough. Use too + adjective, too much + uncountable noun, too many + plural countable nouns Use enough before a noun but after an adjective. 5B articles: a / an, the, no article Use a i an with singular countable nouns - the first time you mention a thing / person. - when you say what something is. - when you say what somebody does. - in exclamations with What...! - in expressions like ... I saw an old man with a dog. It's a nice house. She's a lawyer. What an awful day! three times a week Use the - when we talk about something I saw an old man with a dog, we've already mentioned. and the dog was barking. - when there's only one of something. The moon goes round the sun. - when it's clear what you're referring to. He opened the door. - with places in a town, e.g. cinema and theatre. I'm going to the cinema. - with superlatives. It's the best restaurant in town. Don't use the - when you are speaking in general (with plural and uncountable nouns). Women talk more than men. Love is more important than money. - with some nouns (e.g. home, work, school, church) after at I to I from, She's not at home today. I get back from work at 5.30. - before meals, days, and months. I never have breakfast on Sunday. - before next I last + days, week, etc. See you next Friday. 5C gerunds and infinitives Use the gerund (verb + -ing) 1 after prepositions and phrasal verbs. 2 as the subject of a sentence. 3 after some verbs, e.g. hate, spend, don't mind. I don't mind getting up early. I'm very good at remembering names. She's gfven up smoking. Eating out is quite cheap here. Common verbs which take the gerund include: enjoy, hate, finish, like, love, mind, practise, spend, stop, suggest and phrasal verbs, e.g. give up, go on, etc. _Use the infinitive (+ to)_ 1 after adjectives. 2 to express a reason or purpose. 3 after some verbs, e.g. want, need, learn. My flat is easy to find. He's saving money to buy a new car. She's never learnt to drive. Try not to make a noise. Gerunds and infinitives form the negative with not, e.g. not to be, not being. More verbs take the infinitive than the gerund. These common verbs can take either the gerund or infinitive with no difference in meaning: begin, continue, prefer, start. Common verbs which take the infinitive (with to) include: (can't) afford, agree, decide, expect, forget, help, hope, learn, need, offer, plan, pretend, promise, refuse, remember, seem, try, want, would like JJse the infinitive (without to) _ 1 after most modal and auxiliary verbs 2 after make and let. I can't drive. We must hurry. My parents don't let me go out much. She always makes me laugh. A These verbs can take a gerund or an infinitive but the meaning is different. Try to be on time. = make an effort to be on time. Try doing yoga. - do it to see if you like it. Remember to phone him. - Don't forget to do it. / remember meeting him years ago. = I have a memory of it. Grammar Bank 5A a Circle the correct answer. Tick (vO if both are possible. I think this restaurant is (too)/ too much expensive. 1 There are too much I too many people in my salsa class. 2 Nobody likes him. He has very Utile I very few friends. 3 We've had a lot of I lots o/rain recently. 4 There aren't enough car parks I car parks enough in the city centre. 5 I have no 11 don't have any time. 6 He works a lot I much. At least ten hours a day. 7 A Do you speak French? B Yes, a little I a few. 8 I don't have no time I any time for myself. b Right (lO or wrong (X). Correct the wrong sentences. She drives too much fast. too fast 1 Slow down! We have plenty time. 2 We have too many work at the moment. 3 I think I made a few mistakes in the letter. 4 He isn't enough old to understand. 5 We can't go tomorrow. We're too busy. 6 We have very little time to do this. 7 A How many eggs are there? B Any . 8 He's retired so he has much free time. 5B a Circle the correct answer. 6 7 8 9 10 Did you see news /(ffte news) on TV" last night? Did you lock door / the door when you left a house I the house?. My brother is married to Russian I a Russian. She's lawyer 1 a lawyer. We go to theatre I the theatre about once a month I the month. What beautiful I a beautiful day\ Let's have breakfast on a terrace I the terrace. I love classical music I the classical music and Italian food i the Italian food. Who is a girl I the girl by a window I the window7. I leave home i the home at 8.00 and get to work 1 the work at 9.00. Men I The mm aren't normally as sensitive as women 1 the women. We usually have dinner I the dinner it 8.00 and go to bed 1 the bed at about 11.30. She has a lovely face 1 the lovely face and the attractive eyes I attractive eyes. b Complete with a I an, the, or - (= no article). Can you give me_a _ lift to _J&£_ station? I want to catch the 6.00 train. 1 We went to We saw_ cm em i last night. great film. 2 A Do you like_sport? I hate_football. I think B It depends. _footballers earn too much money. 3 He always wears_expensive clothes and drives_expensive car. 4 Jake's_musician and_artist. 5 They've changed_date of_meeting. It's _ next Tuesday now. 6 We walked to_city centre but we got _taxi back to__hotel. 5C Complete with the gerund or infinitive. Smoking is banned in all public places, (smoke) 1 It's very expensive_a flat in the centre, (rent) 2 Are you afraid of .--? (fly) 3 I called the restaurant__a table for tonight, (book) 4 Be careful_a noise when you come home 5 6 7 8 9 10 tonight, {not make) She's worried about Everybody went on _ _the exam, (fail) _until after midnight, (dance) an only child is a bit boring, (be) _the way if you look at the map. (find) He's terrible at_languages, (learn) A Why are you learning Spanish? B _talk to my in-laws. They're Argentinian, and they don't speak English, (be able to) It's easy b Complete the sentences with work, to work, or working. 1 regret not working harder when I was at school, I spent all weekend_on the computer. I've decided_abroad next year. You must harder if you want to get promoted. My boss often makes me_late. He isn't very good at_in a team. I don't mind_on Saturdays if I can have a day off during the week, 7 He's gone to the UK _ in his uncle's shop. 8 _with members of your family can be quite difficult. 9 My husband promised not_on my birthday. 10 I used _in a restaurant when I was a student. 1 2 3 4 5 6 frjjfojTfflfr MultiROM 139 6A reported speech: statements and questions direct statements reported statements T like shopping.' 'I'm going tomorrow.' T'll always love you.' T passed the exam!' 'I've forgotten my keys' 'I can't come.' T may be late.' T must go.' She said (that) she liked shopping. He told her he was going the next day. He said he would always love me. She told him she had passed the exam. He said he had forgotten his keys. She said she couldn't come. He said he might be late. She said she had to go. • Tenses usually change like this: present>past; will>would; past simple / present perfect>past perfect • Some modal verbs change, e.g. can>could, may>might, must>had to. Other modal verbs stay the same, e.g. could, might, should, etc. direct questions reported questions 'Are you married?' 'Did she phone?' 'What's your name?' 'Where do you live?' She asked him if he was married. He asked me whether she had phoned I asked him what his name was. They asked me where I lived. A * Must changes to had to BUT mustn't stays the same. 'You mustn't touch it.' She said I mustn't touch it. • You usually have to change the pronouns. T like...'>She said she liked... • Using that after said and told is optional. • If you report what someone said on a different day or in a different place, some time and place words can change, e.g. tomorrowMhe next day, herothere, this>that, etc. Til meet you here tomorrow'.>He said he'd meet trie there the next day. A After said don't use a person or pronoun. He said he was tired NOT He said me. After told you must use a person or pronoun. He told me he was tired. NOT He told he i • When you report a question, the tenses change as in reported statements. • When a question begins with a verb (not a question word), add iY{or whether). • You also have to change the word order to subject + verb, and not use do I did. reported speech: commands direct speech reported speech A You can't use said in these sentences. NOT She said him to go away. 'Go away* 'Don't worry.' 'Can / Could you help me?' She told him to go away. The doctor told me not to worry. I asked the shop assistant to help me. • To report an imperative or request, use told or asked + person + the mfinitive with to. • To report a negative imperative, use a negative infinitive (e.g. not to do). the passive: be + past participle 6B A lot of films are shot on location. My car is being repaired today. Death in Venice was directed by Visconti. She died when the film was being made. My bike has been stolen. You'll be picked up at the airport. This bill has to be paid tomorrow. We often use the passive when it's not clear or important who does an action, e.g. My bike has been stolen (= Somebody has stolen my bike. I don't know who.) If you want to say who did the action, use by. 6C relative clauses defining relative clauses Julia's the woman who / that works with me. It's a book which / that tells you how to relax. That's the house where I was born. That's the boy whose father plays for Real Madrid. He's the man (who / that) I met on the plane. To give important information about a person, place, or thing use a relative clause (= a relative pronoun + subject + verb). Use the relative pronouns who for people, which for things, and where for places. Use whose to mean 'of who / of which'. You can use that instead of who or which. Who, which, and that can be omitted when the verbs in the main clause and the relative clause have a different subject, e.g. He's the man I met on the plane. (The subject of met is /, so it's not necessary to put who.) non-defining relative clauses This painting, which was painted in 1860, is worth £2 million. Last week I visited my aunt, who's nearly 90 years old. Burford, where my mother was born, is a beautiful town. My neighbour, whose son goes to my son's school, has just re-married If a relative clause gives extra, non-essential information (the sentence makes sense without it), you must put it between commas (or a comma and a full stop). In these clauses, you can't leave out the relative pronoun (who, which, etc.). In these clauses, you can't use that instead of who I which Grammar Bank a Complete the sentences using reported speech. 'The hotel is full.' The receptionist told me the hotel was full . 1 'I'll call the manager.' The waiter said_ 2 'I've passed all my exams.' Jack said__ 3 'You should get to the airport early.' They said that we_.. 4 T may be late.' Jack said__ 5 'I didn't tell anybody!' Mary said__ 6 'Can you help me?' She asked us__ 7 'Do you want to dance?' He asked me__ 8 'Have you been here before?' I asked her__ 9 'What music do you like?' She asked me__ 10 'Where's the nearest bank?' I asked her__ b Complete the reported imperatives and requests. 'Don't stop here.' The traffic warden told us not to stop there. 1 'Be quiet!' The teacher told us__ 2 'Please don't smoke!' I asked the taxi driver__ 3 'Open your mouth.' The dentist told me__ 4 'Don't tell anyone!' Melinda told us__ 5 'Could you show me your driving licence?' The policeman asked me___ 6 'Please switch off your mobiles.' The flight attendant told us__ 7 'Don't eat with your mouth open!' I told my daughter_ 8 'Can you bring me the bill, please?' He asked the waiter_ 9 'Get off at the next stop.' The bus driver told me_ 10 'Don't wait.' Our friends told us__ 6B a Correct the mistakes in the highlighted phrases. Lada cars made in Russia. are made in Russia. 1 A new motorway is being build at the moment. 2 The film based on a famous novel. 3 This programme were watched by millions of people. 4 My bag was stole when I was in Florida. 5 The Harry Potter books were written for JK Rowling. 6 I couldn't send you an email because my computer was repairing. 7 You will taken to your hotel by taxi. 8 Oh no! Our flight has being cancelled. 9 English is spoke in this restaurant. 10 Seat belts must wear at all times. b Rewrite the sentences with the passive. They sell cold drinks here. Cold drinks are sold here .. 1 They subtitle a lot of foreign films. A lot of foreign films__ 2 Someone threw the letters away by mistake. The letters__ 3 Some people are painting my house. My house_. 4 They have sold all the tickets for the concert. All the tickets for the concert____ 5 They will play the match tomorrow. The match__ 6 Somebody must pay this bill tomorrow. This bill__ Complete with who, which, where, or whose. The man whose car I crashed into is taking me to court. We drove past the house___. we used to live. The girl_was talking to you is the boss's daughter. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Look! That's the man_ The car was an invention That's the restaurant_ son plays for Chelsea. _changed the world. I told you about. Is this the shop_you bought your camera? What was the name of your friend_ wife is an actress? The woman_called this morning didn't leave a message. It's the film_won all the Oscars last year. This is the book everybody is reading at the moment. b Tick (y) the sentences in a where you could leave out the relative pronoun. Are the highlighted phrases right (✓) or wrong (X)? Correct the wrong ones. After Rome we went to Venice, that we loved . X which we loved 1 Is that the girl you used to go out with ? 2 My brother, that you met at my wedding, is getting divorced. 3 It's a machine that makes sweets . 4 He lives in Valencia, that is on the east coast of Spain . 5 Our neighbour, who garden is smaller than ours, has an enormous dog. 6 Jerry, who I work with, is completely bilingual. 7 The film I saw last night, was fantastic. 8 I met some people who they come from the same village as me . MuitiROM 7A third conditional third conditional sentences: if+ had + past participle, would + have + past participle. If I'd known about the meeting, I would have gone. If I hadn't gone to that party, I wouldn't have met my wife. You wouldn't have been late if you'd got up earlier. We would have arrived at 6.00 if we hadn't got lost. The contraction of had is'd. Use third conditional sentences to talk about a hypothetical / imaginary situation in the past (which didn't happen) and its consequence. Compare: Yesterday I got up late and missed my train (= the real situation If I hadn't got up late yesterday, I wouldn't have missed my train (= the hypothetical / imaginary situation). To make a third conditional, use if+ past perfect and would have + past participle. 7b question tags, indirect questions question tags positive verb, negative tag negative verb, positive tag It's cold today, isn't it? You're Polish, aren't you? They live in Ankara, don't they? The match finishes at 8.00, doesn't it? She worked in a bank, didn't she? We've met before, haven't we? You'll be OK, won't you? She isn't here today, is she? You aren't happy, are you? They don't smoke, do they? She doesn't eat meat, does she? You didn't like the film, did you? She hasn't been to Rome before, has she? You won't tell anyone, will you? • Question tags are often used to check something you already think is true. Your name's Maria, isn't it? • To form a question tag use: - the correct auxiliary verb, e.g. do I does for the present, will / wont for the future, etc. - a pronoun, e.g. he, it, they, etc. - a negative tag if the sentence is positive, and a positive tag if the sentence is negative. indirect questions direct question indirect question Where's the bank? What time do the shops close? Is there a bus stop near here? Does this train go to Victoria? Could you tell me where the bank is? Do you know what time the shops close? Do you know if there's a bus stop near here? Could you tell me if this train goes to Victoria? If the question begins with an auxiliary verb, add if (or whether) after Could you tell me...? I Do you know... ? We also use this structure after Can you remember... ?, e.g. Can you remember where he lives? To make a question more polite we often begin Could you tell me... ? or Do you know... ? The word order changes to subject + verb, e.g. Do you know where the post office is? NOT Do you know whereis, the post office? 7C phrasal verbs group 1: no object - verb and up, on, etc. can't be separated. Come on! Hurry up! We're late. The plane took off two hours late. Go away and never comeback! group 2: with object - verb and up, on, etc can't be separated. I'm looking for my keys. NOT I'm looking my keys for. 1 asked for chicken, not steak. Please look after the baby. I don't get on with my sister. I'm looking forward to the party. A phrasal verb is a verb combined with a particle (= an adverb or preposition). Sometimes the meaning of the phrasal verb is obvious from the verb and the particle, e.g. sit down, come back. Sometimes the meaning is not obvious, e.g. give up smoking (= stop smoking), carry on talking (— continue talking). In group 3, where the verb and particle can be separated, if the object is a pronoun, it must go between the verb and particle. Switch it off. NOT Switch off ih Throw them away. NOT Threw away them. group 3: with object - verb and up, on, etc. can be separated. Please switch off your phone. / Please switch your phone off. Can you fill in this form, please? / Can you fill this form in, please? They've set up a new company. / They've set a new company up. Don't throw away those papers. / Don't throw those papers away. A Sometimes a phrasal verb has more than one meaning, e.g. The plane took off. He took off his shoes. Grammar Bank 71 7A a Match the phrases. 1 If you hadn't reminded me, I 2 This wouldn't have happened 3 If they hadn't worn their seat belts, 4 We wouldn't have been late 5 We would have gone to the beach 6 If you hadn't told me it was him, 7 You would have laughed 8 I wouldn't have bought it 9 If you'd arrived two minutes earlier, 10 If you hadn't forgotten the map, 11 It would have been cheaper A if you'd seen what happened. B we wouldn't have got lost. C if it hadn't rained. D you would have seen them. E if I'd known you didn't like it. F if we'd bought tickets on the Internet. G if you'd been more careful. H they would have been killed. I I would have forgotten. J I wouldn't have recognized him. K if we hadn't missed the bus. c Complete the third conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs. If you hadn't helped me, I wouldn't have finished on time, (not help, not finish) 1 We_ if our best player _injured, (win, not be) 2 If she_he was so mean, she 3 I 4 If we him. (know, not marry) you some money if you me. (lend, ask) _more time, we_ another day in London, (have, spend) I._to help you if you b Cover A-K. Look at 1-9 and try to remember the end of the sentence. 6 If you 7 You me about it earlier, (be able, tell) _me yesterday, _ my plans, (ask, change) _the weekend if you with us, (enjoy, come) 7B Complete with a question tag (are you?, isn't it?, etc.) Your name's Mark, Jsn't it ? You don't take sugar in your coffee,_? They're on holiday this week,_? He can't be serious, _? She eats meat,___? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 You won't be late,_ She was married to Tom Cruise, We've seen this film before,_ You didn't tell anybody,_ You would like to come,_ It's hot today,__? Make indirect questions. Where's the station? Could you tell me where the station is? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Do you know. Can you tell me Where do they live? Is there a bank near here? Where can I buy some stamps? Do you know_ Does this bus go to the castle? Could you tell me What time do the shops open? Do you know_ Where are the toilets? Is Susan at work today? Did Milan win last night? Where did we park the car? What's the time? Could you tell me Do you know.__ Do you know_ Can you remember Could you tell me 7c a Complete with the right particle (in, on, etc.). What time did you get up this morning? Could you turn_the radio? I can't hear it. I'm in a meeting. Could you call_later, say in half an hour? Hurry_! We'll be late. The match is_! Brazil have won. How long has she been going with him? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Are we having dinner at home or are we eating _? Athletes always warm_before a race. I didn't wake_until 8.30 this morning. If you don't know the word, look it _ in a dictionary. 1 went online to find_what time the trains were. Rewrite the sentences. Replace the object with a pronoun. Change the word order where necessary. Turn on the TV, Turn it on. 1 Take off your shoes. 2 Could you look after the children? 3 Do you get on with your sister* 4 Switch off your mobiles. 5 I'm looking for my glasses. 6 Please pick up that towel. 7 Turn down fhe music1. 8 I'm really looking forward to the trip, 9 Can I try on this dress? 10 Don't throw away that letter*. ^IQigjcy MultiROM 143 Food and restaurants Today's menu Prawn cocktail Onion soup Grilled steak and chips Salmon with boiled potatoes Strawberries and cream Tiramisu 1 Food a Put two food words in each column. Use your dictionary to help you. fish / seafood beans duck lettuce/'letis/ peaches prawns /pro:nz/ salmon /'saeman/ sausages /'sDsid3iz/ strawberries /'stroibariz/ meat frui b Add three more words to each column. 2 Food adjectives Complete the adjective column with a word from the box. fresh frozen home-made low-fat raw ItyJ spicy/'spaisi/ sweet takeaway Adjective 1 I love my mum's cooking. food is always the best. 2 Indian food like curry is very I. 3 Sushi is made with fish. 4 Food which is kept very cold is I. 5 food is food you buy at a restaurant and take home to eat 6 People on a diet often try to eat food. 7 These eggs are , I bought them today. 8 This tea's very . You've put too much sugar in it! 3 Restaurants and cooking a Match the words and pictures, knife /naif/ pi /naivz/ ■ fork desserts /di'z3:ts/ spoon plate glass main courses /mem ko:siz/ napkin (serviette) salt and pepper starters b Match the words and pictures, boiled rice roast chicken baked potatoes grilled sausages fried eggs steamed vegetables O p.6 Can you remember the words on this page? Test yourself or a partner. >1iTTirJrf1^l MultiROM Sport Vocabulary Bank I People and places a Match the words and pictures. captain /'kseptin/ spectators coach team fans stadium players sports hall referee ll 5"1 IM» ^ - b Match the places and sports. circuit /'S3:kit/ court /ka:t/ course pitch pool slope track 1 tennis / basketball_ 2 football / rugby / hockey .. 3 swimming / diving_ 4 athletics _ 5 Formula 1 / motorcycling 6 golf_ 7 ski_ 2 Verbs a Complete with the past tense and past participles. beat _ _ win___ lose _ _ draw /drai/ _ ..____ Complete the Verb column with the past tense of a verb from a. Verb 1 Milan Chelsea 3-0. 2 The Chicago Bulls 78-91 (to Celtics). 3 Spain ABB (with Brazil) 2-2. 4 Milan flH (the match) 3-0. You win a match, competition, medal, or trophy. You beat another team or person NOT Milan won Chelsea. c Complete the Verb column. do get fit get injured f'mdgsdf go play score train warm up _ Verb 1 Players usually i before a match starts. _ 2 Professional sportspeople have to every day. _ 3 It's dangerous to play tennis on a wet court You might I. 4 I've started going to the gym, because 1 want to I. _ 5 He's a good player. I think he's going to a lot of goals. _ 6 Would you like to swimming this afternoon? _ 7 1 basketball twice a week. 8 My brothers yoga and tai-chi. _ Can you remember the words on this page? Test yourself or a partner. O p-io *r■ "TTi^MultiROM Personality 1 What are they like? a Complete the sentences with the personality adjectives. affectionate /a'fekjanat/ aggressive ambitious bossy charming competitive independent jealous /'dsebs/ manipulative moody reliable /ri'laiabl/ selfish sensible sensitive sociable /'saujsbl/ spoilt 1 _Spoilt_children behave badly because they are given everything they want. 2 _people always want to win. 3 _people think about themselves and not about other people. ——f^fe_-—^0/""~N 4 _people get angry quickly and like fighting and arguing. ~ jl-' /"-"I 5 ,-people have an attractive personality that makes people like them. /frTL^ Js^sSl J 6 _people have common sense and are practical. |/y _ £^L]^£\! 7 _people are friendly and enjoy being with other people. (g^fj E3ja*c^3 ^ H _people are good at influencing other people to do what they want, * jy $ lMV'" 9 _people are happy one minute and sad the next, and are often bad-tempered. — \~7ffov^y^j LXJJ. 10 _people like doing things on their own, without help. Ay] jjff |fT/jS' 11 ._people like giving orders to other people, -f^lJvi x cfc»-c^ SsK ^3 12 _people show that they love or like people very much. r\$^U^m M^S^^C^ 13 _ people are people you can trust or depend on. F^Kl^^M^Bc^^> 14 _._people understand other people's feelings or are easily hurt or offended. E1-, Qj -^SssS^rr^ / 15 _people want to be successful in life. *&==*&^-i_^—r""1—^^fes 16 people think that someone loves another person more than them, or wants what other people have. b With a partner, look at the adjectives again. Are they positive, negative, or neutral characteristics? 2 Opposite adjectives Match the adjectives and their opposites. extrovert hard-working mean self-confident stupid talkative clever generous insecure lazy quiet shy 3 Negative prefixes Which negative prefix do you use with these adjectives? Put them in the correct column. ambitious friendly honest /'onist/ imaginative kind organized patient /'peijhtV reliable responsible selfish sensitive sociable tidy/'taidi/ un- dis- in- i im- / ir- unambitious Can you remember the words on this page? Test yourself or a partner. Op-15 'Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?' MultiROM wvvw.oup.cotn/elL/englishfile/intermediate Money Vocabulary Bank 1 Verbs Complete with a verb in the correct tense. be worth /W3:6V borrow inherit invest lend can't afford h' fb:d/ charge owe /ao/ save take out cost earn waste /weist/ 1 My uncle died and left me £2000. 2 I put some money aside every week for my next holiday. 3 1 asked my brother to give me € 10 until next week. 4 My brother gave me € 10 until next week. 5 I often spend money on stupid things. 6 I don't have enough money to buy that car. 7 I had to pay the mechanic £ 100 to repair my car. 8 I went to the cash machine and got € 200. 9 I bought a book. It was $25. 10 Jim gave me £100.1 haven't paid it back yet. 11 I bought some shares in British Telecom. 12 1 work in a supermarket. They pay me € 2000 a month. 13 I could sell my house for about €200,000. I _ I _ I _ He £2000 from my uncle, money every week. € 10 from him. _ me € 10. _money. I often_ I__to buy that car. The mechanic_ _me £100 I.- €200 from the cash machine The book_(me) $25. I__ I_ I_ My house Jim £100. some money. €2000 a month about Prepositions Complete the Preposition column. 1 I paid the dinner last night. 2 When can you pay me the money I lent you? 3 Would you like to pay cash or I credit card? 4 I spent € 50 books yesterday. 5 I don't like lending money friends. 6 I borrowed a lot of money the bank. 7 They charged us € 60 a bottle of wine. Nouns Match the words and definitions. Preposition cash machine/'kaef ma [Jin/ coin loan mortgage /'msigidj/ note salary tax 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A piece of paper money. A piece of money made of metal. Money a person gets for the work he / she does, Money that you pay to the government. Money that somebody (or a bank) lends you. Money that you borrow from a bank to buy a house. A machine inside or outside a bank where you can get money. Can you remember the words on this page? Test yourself or a partner. Op.2l MultiROM Transport and travel 1 Plane Match the words and pictures. land (vb) check-in desk luggage /'Ugid^ boarding card pass baggage reclaim take off (vb) gate (suit) case aisle /ail/ 2 Train Match the words and pictures, railway station platform carriage /'kaendy ticket office the underground 3 Road a Match the words and pictures, coach bike lorry car van scooter motorbike tram helmet motorway b Complete the compound nouns. area belt crash fine hour jam lane lights limit park rank station transport works 4 Travel petrol traffic seat_ rush car_ 1 2 3 4 5 6 parking 7 yaffic 8 speed — 9 public _ 10 pedestrian 11 cycle_ 12 road _ 13 taxi_ 14 car _ a place where you can get petrol, often with a shop or cafe I the time of day when there is a lot of traffic when two or more cars hit each other money you have to pay for parking illegally when there is so much traffic that cars can't move @ buses, trams, trains, etc. a place where you can't drive a narrow part of the road for bicycles only where taxis park when they are waiting for customers a place where you can leave your car flight journey /'d33:ni/ trip travel 1 A_is when you travel from one place to another by car, train, plane, etc. 2 _ is normally used as a verb, e.g. I_a lot. 3 A_ is when you go somewhere by plane. 4 A_is when you go somewhere, either for a holiday or on business, stay there, and come back again. Can you remember the words on this page? Test yourself or a partner O p.30 148 ^T£j2£jL9 MultiROM Describing people Vocabulary Bank 1 Age Complete the phrases, mid- early about late forties 1 He's 2 He's in his _ 3 She's in her 4 She's in her 5 He is his_ 20. = 19, 20, or 21 _. = between 41 and 49 thirties. = between 34 and 36 _sixties. = between 67 and 69 seventies. = between 71 and 73 2 Height and build Match the sentences and pictures A-C. He's tall and slim. He's short and a bit overweight /sova'weit/. He's medium height /'miidiam 'halt/ and well built. A Thin and slim are both the opposite of fat, but slim = thin in an attractive way. 3 Hair Match the sentences and pictures. 1 She has fair (or blonde) hair and a ponytail 2 She has long wavy hair. 3 He has grey hair and a beard /biod/. 4 She has short brown curly hair. 5 She has red shoulder-length hair. 6 He's bald /bo:ld/ and has a moustache /mo'staiJV. 7 She has straight dark hair and a fringe. 4 General adjectives a Are these adjectives B or 3? Are they used for men, women, or both? Write M, W, or B. Hor3 M,W,orB attractive beautiful good-looking handsome /'hsenssm/ plain pretty /'priti/ ugly A What does he I she look like? = Can you describe his / her appearance? What is he / she like? - Can you describe his / her personality? Can you remember the words on this page? Test yourself or a partner. Op.41 ■.-frTTiciimm MuttiROM www.oupxom/elVenglishfile/intermediate 149 Education 1 Verbs Complete the Verb column. behave cheat do fail learn leave pass revise start study take 1 When she was at school, she used to for hours every evening. 2 I must tonight. I have an exam tomorrow. 3 Our history teacher was terrible. We didn't anything. 4 If you don't your homework, you can't watch TV later. 5 The teacher was angry because some of the pupils had tried to 6 If you want to be a doctor, you have to a lot of exams. 7 In the UK children school when they are four and can't 8 I hope I'm going to my exams. My parents will be furious if I 9 He was a rebel at school. He used to very badly. 2 Places and people Match the words and definitions. Verb studx_ in the exam. before they are 16. (or do) boarding school/'bo:din/ graduate /'gra2d3U3t/ head teacher nursery school primary school private school pupil /'pju:pl/ professor religious school /niidps/ secondary school state school student 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A school paid for by the government which gives free education. A non-government school where you have to pay. A school for very young children, e.g. 1-4. A school for young children, e.g. from 4-11. A school for older children, e.g. 11-18. A school where pupils live, eat, and sleep. A school where the teachers are often priests or nuns. The 'boss' of a school. A senior university teacher. A person who is studying at a college or university. A child who is at school. A person who has finished university and has a degree (e.g. in economics). School life Match the sentences and pictures. 1 I We have to wear a horrible uniform! 2 The discipline here is very strict. 3 I My timetable's terrible this term! 4 I 1 love maths. It's my favourite subject 5 I Look! The exam results are on the notice board A Exam results can be given as marks (usually out of 10 or 100) or as grades (A, B, C, etc.). Can you remember the words on this page? Test yourself or a partner. O p-52 MultiROM Houses Vocabulary Bank 1 Types of houses Match the words and pictures. block of flats {US apartment building) cottage /'kotidy detached house terraced house 2 Where people live Match the sentences. 1 I live in the country. 2 I live in the city centre. 3 I live in the suburbs. 4 I live in a village /'vilid^. 5 I live in a small town. 6 I live in a residential area. 7 I live on the second floor. 3 Parts of a house Match the words and pictures. balcony chimney garage /'gxra:^/ garden gate path roof steps terrace /'teras/ ■ wall a It has 20,000 inhabitants. b It's very small, with only 800 inhabitants. c There are a lot of houses but no offices or big shops. d It's right in the middle of the city. e It's the area outside the central part of town. f There are two floors below me. g There are fields and trees all around me. 4 Furniture a Put two words in each column. Use your dictionary to help you. washbasin sink shower bedside table dishwasher coffee table armchair chest of drawers bathroom kitchen living room bedroom b Add two more words to each column. Can you remember the words on this page? Test yourself or a partner. O p.58 g^rcrffl^ MultiROM 151 Work 1 Describing your job a Read the texts and match them to the pictures. What are the jobs? mi mum iii IIIH A' iL, 1 I only work part-time - four mornings a week, and I sometimes do overtime on a Saturday morning. I don't earn a big salary. Its a temporary job and I only have a six-month contract at the moment But the working hours suit me as I have very young children. When they go to school I would like to find a permanent job and work full-time What I like most about my job is working in complete silence! The only noise you can hear is of people turning pages and whispering. 2 I did a six-month traipijig course at Technical College to get my qualifications and then I worked for a local company to get some experience. I worked long hours for a low salary and so I resigned last year and became self-employed. I prefer working for myself. I don't work regular hours (sometimes people call me in the middle of the night) but you can earn a lot of money in this job, especially in the winter If I'm lucky, I'll be able to retire when I'm 60! b Match the highlighted words in the texts to definitions. 1 a written legal agreement 2 the knowledge you get from doing a job 3 a series of lessons to learn to do a job 4 the time you spend doing a job 5 working for yourself, not for a company 6 to stop working when you reach a certain age, e.g. 65 7 left a job because you wanted to 8 lasting for a short time 9 for only a part of the day or the week 10 exams you've passed or courses you've done contract (opposite (opposite 2 Saying what you do Complete the Prepositions column. Prepositions 1 I work a multinational company. - 21 work a manager. _ 3 I'm charge the marketing department. _,- 41 work a factory. ._ 5 I'm responsible customer loans. _ 6 I'm school / university. ._ 7 I'm I my third year. - 3 People Write two more jobs in each column. -er -or -ist lawyer /'hip/ actor psychologist plumber conductor scientist ran electrician librarian others accountant chef/fef/ A An employer is a person or company that employs other people. An employee is a person who works for somebody. Can you remember the words on this page? Test yourself or a partner. Op.76 152 ■t-l^iHTTiy MultiROM Shopping Vocabulary Bank 1 Places a Match the words and pictures. department store supermarket street market shopping centre (US mall) b Match the shops and pictures of what you can buy there, baker's bookshop butcher's/'bo tfaz/ chemist's / pharmacy newsagent's stationer's travel agent's shoe shop 2 In the shop Match the words and definitions or pictures. _■■!(■■■! s ap I bargain /'barqsiV basket customer discount manager receipt /ri'sht/ refund sales shop assistant trolley /'troll/ shop window till 1 5 6 a time when shops sell things at lower prices than usual something that you buy for what you think is a good price a place at the front of a shop where you can see the products a piece of paper which shows you have paid for something a reduction in the price a person who works in a shop 7 8 9 10 11 12 money that is paid back to you when you are unhappy with something you buy a person who buys things in a shop the person who is in charge of a shop, hotel, etc. 3 Verbs and phrases Match the sentences. 1 I often buy books online. 2 This shop sells books. 3 I'm going to buy the dishwasher on credit. 4 I went back to the shop to complain. 5 I had to queue /kju:/ for ages in the bank. 6 I want to try on this dress. 7 I'm just looking. 8 I had to pay 16% VAT. I a I had to wait behind lots of other people. b I don't need any help at the moment. c 1 buy books on the Internet. d I'm going to pay for it over 12 months. e I want to see what I look like in it. f I had to pay tax on it. g You can buy books in this shop. h I went there to tell them I wasn't happy. O p.85 Can you remember the words on this page? Test yourself or a partner. ^rffmflj MultiROM 153 Cinema 1 Kinds of film Match the films and film types, action film comedy horror film musical science fiction thriller western 2 People and things Match the words and definitions. audience /'o:dions/ east director extra plot scene /sim/ sequel /'shkwal/ soundtraek- special effects star subtitles script 1 cast all the people who act in a film 2 the most important actor or actress in a film 3 director the person who makes a film 4 soundtrack the music of a film 5 the story of a film 6 a part of a film happening in one place 7 the people who watch a film in a cinema 8 a film which continues the story of an earlier film 9 images, often created by a computer 10 the words of the film 11 person in a film who has a small, unimportant part, e.g. in a crowd scene 12 translation of the dialogue of a film into another language 3 Verbs and phrases Match the sentences 1-6 with the sentences a-f. 1 The film was set in 19th century Italy and England. 2 It was based on a novel by EM Forster. *M 3 It was filmed / shot on location in Florence. 4 It was directed by James Ivory. 5 Helena Bonham-Carter played the part of Lucy. 6 It was dubbed into other languages. a He was the director. b It was situated in that place at that time. c This was her role in the film. d The actors originally spoke in English. e It was an adaptation of the book. f It was filmed in the real place, not in a studio. Can you remember the words on this page? Test yourself or a partner. O p.90 ■^raiffl'B MultiROM vvvvwoupcom/elVenglishfile/intermediate Phrasal verbs Vocabulary Bank a The phrasal verbs below are all from Files 1-7. Cover the Particle column and look at sentence 1. Try to remember the phrasal verb. b Uncover to check. Then do the same for the other sentences. 1 When I go to a restaurant I always ask something low fat. 2 I often eat with friends at local restaurants. 3 Players usually warm before a match starts. 4 When we have an argument we always make quickly. 5 How do you get your brothers and sisters? 6 Take the camera to the shop and get your money I. 7 I took some money of a cash machine. 8 A German woman gave all her money to charity. 9 I organized a school reunion but nobody turned I. 10 She works in an animal sanctuary. She looks apes. 11 We set early and caught the 6.00 a.m. train. 12 The plane took and soon 1 was looking down on London. 13 I picked my suitcase and followed the 'Exit' signs. 14 A taxi picked me and took me to the airport. 15 I checked at the airport and got my boarding pass. 16 We were talking on the phone but suddenly she hung I. 17 If he's not at home, I'll call later. 18 I think people should switch their mobiles in restaurants. 19 I tried to learn to dance salsa but I gave . I was terrible at it. 20 I want to take H a water sport like scuba-diving. 21 If I like this course, I'll carry next year. 22 BeUiany has written a book which is going to be made a film. 23 The Sunday Times decided to find if school is easier than it used to be. 24 The teacher told me to do the button of my shirt. 25 Carol's parents didn't like her boyfriend so they went together in secret. 26 After a year she broke with her boyfriend. 27 If you have something you never use, throw it I. 28 Slow ! You're driving too fast. 29 I complained and the company tried to sort the problem. 30 Aung San Suu-kyi didn't see her sons grow . She was under house arrest. 31 Bill and Melinda Gates set a foundation to provide vaccinations. 32 You're very nervous. You need to calm I. 33 I bumped an old friend in the street yesterday. 34 He was looking having dinner with his friends. 35 Look ! There's a car coming! 36 Her grandmother passed last year at the age of 93. 37 We can't go to the concert. It's sold I. 38 Turn the TV. There's a programme I want to watch. 39 Turn the radio. It's too loud. 40 Where can I plug my computer? A Some phrasal verbs have more than one meaning: I was hot so I took off my jacket. The plane took off. SCHOOL- Nobody turned up. up back off up up on into out up out up away down out Do it up! away out down in Look out! O piio Can you remember the words on this page? Test yourself or a partner. MultiROM Irregular verbs Infinitive Past simple Past participle be was been beat beat beaten become became become begin began begun bite bit bitten blow blew /blu:/ blown break broke broken bring brought /bro:t/ brought build built /bilt/ built buy bought /bo:V bought can could /cod/ — catch caught fko:xJ caught choose chose chosen come came come cost cost cost cut cut cut do did done draw drew drawn dream dreamt dreamt drink drank drunk drive drove driven eat ate eaten fall fell fallen feel felt felt fight fought /hit/ fought find found found fly flew/flu:/ flown forget forgot forgotten get got got give gave given go went gone grow grew /gru:/ grown hang hung hung have had had hear heard /h3:d/ heard hide hid /hid/ hidden hit hit hit hold held held hurt hurt hurt keep kept kept know knew /nju:/ known learn learnt learnt leave left left lend lent lent let let let lie lay /lei/ lain /lem/ lose lost lost make made made mean meant /ment/ meant meet met met pay paid paid put put /poť put read read /red/ read /red/ ride rode /raod/ ridden ring rang rung run ran run say see seU send set shine show shut sing sit sleep speak spend stand steal swim take teach tell think throw understand wake wear win write said /sed/ saw /so:/ sold sent set shone /Ton/ showed shut sang sat slept spoke spent stood /stud/ stole swam said seen sold sent set shone shown /faon/ shut sung sat slept spoken spent stood stolen swum took /tok/ taught told thought /QxXf threw /BrwJ understood taken taught told thought thrown /Arson/ understood woke wore won /wAn/ wrote woken worn won written >1»Tn>my MultiROM vvww.oup.conVeMyenglishfile/intermediate English sounds sound bank 10 13 °c 14 17 IS short vowels long vowels diphthongs 15 19 12 16 20 22 2b 26 29 50 33 34 37 38 4rl 3& 25 31 35 39, voiced unvoiced 43 24 27 28 32 36 40 14 1 fish /fij/ 2 tree /tri:/ 3 cat /kart/ 4 car /ka:/ 5 clock /klok/ 6 horse /hais/ 7 bull /bul/ 8 boot /buit/ 9 computer /kamp'juita/ 10 bird /bad/ 11 egg /eg/ 12 Up /Ap/ 13 train /trein/ 14 phone /faon/ 15 bike /bark/ 16 owl /aol/ 17 boy /bar/ 18 ear /ia/ 19 chair /tjea/ 20 tourist /'Uranst/ 21 parrot /'paerat/ 33 thumb /(Urn/ 22 bag /baeg/ 34 mother /'rriAoa/ 23 key /ki:/ 35 chess /tjes/ 24 girl /gad/ 36 jazz /d3aez/ 25 flower /'flaoa/ 37 leg /leg/ 26 vase fvaiz/ 38 right /rail/ 27 tie /lai/ 39 witch /wit]1/ 28 dog /dog/ 40 yacht /jot/ 29 snake /sneik/ 41 monkey /'mApki/ 30 zebra /'zebra/ 42 nose /nauz/ 31 shower /'Jaoa/ 43 singer /'sins/ 32 television /'telrvi3n/ 44 house /haus/ »l^fltfil» MultiROM r Sounds and spelling - vowels usual spelling A but also fish i dish bill pitch fit ticket since pretty women busy decided village physics 9, tree ee speed sweet ea peach team e refund medium people magazine key niece receipt cat a fan tram crash tax carry land car ar garden charge starter a path glass cast aunt laugh heart H clock o lorry cost plot bossy off on watch want sausage because horse or score floor al bald wall aw prawns draw warm course thought caught audience board bull u full butcher's oo cook book look good could should would woman boot oo pool moody u* true student ew few interview suitcase juice shoe move soup through queue bird er term prefer ir dirty third ur curly turn learn work world worse journey computer Many different spellings, always unstressed, other nervous about complain director information especially before consonant + e egg usual spelling e menu lend text spend plenty cent public subject ugly duck hurry cup up phone bike ear chair tourist N Ju/ a* save gate ai railway plain ay may say o* broke stone frozen mobile oa roast coach i* fine resign y shy Cycle igh flight frightened ou hour lounge proud ground town brown ow Ol boiled noisy spoilt coin oy enjoy employer eer beer engineer ere here we're ear beard appearance air airport upstairs fair hair are rare careful A but also friendly already healthy many Said money worried someone enough country tough break steak great weight they grey owe slow although shoulders buy eyes height really idea serious their there wear pear area A very unusual sound, euro furious sure plural A sound between hi and !vJ. Consonant + y at the end of words is pronounced . , happy angry thirsty An unusual sound, education usually situation 158 ^nflfmu MuitiROM!t/englishfile/intermediate Sounds and spelling - consonants usual spelling A but also parrot p plate pupil transport trip pp shopping apply fc bag b beans bill probably job bb rabbit dubbed V keys c court script k kind basket ck track lucky chemist's school mechanic queue girl g golf grilled burger forget gg aggressive luggage & flower f food roof ph photo nephew ff traffic affectionate enough laugh f vase v van vegetables travel invest private behave of # tie t try tidy stupid suict tt attractive cottage worked passed dog d director afford comedy confident dd address middle failed bored tf snake St zebra s steps likes ss boss assistant ce/ci twice city science scene z lazy freezing s lose cosy loves trousers ¥ shower sh short dishwasher selfish cash ti ambitious station (+ vowel) ci special sociable (+ vowel) sugar sure chef moustache television An unusual sound. revision decision confusion usually garage usual spelling A but also thumb th thin thriller healthy path maths both | th the that with further whether mother chess ch tch t (+ure) change cheat pitch match picture future jazz J g dge jealous just generous manager fridge judge iiii|im leg I II lettuce salary until reliable sell trolley right r rr result referee primary fried borrow carriage written wrong witch w wh wear waste western motorway white which one once 4 yacht y before u yet year yoghurt yourself university argue monkey m mm mean slim romantic charming summer swimming iamb nose n mi napkin honest none spoon tennis thinner knife knew cooking going spring bring think bank singer is house h handsome helmet hard inherit unhappy perhaps who whose whole MultiROM OXJORD university press Great Clarendon Street. Oxford OX2 ffi>f Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford It furthers the University's objrrtivr of excellence in research scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford New York Auckland Cape Town Dares Salaam Hong Kong Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi New Delhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto With offices in Argentina Austria Brazil Chile Czech Republic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan Poland Portugal Singapore South Korea Switzerland Thailand Turkey Ukraine Vietnam oxfokd and oxford English are registered trade marks of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain Other countries © Oxford University Press 3006 The moral rights of the author have been asserted Database rijiht Oxford University Press (maker) First published 2006 joio 2009 2008 2007 2006 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 No unauthorized photocopying All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law. or tinder terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the ELTRights Department. Oxford University Press, at the address above You must not circulate this book in any other binding or cover and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer Any websites referred to in this publication are in the public domain and their addresses are provided by Oxford University Press tor informa tion only. Oxford University Press disclaims any responsibility for the content. jsbn-13: 978 0194518000 isbn-io: O1945180OO Printed by Grafiasa S A in Portugal ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Design anil ngmjiigniuwi by: Stephen Strong The authors would rife to thank all the teachers and students round ihc world whose feedback has helped us to shape New English file. We would also like to rhanlc Kevin Poulter, Juan Antonio Fernandez Marin, Karen Wade. Rafael Lloyd, and Dagmara Walkowicz, for agreeing to be interviewed, and Qarie and Victoria (Mark and Allle). The authors would also like to thank all those at Oxford University Press (both in Oxford and around the world). and Thcdesign team Finally, very special thanks from Clive to Maria Angeles, Lucia. and Eric, and from Christina to Cristina, for ail their help and encouragement. Christina would also like to thank her children Joaquin. Marco, and Krysia for their constant inspiration. The authors would like to dedicate this book to Krzysztof OabrowskL The publisher and authors would also Bite to thank theJbHowing ^rtheu-irn^iiar^/erftarkonthemfltmob; Beatriz Martin. Wendy Armstrong. Tim Banks. Brian Brennan. Jane Hudson. Elena Ruiz, Maria Sonsoles de HaroBrito, and Gaye Wilkinson The authors and" puWisherare grote/ul to those who have given permission to reproduce the /oBtwfng extracts and adaptations vf rorivnjghr material: p. 19 adapted extracts from 'Jam today tomorrow ...yesterday... the day before thai... the 11 years before that' by Sam CDates from The Times 23rd June 2004 © The Times 2004. p.20 lyrics from Ka-ching!' words and music by Shania Twain and Robert John Lange © 2002 Loon Echo Incorporated/ Out of Pocket Productions Limited. Universal Music Publishing Limited (50%)' Zonula Music Publishers limited (SOS). All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Secured, p.22 translated and abridged extracts from "Pobre por vocacion' by Ana Alonso Mantes from El Mundo 24th March 2002. Reproduced by kind permission of El Mundo, p .26 adapted extracts from 'A holiday can change your life* by Mark Hod son from The Sunday Times 27ih April 2003 © The Times 2003, p.35 ada pted extracts from Why 1 didn't want to oe a mil I io naire' by Kira Cochi-ane (torn The Sunday Tones 11th January 2004. Reproduced by kind permission of the author, p.38 adapted extracts from 'Grinand bear it' by Miranda Ingram from The Times 16th June 2004 ©The Times 2004, p.40 adapted extracts from A passport to embarrassment1 by John Crowley from The Daily Telegraph 8th August 2003 © Dairy Telegraph 2003, p.43 abridged extracts from 'Match the woman to the life' from Marie Qatre June 2003 © Fanny Johnstone/Charlie Gray/Neil Cooper/Marie ClaireJ IPC* Syndication, p.51 adapted extracts from "The best day of my life!' by Ray Connolly from The Daily Mail Weekend Magazine Sth December2001 ©The Daily Mail 2001. p.53 abridged extracts from "Homework . old habits die hard so 1 decide to forget' by Damian Whitworth from The Times 30th November 2004 ©The Times 2004. p.S6 adapted extracts from 'Getting personal -Joaquin Cortes* by Carolyn Asome from The Times 16th September 2004 © The Times 2004. p 56 adapted extracts from 'Getting personal - Isabella Rossellini' by Carolyn Asome from The Times 11th November 2004 © The Tunes 2004. p.62 adapted extracts from Is it time to edit your friendsr by Julie Myerson from Red Magazine Novem ber 2001. Reproduced by kind permission of the author, p.73 adapted extracts from 'A gossip with the girls?' by Peter Markham from The Daily Man* 18th October 2001 © The Daily Mai] 2001. p. 100 adapted extracts from 'Missed youf from The Doily road 26th July 2001 © The Daily Mail 2001. p.102 adapted extracts from Cheat your way to luck* by Richard Wiseman from The Daily Malt 13th January 2003. Reproduced by kind permission of the author, p. 106 extract from A Venetian Reckoning' by Donna Leon. Reproduced by kind permission of Macrrullan, London, UK. The publisher would like to thank the/ol/owfng^ir their Hnd permission to reproduce photographs and other copyright material: AKG pp.15 (Archie Miles Collection), 154 (LucisfilmpOth Century Fox/Star Wars): Alamy pp.7 I Food Features/Cheese, trifle); Albanpix pl9 (Rob Howirthl; Allstar pp 9? 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